Tesler offer a 10 year warranty which is for the vech not just the first owner and it will honour this even if the car has not visited a dealer for service. This was according to one of there salesman at the local motors on the moat show earlier on in the year. Can you imagine LR ever offering that ?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
He's not an estate agent, banker or call centre nuisance caller so he's got my thumbs up.
If he can wangle anything out of LR then he will escalate to God status, deservedly nicking Saints crown who clearly ruined the old bus with insight and devotion. ;);)
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Looks like I wont be taking that crown any time soon...

Had a reply from Land Rover today. Engines are supplied with a 2 year unlimited mileage warranty. Thats a bust.
Spoke to the insurance company. Mechanical failure not covered. Thats a bust.
Spoke to Motor Legal Claims about helping me get a replacement engine or compo from RAC (I still dont know where the car is...). Only covered for personal injury claims apparently. Thats a bust.

RAC have assured me it WILL be coming back to the UK, once they find out where it is and arrange the transport.

So to summarise:
I have no car
I have no idea where the car is
RAC have no idea where the car is
I have no money to claim from insurance
I cannot claim on my legal cover
I've owned it nearly 7 months and am over £12k in the hole with nothing to show for it.

I'm done.
Feel for you mate. Been through the mangle on this one.
Hope you get it back and can find a cheap engine in a breakers somewhere.
If I get it back, it will get the cheapest engine I can find stuck in it and I'll put it in the local paper for sale. I refuse to drive it another inch. The damn thing is cursed and the way I feel at the moment, Land Rover can go to hell.
With any luck (and you sure are due some) the engine fault won't be as bad as you think, who can trust the word of a French mechanic. If it turns out only to be big ends, it will be repairable. Stay positive, it's the only way.

Looks like I wont be taking that crown any time soon...

Had a reply from Land Rover today. Engines are supplied with a 2 year unlimited mileage warranty. Thats a bust.
Spoke to the insurance company. Mechanical failure not covered. Thats a bust.
Spoke to Motor Legal Claims about helping me get a replacement engine or compo from RAC (I still dont know where the car is...). Only covered for personal injury claims apparently. Thats a bust.

RAC have assured me it WILL be coming back to the UK, once they find out where it is and arrange the transport.

So to summarise:
I have no car
I have no idea where the car is
RAC have no idea where the car is
I have no money to claim from insurance
I cannot claim on my legal cover
I've owned it nearly 7 months and am over £12k in the hole with nothing to show for it.

I'm done.
Sounds like a civil action against the RAC.
Looks like I wont be taking that crown any time soon...

Had a reply from Land Rover today. Engines are supplied with a 2 year unlimited mileage warranty. Thats a bust.
Spoke to the insurance company. Mechanical failure not covered. Thats a bust.
Spoke to Motor Legal Claims about helping me get a replacement engine or compo from RAC (I still dont know where the car is...). Only covered for personal injury claims apparently. Thats a bust.

RAC have assured me it WILL be coming back to the UK, once they find out where it is and arrange the transport.

So to summarise:
I have no car
I have no idea where the car is
RAC have no idea where the car is
I have no money to claim from insurance
I cannot claim on my legal cover
I've owned it nearly 7 months and am over £12k in the hole with nothing to show for it.

I'm done.
maybe it will get damaged on the way back to the UK, resulting in a claim against the towing company for lac of due care. !!

the thing is, with a French mechanic, who is not a RR specialist it could be anything.. who knows

you can get an replacement engine on the bay of e for 1700 warrantied with all ancilliaries. or 700 for a bare engine.
To think I almost considered sending Saint a Pm about this when I heard it was for sale, lucky escape for sure.
I'd of easily threw a TC and box at it and buffed out the bramble scratches, lol.

Not wishing to denigrate Saint, something obviously went seriously tits up which was outwith his control or knowledge, can happen to any machine.

Someone mentioned tow truck liabilities re. repatriation.......
Hmmmm, anyone got a white Fiat Uno they can lend?
I know a underpass.....
To think I almost considered sending Saint a Pm about this when I heard it was for sale, lucky escape for sure.
I'd of easily threw a TC and box at it and buffed out the bramble scratches, lol.

Not wishing to denigrate Saint, something obviously went seriously tits up which was outwith his control or knowledge, can happen to any machine.

Someone mentioned tow truck liabilities re. repatriation.......
Hmmmm, anyone got a white Fiat Uno they can lend?
I know a underpass.....

There is no way I could have known that the engine was going to go bang in 6 months time - Pluribus even said the engine has been brilliant and pulled like a train up until this failure.

When I sold the car, I told him everything I knew was wrong with the car and gave rough costs, including the fact it would need extensive gearbox work.

The engine was religiously serviced by me in the 5 years I owned her, she never missed a beat engine wise....we had a few electrical issues, and a couple of annoying air locks that took ages to trace, but I could never have known the engine crank was going to snap, it is impossible to know or predict.

I have never hidden from the car, or run away at his first issues he posted. I stand by the car and I would not have sold it to a fellow forum member and made the sale so public in front of my peers had I known it was going to give the poor guy so much hassle, it would only do harm to my help and advice I try to giv others on here.

