The trouble is they take the opinion that the chances are they wont get caught, because they in all likelihood, wont.
Most of these just get a CRN and passed on to insurance, hardly never investigated in any meaningful way.
And if they are extremely unlucky and get caught, probably a slap on the wrist or community service... or a short spell... until the consequences of this are higher, nothing will change unfortunately.

I saw a story that a Police inspector in south Africa was fed up being attacked by car hijackers whilst IN his car so he fixed up a system that allows him to press a button a huge flame shoots out from under the car on both sides. Seems like a good idea but maybe not legal in the UK as you are not allowed to defend your property whilst the thieves are allowed to take it knowing they have a 95% chance of getting away with it.
I’m shocked, I mean I know they are highly desirable but this attempt took some serious effort! Also I only live a couple miles down the road so it’s alarming to know this is going on!

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