Nice condition, whats the sills like out of curiosity?

No idea haha did the cardinal sin of buying blind off of eBay, but I'm preety confident as the owner is only selling as they have bought a D2.

If it's rotten it doesn't matter as you don't need an MOT in Victoria and I can make my money back, piece of **** if I have to scrap it. The ARB is worth $1000 alone :)
such a cowboy! oo nice arb's

The current owner is a opera and folk singer so not the scamming type and she seems preety decent so I'm not scared :)

Not got lockers but the roo bar on the front is ARB, the lights are worth a couple of hundred too and it's got a full tank of gas and petrol. Win win :D
Hows things over that side? i'm currently on the header 200km north of Perth , 45 degrees here, thinking of going further south for seeding after Christmas? whats Victoria like?

I recently missed an opportunity to buy a series 2a with a 3l holden petrol in, ute back on it!
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Hows things over that side? i'm currently on the header 200km north of Perth , 45 degrees here, thinking of going further south for seeding after Christmas? whats Victoria like?

I recently missed an opportunity to buy a series 2a with a 3l holden petrol in, ute back on it!

Good weather, 25 to 30 usually with some days around 35 so preety nice. :)
I though leyland Australia went bust in 1975? what year is that series? I am re-building a leyland p76 4.4 v8 engine here in the UK (ask the locals if you have not heard of them) and it was made the year they were cut loose from BL and shut down.

I read back a lot of posts to catch up last night but still not sure why your in Aus not Ayer now lol, what the brief summary mate?
I though leyland Australia went bust in 1975? what year is that series? I am re-building a leyland p76 4.4 v8 engine here in the UK (ask the locals if you have not heard of them) and it was made the year they were cut loose from BL and shut down.

I read back a lot of posts to catch up last night but still not sure why your in Aus not Ayer now lol, what the brief summary mate?

Not sure I'll look it up but I'm sure it's a Aussie layland made one, I've seen your engine rebuild but need to do some more research into the engine seems like a gooden

Basically got bored with England and after going to NZ 2 years ago I've got the travel big and wanna see and so as much as I can :) plus wages are a lot better here and the weather and atmosphere is awesome :)
yeah I liked nz, aus a bit hot for me tho lol. whats your actual job out there mate?
The Aussie made gives it away ;)

They were built here with that engine in
Ah! I see now, best of both worlds. Shame that option wasn't available over here.:rolleyes:
Really enjoying the thread & the turn it's taken, hope your living life to the full out there. Not jealous at all, honest.:D
yeah I liked nz, aus a bit hot for me tho lol. whats your actual job out there mate?

It's not too bad down here. Easy to deal with if you've got shade or AC :p

I love NZ definately going back there :)

I'm a farm worker mostly but I do some work at a mechanics shop when the farms quiet. Working around while I travel :)

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