As far as I can see each generation of Range Rover is twice as complex, has parts 6 times as expensive as the previous one and goes wrong 6 times as often.

I feel for each L322 owner on here and just think TFI not me. I'm going to need a sedative once people on here start picking up L405 models.
When I was younger I used to cope ok with the "foibles and fark ups" of these desirable lux cars that came cheap because they were past it, I had lots of enthusiasm and energy but little time then, but nowdays with plenty of time and a severe deficiency in the other two, I'd rather not dally with any of these "glories of the past".
Point taken, but could one be sure the constant anguish and pain is worth it, we have a saying here, "its a lot of car for little money", and, of course there is a reason for " the little money" bit, you would definitely need to embrace ownerhip with both eyes wide open.
Unfortunately for owners such as @Pluribus its about expectations that very quickly turns to bitter dissapointment, and rather than the "drama queen" label, I can sympathise with their disappointments.
He has been around this site long enough before he bought the l322 and had plenty of opportunity to read about the downside, as well as the up. He even started a thread to ask about what to expect. He also bought from one of the most honest sellers anyone is likely to meet. So if his eyes weren't wide open, as to cost of running v cost of upkeep, it was he who chose to keep them closed.I also have to say the main part of the OP's "anguish and pain" has been caused by his choosing to ignore fault codes and a massive engine warning. The other outlays he has had were nothing more than any owner of any vehicle would have(tyres, service, brakes), with the exception of the gearbox/TC , which is nothing more than any owner of an L332 of a certain age has.
As for a lot of car for little money, my signature says it all.
The fact, you chose to pick out the drama queen label , rather than faint hearted, speaks for itself. Perhaps you took a look at all his posts, his dummy has been thrown so often it should be on elastic by now.

Just in case you're wondering, I bought mine before they became as 'cheap' as they are now and I made sure I knew what I was buying into. I never at any point expected her to be cheap to run, which is the mistake many 'bitterly disappointed' owners are now making. I have also hit points where the pits of despair were above me. My own threads and posts on others will attest to but again I didn't make a drama out of a crisis. I soldiered on, at points thinking of trading her but just plodding on through and eventually getting there, with the invaluable help and humour of those on this site. More importantly, if faults showed up, I dealt with them, I didn't just clear the codes/messages and ignore them, then have a hissy fit when the veh stopped working.
So whilst you may choose to sympathise with the OP, as is your right, I will retain my opinion, as is my right. :)
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As far as I can see each generation of Range Rover is twice as complex, has parts 6 times as expensive as the previous one and goes wrong 6 times as often.

I feel for each L322 owner on here and just think TFI not me. I'm going to need a sedative once people on here start picking up L405 models.

@Tigger Eeyore & Roo and Ben are sitting nose pressed against the window,waiting for theirs :) They can lead us all , through the joys of the L405 and beyond :D
Sounds like it would be cheaper to swallow the monthly lease on a brand new one...
Possibly but for the cost of 8 or 9months lease @ £1500pm an older L322 , even with gearbox issues, could be bought and brought up to really nice condition. Then it would be yours and only thing left would be normal upkeep (tyres, fuel, tax ,etc) and the odd little hiccup to keep you on your toes. You know we all love them for those odd little hiccupso_O:D
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He has been around this site long enough before he bought the l322 and had plenty of opportunity to read about the downside, as well as the up. He even started a thread to ask about what to expect. He also bought from one of the most honest sellers anyone is likely to meet. So if his eyes weren't wide open, as to cost of running v cost of upkeep, it was he who chose to keep them closed.I also have to say the main part of the OP's "anguish and pain" has been caused by his choosing to ignore fault codes and a massive engine warning. The other outlays he has had were nothing more than any owner of any vehicle would have(tyres, service, brakes), with the exception of the gearbox/TC , which is nothing more than any owner of an L332 of a certain age has.
As for a lot of car for little money, my signature says it all.
The fact, you chose to pick out the drama queen label , rather than faint hearted, speaks for itself. Perhaps you took a look at all his posts, his dummy has been thrown so often it should be on elastic by now.

Just in case you're wondering, I bought mine before they became as 'cheap' as they are now and I made sure I knew what I was buying into. I never at any point expected her to be cheap to run, which is the mistake many 'bitterly disappointed' owners are now making. I have also hit points where the pits of despair were above me. My own threads and posts on others will attest to but again I didn't make a drama out of a crisis. I soldiered on, at points thinking of trading her but just plodding on through and eventually getting there, with the invaluable help and humour of those on this site. More importantly, if faults showed up, I dealt with them, I didn't just clear the codes/messages and ignore them, then have a hissy fit when the veh stopped working.
So whilst you may choose to sympathise with the OP, as is your right, I will retain my opinion, as is my right. :)
The guy is just letting of steam on the forum about his range rover, nothing wrong with that. Sounding off is legit on here especially with the later RRs. We have all been there.
The guy is just letting of steam on the forum about his range rover, nothing wrong with that. Sounding off is legit on here especially with the later RRs. We have all been there.
+1 Despite the huge amount of time,effort & substantial amounts of cash we can all put into these things they can still fail in a big way & lead to huge frustration. Been there, done that......
Did you thoroughly check out the issues at the start of the thread, or just switch them off and hope for the best? I only ask because, about 6 of the ones you listed above are the same ones. Got to agree with @Colthebrummie , I wouldn't have decided to take it hundreds of miles with all those codes only a week before. I would have had mine checked with a fine tooth comb and a good few test runs nearer to home.
Still, I guess you live you learn. Try to enjoy your holiday anyway.

