
New Member
Monday night Tuesday morning my 110 csw was broken into,
The culprits were unable to take my car due to the secret switch, but did leave me with a repair bill, the steering column was destroyed along with the binical and ignition barrel and locks all smashed. i have cover so its in to get repaired now, im lucky i can walk to work, they stole all my tools and sat-nav.
Monday night Tuesday morning my 110 csw was broken into,
The culprits were unable to take my car due to the secret switch, but did leave me with a repair bill, the steering column was destroyed along with the binical and ignition barrel and locks all smashed. i have cover so its in to get repaired now, im lucky i can walk to work, they stole all my tools and sat-nav.

Glad to hear they didn't take it, terrible feeling when you get broken in to.

Always sad to hear of a break in, hope you're tools were also covered by your insurance. Might be a good idea to put your location into your profile then people in your area can be more vigilant. At least your anti theft device prevented anything worse.
Sorry to hear but glad you still have your Defender. What part of the country are you from? I'll put the attempted theft up on LandyWatch to left other peeps know. :)

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