I just bought a very good V8 xs that needs a sill, couple of mud flaps and a patch in the A pillar for £430. Your £3500 will go along way to making a good one.

Yeah exactly, $3500 to ship and the 3000 I can get for it here by selling is around £4000 I can buy something very nice or make something nice for that. Not worth it.
2nd night camping on frasier 20 metres from the ocean. Its Freaking amazing here haven't stopped smiling all day driving tracks. Pictures when ive got reliable internet and hopefully some go pro footage tomorrow now ive charged it :doh:
right its about time i updated the last few weeks :D

firstly i spend 3 days driving Fraser Island, if you don't know what Fraser Island is, its the worlds largest sand island being 140 km from end to end of almost continuous beach driving :D

here's a beasty 130 :D

some beasty patrols (i know )

this guys job is to drive all the tracks in australia to map them :D :D best job in the world

and of course my girl :)

So after the last 2 pictures which were at the top of the island I realised I had 2 hours to get to the ferry at the bottom of the island 140 km away :eek:

And I made it !!! Just :eek:
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Next came my squba diving training in the Great Barrier Reef

After 2 days in the pool and classrom then 3 days at sea I became a qualified adventure fiver which means I can dive down to 30 metres (and did) and dive recreationally at night which is a very cool experience :D

This is wally the maori wrasse he loves playing with divers :D

He even gave me a tow to the surface which was amazing :D

And of course the rest of the beauty of the reef :D

great pics bud,that wrasse is a monster,but my favourite fish of all time are those common clowns.i kept them when i had my marine tanks all set up.:)
Got a question for you why does the abs pump on my disco td5 keep running,and lost brakes and put new master cylinder on went to bleed the brakes got a pedal then started disco had a drive around lost brakes again tryed to bleed brakes again just keeps useing fluid 4.5 litres don't know where fluid is going no leaks still no brakes.
Great pics. Lake mckensie is great. We saw a couple of ( I think) commodo dragons there. Did you do the diving from Cairns?
Got a question for you why does the abs pump on my disco td5 keep running,and lost brakes and put new master cylinder on went to bleed the brakes got a pedal then started disco had a drive around lost brakes again tryed to bleed brakes again just keeps useing fluid 4.5 litres don't know where fluid is going no leaks still no brakes.

You have to have a preety good leak somewhere to loose 4.5 litres, im guessing at a bust brake line somewhere if as I guess youve checked behind the wheels for bleeding and leaks. Pipes at the master cylinder done up fully, not cross threaded etc ?
Great pics. Lake mckensie is great. We saw a couple of ( I think) commodo dragons there. Did you do the diving from Cairns?

Commodo dragons only live on kommodo island. You probably saw goannas theyre preety common :)

Yeah lake mckensey is beautiful :) and yeah did my diving course in cairns :)
Where about in cairns did you stay? We were at a hostel called shananigans. over an irish pub. I did the diving there as well, could wally be the same fish??? I was there 2001-2002 and I met him or his dad
Where about in cairns did you stay? We were at a hostel called shananigans. over an irish pub. I did the diving there as well, could wally be the same fish??? I was there 2001-2002 and I met him or his dad

Im in nomads but know the hostel youre talking about :) possibly hes an old bugger :)

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