Easier said than done. With the TGV engine, the main alternator is buried and virtually inaccessible to somebody with fat hands. :eek:

I've disconnected all of the 2nd alternator leads so that I can rule that one out! I've also dropped an email to Gwyn Lewis with photos. I've never dealt with him before but by all accounts he's very good so fingers crossed.

good luck :)
If you get stuck drop me a pm with a phone number, I just built my own regulator so I should be able to guide you to fixing or atleast figuring out what's wrong
If you get stuck drop me a pm with a phone number, I just built my own regulator so I should be able to guide you to fixing or atleast figuring out what's wrong

sounds interesting. start a thread with lots of piccies and things :D
sounds interesting. start a thread with lots of piccies and things :D

Seems to work ok so far. Just going to modify it as its a bit noticeably on/off atm (flickering lights at low revs).. needs smoothing out. But I'm sure once its sorted ill post it up :)
If you get stuck drop me a pm with a phone number, I just built my own regulator so I should be able to guide you to fixing or atleast figuring out what's wrong

Thank for the offer - still haven't got round to any further checks BUT with the 2nd alternator isolated, everything is fine. :D
Cleaned up the OS inner wing ready for a coat of black satin.



Does anybody know if D1 and D2 roof bars/rails are the same - or more specifically the neoprene seals. I'm struggling to find any new using D1 part numbers. I have considered laser cutting my own but if D2 seals are the same then that might be an option.

There's a lot of wind noise without a headliner or seals.




Does anybody know if D1 and D2 roof bars/rails are the same - or more specifically the neoprene seals. I'm struggling to find any new using D1 part numbers. I have considered laser cutting my own but if D2 seals are the same then that might be an option.

There's a lot of wind noise without a headliner or seals.
How about a bead of tiger seal or similar applied to the base of the underside of the rails. Let it cure, then tighten up as normal? That way you have a gasket permanently attached to the rails. :)

Stupid question alert!

Under the bonnet I have this....


and coming out of the bottom of the front is a pipe. Half way along it joins another with a blanked off T piece. The blanking plug is split. Should I worry?


I think it is a brake servo!

My mantra is never to fiddle with brakes or engines.

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