Definitely needs raising outside this thread and being incorporated into the LZIR info sticky, methinks.

I actually don't think I'm wrong on this one...

Definately worth a discussion but don't think so in this case. He would've made the recovery sound easier and pushed the sob story harder.

Reckon he got sorted so has no reason to post again :rolleyes:
... or never actually needed recovery! :eek:

no he prob knocked on the farmers door and asked him if he could get it.. farmer havin had his leg over the night before.. was in a good mood and so towed him out with his own vehicle. :D

It would appear so minty, newbies dont you just love em

It would be nice if these newbies actually came back even if it is to tell us they are sorted ................... oh and to post a few pics :D

could it be that he is now working every hour to pay for the damage he has no doubt caused and the recovery fees? and so has no time to post. that or the farmer and his shotgun didnt take to kindly to his trespassing..
i got a feeling he,s tied to a rafter in some old stone barn and being used for a dirty old farmers sex toy
i got a feeling he,s tied to a rafter in some old stone barn and being used for a dirty old farmers sex toy

Oooh....anyone remember postcode of said dirty old farmer .......i'll go and rescue laddyjim and if i happened to get taken in exchange and tied to rafters and used as a sex toy , well its a risk im prepared to take ...for the good of LZIR ;)
I am thinking 100w has him tied down somewhere Misery style. Fancy thinking he could lure people haha

you just took 10 inches away from 110w she wont be happy:eek: last time that happened she had to order a new one from the internet and get new batteries too.
Oooh....did someone suggest there might be a naked man exposing himself...postcode, dammit, now :D
I'd say the lad was a complete tool from start to finish, and is either now dead or recovered and home, or somewhere in between and due to him being such a (frankly amazingly cocky) tool he sees no reason to post again.

Would be very nice if someone was passing to see if there are any witness marks...

That is all, cheers :)

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