Yes, it was taken to the local specialists, who gave it a clean bill of health. I was very wary of taking it too, but after they assured me everything was ok, I was happy to take it. First 200 miles, everything was fine, then everything went to **** all at once...
...wanting a luxury vehicle but not wanting the upkeep costs...They are not for the faint hearted or drama queens.

I don't want to get into a war of words with someone who is far more active than me on this forum, but I was more than prepared to spend money - and a decent amount at that - to fix up a cheaper car rather than buy one at the upper end of my budget. I was prepared to do it this way so I would have a car I knew, rather than just a car I bought.

I do the little jobs I can do myself, but trust all the heavy mechanical stuff to my local land rover specialist. That way, I don't mess anything up which has the potential of killing me or my wife when I'm driving it.

As for the list you quoted, that was me describing what was needed to pass her mot and be deemed safe by my mate at the garage. I wasn't throwing my toys out of the pram so to speak and even messaged Saint publicly and privately to ensure he knew that.

When I bought it I received a few messages from people asking me what it was like so I thought it would post a thread rather than type it all out several times.

For the record - again - Saint never hid anything from me. When I arrived to look at the car he thoroughly talked me over the whole car, the features, interior, exterior and told me in detail all the work he had done on it and everything he knew needed doing. He even told me an approximate cost to do all the work he knew needed doing. I was FULLY informed and knew exactly what I was buying.

I expected to do 90% of the jobs on that list. I absolutely admit I didn't expect to have to do them all at the same time, but they all would have been done within a short space of time anyway.
How was your holiday? Hope it all went well after the RR episode.. hope you got back home ok!;)
Well the insurance company were useless, they decided to arrange a hire car for me in Lyon, despite me telling them I was in Normandy. Apparently I confirmed twice I was 650km further south than I actually am...

I also paid extra on my breakdown cover to ensure I got a similar vehicle if I needed one. Imagine my delight at being given the keys to a shiny new Fiat 500...

If the car can't be fixed while I'm still here, I will have to come back as a foot passenger, dragging a range rover sized boot full of luggage by

Other than that, not bad thanks!
He has been around this site long enough before he bought the l322 and had plenty of opportunity to read about the downside, as well as the up. He even started a thread to ask about what to expect. He also bought from one of the most honest sellers anyone is likely to meet. So if his eyes weren't wide open, as to cost of running v cost of upkeep, it was he who chose to keep them closed.I also have to say the main part of the OP's "anguish and pain" has been caused by his choosing to ignore fault codes and a massive engine warning. The other outlays he has had were nothing more than any owner of any vehicle would have(tyres, service, brakes), with the exception of the gearbox/TC , which is nothing more than any owner of an L332 of a certain age has.
As for a lot of car for little money, my signature says it all.
The fact, you chose to pick out the drama queen label , rather than faint hearted, speaks for itself. Perhaps you took a look at all his posts, his dummy has been thrown so often it should be on elastic by now.

Just in case you're wondering, I bought mine before they became as 'cheap' as they are now and I made sure I knew what I was buying into. I never at any point expected her to be cheap to run, which is the mistake many 'bitterly disappointed' owners are now making. I have also hit points where the pits of despair were above me. My own threads and posts on others will attest to but again I didn't make a drama out of a crisis. I soldiered on, at points thinking of trading her but just plodding on through and eventually getting there, with the invaluable help and humour of those on this site. More importantly, if faults showed up, I dealt with them, I didn't just clear the codes/messages and ignore them, then have a hissy fit when the veh stopped working.
So whilst you may choose to sympathise with the OP, as is your right, I will retain my opinion, as is my right. :)
If I get a wSrning light, engine management light, it's taken to the garage within a day or two. I don't ignore them. There is one fault code I do always ignore and that's because of the LPG system. Every rover I've owned has the same fault code on LPG. Everything else gets fixed.

