Finished? That's a very strong word where it concerns a Landrover. Is there such a thing as a 'finished' landrover?

Cheers, might av to pick one of them stickers up

What I really mean is, finished putting the bits back on after the respray before the next wave of mods start. :D
Are you coming to the island over Christmas at all ?
If so I will explain some of my mods lol :)

Will be there sometime-ish! SWMBO does the planning, I just do as I'm told. :eek:

We usually have a Christmas dinner at the Scott's give or take seven days of the 25th. I'll give you a shout closer to the time. We did a fleeting visit a few weeks ago. Spent 3 hours with the Mother in Law in Northwood, when we got to yours, the house was in darkness so I didn't call as we only had 30 minutes before dashing for the Jet.

Look forward to meeting you. :D
Tidied up the aux battery with some terminal covers.


Still working on the main battery as I'm adding another fuse box.

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