its to do with the recycled air that they keep pumping through the cabin, full of nasty bugs and **** that the immune system of girlie boys aren't man enough to fight orf
Ooh, never. You know what they say, it's like riding a scooter - quite good fun but you don't want your mates to find out :eek:
Why is it that every time a fly in an aeroplane I get a fookin cold :(

I suspect its because you brought a cheep ticket.
The Air comes in at the front of the aircraft and goes out the back.
Therefore if some one up front has a cold / flu etc then anyone behind him is likely to get it.
the air in an aircraft is like the great mr slob sez recycled, where as in days of old when yer could smoke on a plane the aircon actually pumped fresh air into the cabin all the time. now its full of every other fookers germs so thats why yer get a cold or virus everytime yer fly. so when they stopped yer from smokin on a plane they gave yer a free disease ter replace the smoke
Dear Slob, today I saw a grouse on the moors an was wonderin to mesself, if more than one mouse is 'mice', is more than one grouse 'grice'?
Lots of love, HB.
Grouse and Ptarmigan are the only game birds that I've never shot.
Will do one day though!
Dear Slob, today I saw a grouse on the moors an was wonderin to mesself, if more than one mouse is 'mice', is more than one grouse 'grice'?
Lots of love, HB.
i have 2 hice, but me and doris use our nice and let one out.
The collective term for Grouse is "Covey".

Mr Trewy! Yer so very, very knowledgeabubble! Mebbe you shud have yer very own 'Ask Trewy' fred.;) I still think 'grice' sounds propa. I'm gonna write to the oxford dickshunary an see if they'll eggcept 'grice' as a noo wurd...

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