I really do feel for the chap, I bought the car of my dreams and on the first day had issues with it which I am not to manly to admit brought me to tears - I spent all I had on buying the L322 and had little left initially to fix a fault that occured within an hour of picking her up, I was heartbroken....but in the 5 years I owned her, I lavished well over £21k in repairs, parts, servicing and diagnostics to keep her running....when my time and money ran out along with having a young daughter I needed to evaluate the priorities and the L322 had to go - and I still regret the sale as I loved that car....but The gearbox work required was out of my bdget, so I sold on to someone who had a small pot of money to sort out the issues she had that I knew about.

Never in a million years would I have ever thought the crank would snap as it is almost unheard of on the M62 engine....and considering it is an engine that is about 6/7 years old and fitted by LR, it is beyond anything I could ever have imagined to think would happen, and if I did - I certainly wouldn't sell it to a forum member and make the sale so public if it was going to tarnish me and ridicule me as (what I hope I am) a respected member of this forum.
A good few years back I had a mate who used to drive for the AA in the summer months on long distance recovery work with a transporter truck that could carry 4 or 5 cars and one of his gigs was to go to the Kent ports and collect vehicles that had come to grief abroad. They were returned unaccompanied to a compound, the bent and the broken, and were taken onwards to their owners repairers.
Guess the same still occurs but the OP is going to have have a solid chat as to exactly when this going to happen. Suppose if the RAC don't even know where the vehicle is at it's not a good starting point.:(
To reiterate what Saint has said, he went very every inch of the car when I turned up to look at it. He told me everything he has done to the car and all the work he knew needed doing to her to bring her back to tip-top condition.

When I first posted about buying one and Saint replied saying he had one for sale, several people jumped on the thread and basically said "Jesus, if Saint is selling it, buy it now!". Based on those replies, I went through all Saints posts before I replied back. After all, I don't know anyone on this side of the forum so I didn't know whose opinions to trust as I do on the Freelander pages.

I was - and still am - satisfied I purchased from the right seller and would do so again.

I knew exactly what I was buying, what I was in for and what work needed to be done. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was FULLY informed.

The car pulled like a train and I was very happy with it for the most part. I absolutely have faith in Saints integrity and would buy a car upon his recommendation in the future.
To reiterate what Saint has said, he went very every inch of the car when I turned up to look at it. He told me everything he has done to the car and all the work he knew needed doing to her to bring her back to tip-top condition.

When I first posted about buying one and Saint replied saying he had one for sale, several people jumped on the thread and basically said "Jesus, if Saint is selling it, buy it now!". Based on those replies, I went through all Saints posts before I replied back. After all, I don't know anyone on this side of the forum so I didn't know whose opinions to trust as I do on the Freelander pages.

I was - and still am - satisfied I purchased from the right seller and would do so again.

I knew exactly what I was buying, what I was in for and what work needed to be done. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I was FULLY informed.

The car pulled like a train and I was very happy with it for the most part. I absolutely have faith in Saints integrity and would buy a car upon his recommendation in the future.
Well said sir.
Saint, there is no-one on this site I'd rather of bought from, Just glad I didn't as it's transpired.

It's great that you've replied in detail, but no one here doubted your end of the deal, you sold a car honestly and it blew up, most likely because LR kept suspect engines for the secondary supply chain.

**** analogy I know, but all Triumph Heralds were in essence HAND built, they had to offer up 2, 3 or maybe 4 doors before plumping for the one that actually fitted that particular shell.
With any luck (and you sure are due some) the engine fault won't be as bad as you think, who can trust the word of a French mechanic. If it turns out only to be big ends, it will be repairable. Stay positive, it's the only way.

French mechanics know about bicycles, onions, yoplait, baguettes and bad red wine, oh and Citroens.
I've just re-read this post and noticed it started with a juddering on full lock accompanied by a a knocking noise.
Could this be something as simple as a failed crank pulley?
If so, surely it is worth getting it back and investigating further.
sorry to hear this mate it would appear that the RR gods have not smiled on you. My offer still stands if you and the better half need a lift anywhere in Kent. I hope that you can still manage some sort of holiday.
You could always take the Frontera and two balaclava's to France for him.;):D
I've just re-read this post and noticed it started with a juddering on full lock accompanied by a a knocking noise.
Could this be something as simple as a failed crank pulley?
If so, surely it is worth getting it back and investigating further.

oh for sure. I have no more trust in a foreign garage diagnosing a RR fault than I would the guy at a Halfords Autocenter.. or in fact anyone at non indi specialist. a failed engine diagnosis may be something as simple as it's out of fuel. Now this is nothing disparaging to French or any foreign garage.. well it is.. but hey.. a brit car turns up from a roadside rescue, while on a motoring holiday.. you are sir caught by the short and curlies.. the likelihood of a breakdown cover policy giving a whacking great piece of work to someone who is stranded is very high on the probabilities scale.. along with what is a rare vehicle in many countries and viewed by may as a rich person's car.

get it back and have a look !

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