His motor was heavy it wasn't light, he drove it hard it had a underpowered na diesel and he was persistent he never claimed to be the best driver but was methodical and others broke trying too hard or bling bits fell off he went past them!
Not going to say his motor was great either it wasn't just a std series with big tyres Detroit locker and hd shafts. What it was was semi reliable he only ever broke Down after the event!!!! And let's face it he broke it a lot. The guy that now has the £35k challenge truck came out with us to Tring in his challenge 90 arb lockers front and rear 37 inch fedima's HD kam shafts proper cage front wing kit warn 8274 and all that guff

Myself and spydie passed a section and winched the last climb this guy broke front and rear shafts getting to the first hump of 4 before the last climb

Proves the point that anyone can buy a motor not everyone knows their motor
My point being don't under estimate old boys in their series cos they quite often know their motor better than you think
Hahaa yep exactly the same we know what's what with our trucks, full built from scratch and know what we can get away with by going flat out or not as the case may be or wether to not bother and quicker winching, don't underestimate us young nippers either :p

We need to organize an event young boyz/vs old sods! :)
Got front / rear Ashcroft lockers, all correction arms, wide angle props, +5's on rear +2's on front, 33" tyres goes most places if i got enough grip, next will be larger tyres ( height ) as diffs are my biggest problem getting stuck. It's my daily driver aswell.

An event sounds like fun :)
Need an event but cannot be a public event needs to have insurance msa ect so we can actually do something decent wih terrain without the worries of being in insured

Might mean joining Landyzone£ typically £20 then Landyzone can run events as per msa events means scruteneering aswel no dodgy motors!!
Failing that we could probably get an already msa recognised club to put on an event however usually end up tame. If it's not insured then it can only be rubbish offrod like billing/Peterborough offroad course suitable for road motors

Even organising it on here means someone is running an event and as such is liable
Cannot we just hire / book a venue for exclusive use? And sign a disclaimer to get round liability issues?
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You can do but if someone gets hurt or has an issue then someone can get into serious grief as in lose their house

Personally been involved a wee bit and wouldn't consider getting too involved unless it's all sorted paperwork wise it's not difficult at all

Worse thing is telling someone their car can't play if it's not safe the paperwork side is straight forward ish once the club is msa registered. It really depends on of the powers that be wish Lz to be a recognised club or indeed if not which is more than understandable finding a willing club

Also my msa membership states that I cannot compete in non msa sanctioned events as it renders my membership and my insurance void should I crash and take out spectators or anything else.

That little bit there is a hidden clause lots are ignoring as KoV is no longer msa it's ultra 4 and as such is not an msa sanctioned event

Lots of politics involved
It would of done that without them anyway mate.
I don't personally like them just because of the bloody noise they make all the time.

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