Sounds like they weren't that far away from moving it. Prepared to put in the effort to over come security anorl. Headlight out is a common method to silence alarms as others have said. Security screws are a must for the head light etc.
Sounds like they weren't that far away from moving it.
They were VERY close to moving it. Spent a lot of thinking time in the last couple of days, reverse engineering all the tricks they did to get it ready for moving and exploring possibilities for making it harder. When I collected the new sounder from the main dealer I had a very good conversation with the parts guy and a tech from the workshop, they have a few aftermarket mods which they do (usually after a customer has been crooked) but seems to me their mods are the same as I can get elsewhere for a lot less cash. Relocating the sounder has to be a priority for me (thanks for the suggestion Lightning), it is too easy to defeat in its present location and too easy to rip out (but very hard to fit due to awkward access and bolt positions). Will be better under the bonnet where it will be protected by itself. Done lots of searches on this forum, lots of good stuff on this 'ere site. The fight continues.
May I suggest putting an isolation valve in the fuel line so if they do get it going it will soon stop.
Glad you saved it! Despite the damage done. Yeah I would have a look at the X-Eng stuff, steering column lock, proper disklok (and weld some half moons on the back), the Ard'Case pedal locks look pretty good too.
Hello Bankz5152
Would you please tell me what you mean about welding half moons to the back of a Disklok
It's very sad to hear this sort of news and I sincerely hope that you can come up with a suitable solution to solve your current issues and come up with an appropriate deterrent for future vermin.

Given the undoubted amount of talent within the Landyzone family it would be a good project to come up with a range of Landyzone Defender Defence Deterents for members?

I also feel that the level of rage felt by those members who have responded needs to be escalated to a higher and perhaps more draconian height. In short somethings that the scumbags that feel entitled to touch your Defender will understand without any further explanation.

I recall seeing a device designed to dissuade car jackers in South Africa from attempting to take your car. The user had fitted flame throwers to each side of the vehicle which could be activated by driver or passenger in times of need. The flames where directed at the culprits feet and was clearly effective !

Given the comparatively inexpensive cost of replacement seat covers, my choice would be along the lines of a pair of very sharp oversized nail clippers that would raise as and when the intruder lowers his prize possessions onto your seat! Alternatively, a syringe full of something appropriate protruding from the seat base.

Come on now you clever technocrats out there in Landyzone Land must be able to come up with a suitable solution. Once the message is out there and the scumbags are neutered a simple Landyzone sticker should act as a wonderful and inexpensive way to keep the scum at bay.
Much as I would like to set man-traps I reckon the law would be on the other side. Absolutely every security method I have studied on here and elsewhere ultimately has a defeat. We must not underestimate the criminal mind, it is intelligent and learns how to eventually beat new stuff which becomes available. I realised this when I showed the LR technician the damaged sounder which the toe rags left behind when they made their exit; he said he had never previously seen one recovered from crooked defenders he works on. Makes me think the crims are using them to learn and teach others in their gangs. I have a few ideas to put extra layers of defence up, any that I come up with I will share. At this time the criminals have the knowledge and equipment to disable the alarms, access the vehicle, plug in an OBD key coder and drive off. Bit of food for thought?
What about doing something to stop a connector being plugged into the OBD port?
Yea, that was mentioned in another post - not sure if on here or another forum I was looking at. Not be long before somebody comes up with an OBD plug in which disables the alarm and immobiliser, skeleton key and away?

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