I might not post the outcome, but I thats because I simply didn't ask, or plain forgot. Once the garage has fixed it, it's fixed as far as I'm concerned. I forget about it and move onto the next job.
He has been around this site long enough before he bought the l322 and had plenty of opportunity to read about the downside, as well as the up. He even started a thread to ask about what to expect. He also bought from one of the most honest sellers anyone is likely to meet. So if his eyes weren't wide open, as to cost of running v cost of upkeep, it was he who chose to keep them closed.I also have to say the main part of the OP's "anguish and pain" has been caused by his choosing to ignore fault codes and a massive engine warning. The other outlays he has had were nothing more than any owner of any vehicle would have(tyres, service, brakes), with the exception of the gearbox/TC , which is nothing more than any owner of an L332 of a certain age has.
As for a lot of car for little money, my signature says it all.
The fact, you chose to pick out the drama queen label , rather than faint hearted, speaks for itself. Perhaps you took a look at all his posts, his dummy has been thrown so often it should be on elastic by now.

Just in case you're wondering, I bought mine before they became as 'cheap' as they are now and I made sure I knew what I was buying into. I never at any point expected her to be cheap to run, which is the mistake many 'bitterly disappointed' owners are now making. I have also hit points where the pits of despair were above me. My own threads and posts on others will attest to but again I didn't make a drama out of a crisis. I soldiered on, at points thinking of trading her but just plodding on through and eventually getting there, with the invaluable help and humour of those on this site. More importantly, if faults showed up, I dealt with them, I didn't just clear the codes/messages and ignore them, then have a hissy fit when the veh stopped working.
So whilst you may choose to sympathise with the OP, as is your right, I will retain my opinion, as is my right. :)
If I get a wSrning light, engine management light, it's taken to the garage within a day or two. I don't ignore them. There is one fault code I do always ignore and that's because of the LPG system. Every rover I've owned has the same fault code on LPG. Everything else gets fixed.

I might not post the outcome, but I thats because I simply didn't ask, or plain forgot. Once the garage has fixed it, it's fixed as far as I'm concerned. I forget about it and move onto the next job.
And because of the LPG fault code, I scan it regularly to make sure I'm not ignoring anything else. If I see more than the one code I'm expecting, it goes to the garage.
And because of the LPG fault code, I scan it regularly to make sure I'm not ignoring anything else. If I see more than the one code I'm expecting, it goes to the garage.
Not any good when the dream becomes a nightmare, after reading your earlier posts I had no problem ascertaining that you had gone about the preparations of your RR in a thorough and serious manner in order to get a vehicle that could be relied on. Unfortunately it has let you down when it really counted, (holidays), but if you stick with it it may just come through for you, persistence may just pay, I hope you get to "drive the dream".
I will be most interested to hear what indeed all that clatter on your video was, don't forget, despite the detractors, many others understand.
Not any good when the dream becomes a nightmare, after reading your earlier posts I had no problem ascertaining that you had gone about the preparations of your RR in a thorough and serious manner in order to get a vehicle that could be relied on. Unfortunately it has let you down when it really counted, (holidays), but if you stick with it it may just come through for you, persistence may just pay, I hope you get to "drive the dream".
I will be most interested to hear what indeed all that clatter on your video was, don't forget, despite the detractors, many others understand.
Thank you, I appreciate that
Not any good when the dream becomes a nightmare, after reading your earlier posts I had no problem ascertaining that you had gone about the preparations of your RR in a thorough and serious manner in order to get a vehicle that could be relied on. Unfortunately it has let you down when it really counted, (holidays), but if you stick with it it may just come through for you, persistence may just pay, I hope you get to "drive the dream".
I will be most interested to hear what indeed all that clatter on your video was, don't forget, despite the detractors, many others understand.
plus 1.
Not any good when the dream becomes a nightmare, after reading your earlier posts I had no problem ascertaining that you had gone about the preparations of your RR in a thorough and serious manner in order to get a vehicle that could be relied on. Unfortunately it has let you down when it really counted, (holidays), but if you stick with it it may just come through for you, persistence may just pay, I hope you get to "drive the dream".
I will be most interested to hear what indeed all that clatter on your video was, don't forget, despite the detractors, many others understand.
Just out of interest, who was your insurance with? (so others can avoid them!)
I always have AA European breakdown for all zones with the added parts and labour cover. Yes, it's expensive at about 250 quid a year but on the one occasion I've had to use it, it was fabulous. The valve block on the merc failed late one afternoon in Czech republic.
They immediately found us a local hotel for the night then the following morning, the same breakdown truck arrived. He took us to a couple of merc independent garages locally but they both refused the job so he then took us to the main agents in Prague (1.5hr journey) there, we were met by a guy from the Czech version of the AA who gave us a skoda superb estate and waited with us to translate until we were satisfied that the main agents could fix it quickly. The main agents worked all day Saturday and Sunday to fix the gearbox and on Sunday afternoon, they delivered the merc back to us and collected their skoda. Total bill from main dealer was 650 quid and when I got home, they sent me a cheque for 500 quid for parts and labour.
The job in UK would have cost me well over 1k.
I can't speak highly enough of the service I received. Sometimes it's better to pay a bit more to get full piece of mind.
Again I know this doesn't help you but hopefully it might help someone else in the future.
Good luck and hope they can fix it in time.

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