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In DN20 area of North Lincolnshire at 02:30 this morning. 2012 Puma. Disturbed a couple of scrotes who had got into the car, after ripping the alarm unit out and cutting through the steering security device and a padlocked chain which was wrapped round two of the pedals. They were ready to drive off but legged it when I spotted them, don't know what made me wake up and look out the window (parked right outside my window). They must have been there a while as I found the alarm unit under the car, I think it lives behind one of the headlights which looks partly reinstalled less a couple of screws. Will need to take a closer look when it gets light in the morning.
In DN20 area of North Lincolnshire at 02:30 this morning. 2012 Puma. Disturbed a couple of scrotes who had got into the car, after ripping the alarm unit out and cutting through the steering security device and a padlocked chain which was wrapped round two of the pedals. They were ready to drive off but legged it when I spotted them, don't know what made me wake up and look out the window (parked right outside my window). They must have been there a while as I found the alarm unit under the car, I think it lives behind one of the headlights which looks partly reinstalled less a couple of screws. Will need to take a closer look when it gets light in the morning.
Have you phoned the police?
Yerbut they weren't too interested. Phoned them within a few minutes, they took my report and said ok we'll file it. Still waiting for daylight so I can fully ascertain wot the toe rags did.
Makes me angry that, can we send a message that we have filed it when we get our council tax bill.
Hope the scum bags don't come back, wonder if you would be advised to get a tracker quickly, seems they have the alarm beaten, that's a worry because sounds like the alarm on my vehicle.
Update; They must have removed the headlamp protector grill, side and indicator lamp and headlamp to get at the "tamper proof" battery backed sounder (as the manual calls it). Then disabled the sounder (won't say how on here for obvious reasons) and removed it. Got in the cab by forcing the drivers side keyed lock (key will not go in now) and began rooting through the cubby box looking for keys, didn't find any, cropped through the steering wheel device and pedal chain. At this point they legged it when I emerged from the front door in my undies (maybe thats what really scared em off). Missus said its the fastest she's ever seen me get out of bed but I was a bit slow as I slipped a pair of boots on. They also removed the drivers side repeater lamp bulb and hadn't reconnected the front passenger side indicator lamp. Central locking still works but hazard lamps not working. Need to get behind the headlamp to check for cable damage before I fire it up (hopefully it will).
that is the trend and tested way of getting them I'm afraid. Normally they pish a back quater light through rather than damaging the door.
what you need to do is reinstall the sounder and the horn back in the car but not behind the light and move the wiring away from the edge of the wing. Otherwise they can remove the plastic arch and still get at the wiring.

I don't know what steering wheel lock you have but I would get myself a disclok and a pedal lock as a priority.

Glad you didn't loose it, I learned the above after mine was attacked several times. Now with the upgrades I have mentioned (plus more) it gets left alone
Some good ideas there Gazman. Steering wheel lock was a better than nothing item but not brilliant. That and the chain around the pedals gave me a few vital seconds and I think just made the difference between landy gone for ever or not.
Get yourself a good webcam to train onto the vehicle 24hrs recording. I have a street light while a webcam looking down on my freelander 1 but before I had a 110 v8 also recorded. The other method is a recovery truck carting off your pride an joy. Get a few CCTV stickers saying the Monitored 24hrs. Since the introduction of alarmed cars, thieves alter to take a proactive role of harming owners in the house for the keys. Sounds like they have come prepared to take this time an effort to remove you of the pride and joy. They could have been prowling early hours on previous days and target yours. Good Webcam or IR CCTV
Glad you saved it! Despite the damage done. Yeah I would have a look at the X-Eng stuff, steering column lock, proper disklok (and weld some half moons on the back), the Ard'Case pedal locks look pretty good too.
Update 2; wiring checked, all lamps refitted with bulbs as required, blown hazards fuse replaced, up and running. Main dealer getting me a new sounder, plug and fit no programming needed. Will add some extra protection in the vicinity of the sounder to make it more difficult to tamper with. And a few other things planned.
Hope it all works well, its heartbreaking that people work to get something decent and these vermin just take it away.
Just reading your thread has set me thinking how many of us put things off until we get burgled or someone tries to steal our car and then we react.
Certainly made me think and I am going to add a tracker to my security, not infallible, but a bit more.
@Wimblowdriver - glad you managed to wake up in time to save it, bloody scum these thieving barstewards. Keep some pressure on the police - IMHO, go up the food chain as required.

Historically, we've had issues here. We were a police protection area for a while too. Put GOOD cctv up..... funny, we've not had any issues since...
Glad your security measures held up for long enough so you could chase them off.
You can buy a wiring harness to relocate the sounder.
Ebay or google "bbus relocation cable"

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