I start work in 4.5hrs. I can get there, get you out and get to work on time as long as I get an answer in the next half hour, as I don't want to be rushing round after.

Do you want me to come and winch you out? Now.
brilliant read

have to say, hope you learn the lesson matey, no trespassing, it just isn't on.

interested to hear how it went when you saw the farmer, all sorted now or an arse full of buckshot?

Great read lol!! I've been there not on private land thow it is a bit embarrasing! Only cost me 2 fry ups so was a good result!
Turning into a very good read,
Oh the joys of getting stuck on a farmers field !!NOT!!

Can't wait for the pictures,,,,,,,,,, there will be pictures wont there?

We need the pictures.

I start work in 4.5hrs. I can get there, get you out and get to work on time as long as I get an answer in the next half hour, as I don't want to be rushing round after.

Do you want me to come and winch you out? Now.

Sorry, offer for today now expired.
I should imagine the current situation is...

Mr farmer "so how much do you want me to tow your landrover out ? "

I int far away, wish I'd fixed Sandy a bit earlier:rolleyes:

I'd be very tempted to go have a look :D

But I gotta pick the missus up from Worcester in about half an hour :(
If I had not read this, I would not belive it.
The bloke is a Dick-head.:mad: Gives us all a bad name.
I hope he understands now the its not a land rover,:doh: Fair play to all those who wanted to help this Tool, you are a credit to the site and we should all raise a glass to you.
When I recover vehicles like this on behalf of the breakdown clubs I have to speak to the farmer and obtain permission prior to recovering the vehicle. In some cases the farmer is only to happy to extract the vehucle himself. I rekon speaking to the farmer is the best course of action. He may not be happy about it being there but they are usually happier to get shot of it in one piece before scrotes start smashing windows and burning it and causing them a bigger clear up operation.
That was a good read i'm 30 mins away if it still need pulling out with mr farmers ok

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