just seen this thread, if i was at home i might have gone give the chap a hand.

As said by others i hope he gets out ok, but more importantly hope he learns the lesson not to tresspass and the other lesson never go off road without having someone you can call up to give you a tow if needs be.
I'm starting to find it rather suss that complete stranger has joined LZ in the last 24hrs and immeidately requires a person with a tricked up Landy to meet him precisely in the middle of nowhere to 'assist' him and then disappears without trace come busy, daylight hours... Anyone else agree...?
I'm starting to find it rather suss that complete stranger has joined LZ in the last 24hrs and immeidately requires a person with a tricked up Landy to meet him precisely in the middle of nowhere to 'assist' him and then disappears without trace come busy, daylight hours... Anyone else agree...?

I'm starting to find it rather suss that complete stranger has joined LZ in the last 24hrs and immeidately requires a person with a tricked up Landy to meet him precisely in the middle of nowhere to 'assist' him and then disappears without trace come busy, daylight hours... Anyone else agree...?

Teng torque wrench down the side of my seat for anyone wanting to play funny ****ers. Also I would have contacted farmer first to confirm situation.
I am away but if I was mobile I would have popped over at least to see how bad........... And take my camera and tripod😃
Didn't realise the guy only joined on the 2nd October. Does sound strange. Has anyone pm'd him to see what has happened. If he is genuine he should at least come on here and thank all those who could of helped.
His comment in post #4 is also a complete crock of sh*t given his join date. I'd quote it if I wasn't posting from my mobile. :eek:
I'm starting to find it rather suss that complete stranger has joined LZ in the last 24hrs and immeidately requires a person with a tricked up Landy to meet him precisely in the middle of nowhere to 'assist' him and then disappears without trace come busy, daylight hours... Anyone else agree...?

Thats a good point :(.

Maybe LZIR should suggest its not a good idea going on your own. Wouldnt be the first time someone has delivered a vehicle to some Pikeys unknowingly :(.
Definitely needs raising outside this thread and being incorporated into the LZIR info sticky, methinks.

I actually don't think I'm wrong on this one...
I'd assume we'll probably never know?? Odds on he won't be back is my opinion, and that stems from agreeing strongly with the above thoughts on it being an attempted theft of some good Samaritans vehicle.
I'm starting to find it rather suss that complete stranger has joined LZ in the last 24hrs and immeidately requires a person with a tricked up Landy to meet him precisely in the middle of nowhere to 'assist' him and then disappears without trace come busy, daylight hours... Anyone else agree...?
accidentally left with the keys in it ?

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