The lady buying my disco just came over to check it out before she does the paperwork to switch it over she was preety pleased with it her first landy but not first 4x4 :)

Not a bad looker either ;) but she did say partner alot ... :(
welcome back dude

i guess the bent hook was for fishing **** out that weird big poo hole in your yard
You tried to pick up a little screw/nut/bolt/washer you dropped into the engine without having to strip it too much?

Maybe magnetised it?
To clean out the tubes of crap ...

Getting fed up now ...

Haha dropped my torch down the air intake to the turbo on this 2.7 D3, of course it being a D3 the tube is 1 piece to the turbo, full of bends and too samll to get my hand down, and of course my torch is aluminium so couldnt use a magnet. Hence bits of bent wire, some swearing and a greatly incresed hatred of working on D3's :mad:
Haha dropped my torch down the air intake to the turbo on this 2.7 D3, of course it being a D3 the tube is 1 piece to the turbo, full of bends and too samll to get my hand down, and of course my torch is aluminium so couldnt use a magnet. Hence bits of bent wire, some swearing and a greatly incresed hatred of working on D3's :mad:

:lol: Clumsy oaf :p

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