Unfortunately for urself a hell of a lot more than you'll actually get for it. But if u wer ever to sell I'd Definately be interested. But I can't see you parting with her....
Unfortunately for urself a hell of a lot more than you'll actually get for it. But if u wer ever to sell I'd Definately be interested. But I can't see you parting with her....

If somebody offered me 10k, I'd consider it for a few seconds before declining the offer. As nice as a D3/D4 would be, they ain't got character. :eek::eek::eek:
SWMBO says she might consider 20k. :eek::eek::eek:

It's my heart and soul. So many one off solutions that are all my own work.

There's not a day goes by that pupils don't say "saw you driving to work this morning, Sir". My reply normally goes along the line of how they managed to pick me out of the morning traffic!!

I spent my early years driving my Dad's cast of Vauxhall Viva. My mates had Fiestas and Opel Mantas. I always admired their cars but mine was just ridiculed. :( It's taken thirty years of determination and seven years of bloody hard work on the Disco to get a motor which everybody else admires. Gone full circle so to speak. :) :)
Somebody asked me how much I wanted for mine the other month.
It took him a few seconds to realise I wasn't joking when I said he'd need to give me 20k before I'd consider selling it...

Seems like a common, legit figure when it's your absolute pride and joy. :D
Somebody asked me how much I wanted for mine the other month.
It took him a few seconds to realise I wasn't joking when I said he'd need to give me 20k before I'd consider selling it...

Seems like a common, legit figure when it's your absolute pride and joy. :D

SWMBO said 20k, not me. I'd never let it go!! :D:D:D
15k might see me thinking about signing the log book over.
We both know the chances of achieving that figure is as likely as me parting with it. :D

This I can totally relate to.

I am not as far advanced as you guys with yours, but there was a few sniggers in PM when I said I would want no less than €10,000 as mine stands, currently without MOT, but when it is on the road then double that :D:D

So happy you covered the second alternator in your thread Rob as will be on my new years list of things to do :cool:

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