slob said:
reet! daft **** after conducting many eggperiments with cats and toast using your specs i have to say that so far there is no conclusion evidence pointing to a definative answer. so what i did was increase the drop height until some sort of stable outcome occured. after increasing the height by 0.3496inches each time as requested by yourself i found that at a height of 15.658924358 meters the cat had enough time to paw the toast from her back to a position whereby she was able to eat the toast. resulting in the cat landing on its feet every time.
if you require any more testing then i would ask that you arrange for a scantily clad big breasted young woman to butter the toast for me, and another supply of cats

Unfortunately - whether the cat likes toast was not one of the parameters - so could you kindly repeat said experiment with a cat that doesnt like toast, so that we can have a comparison?
The Mad Hat Man said:
Unfortunately - whether the cat likes toast was not one of the parameters - so could you kindly repeat said experiment with a cat that doesnt like toast, so that we can have a comparison?
as stated i need a young wimin wiff big jubblies before any more testing of cats can be carried out.
yoiu mean my mechanic? she dunt do cooking and she classes buttering toast as cookin
bollocks french rules state that if you are leading all the way up the the last ball and some other **** lucks in a couple of strikes right at the end he is then disqualiflied.
aye, i was just giving yer a chance then i got bored and thought fook the french ****, i'll just lead him into thinking he's got me then i will crucify him with me last two balls ;)
and yer was coughing fer no reason trying ter put me off, i suppose yer gunna blame me kids fer putting you off next ;)
aye, i even did a lap of honour around the bowling alley, the frogs were all looking as if i were mad ;)

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