Fraser Island is ace, don't be tempted to do it in a crappy Nissan x-trail SUV like I did, had to emergency air down and we still only just got off the sand!!!
Fraser Island is ace, don't be tempted to do it in a crappy Nissan x-trail SUV like I did, had to emergency air down and we still only just got off the sand!!!

Haha dont worry im doing it in my disco ;)

Im gonna see if anyone from aulro is going in the next few weeks and see if I can tag along :)
Great pic' you will remember this trip for the rest of you days on this planet, better than money in the bank
Im in Brisbane for a few days before carrying on north

So while I was here I dropped in on Nuggets for a chat and to look at his 130 :) some brilliant ideas being put into it, while I was there he was building a new bumper thats looking preety good so far and this neat raised breather

Really nice guy, gave me some tips for fraiser and other routes and one of the best equipped workshops ive seen :)
You nearly there yet? :D:D:D

Couple hundred km's need to get some recovery gear just incase and a jerry can for extra fuel then ill be there :) before the weekend definately

Just bought the new 4WD action mag and its got a big write up on frasier island driving in it . Win !! :D
What is the milage and condition of the Disco?

Zero rust. Good engine smooth gearbox, only a few dents / imperfections in the paint but saggy headlining and peeling dash 270000 km :)

If it was immaculate id consider more bringing it back
I just bought a very good V8 xs that needs a sill, couple of mud flaps and a patch in the A pillar for £430. Your £3500 will go along way to making a good one.

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