Well I need to sleep.....Is anyone gonna be watching this thread?

I'm up for an early wake up call if he gets permission and no-one else is about
I'll be here for a couple more hours, as I'm no night owl. I'll be back online around 6 a.m. my time.

I'll PM you my number to pass on if he gets permission for recovery and no-one else is available.

Pass my number on to anyone else who's about later.....cheers :)
Well, I guess it was an alien abduction. Anyone else want to take over watch in case they return the poor sod after inserting the anal probe and he still needs extrication?
Morning all. Well I'm currently in Birmingham city centre and should be free after 5am. BUT. I've only got the Range Rover as the disco is broken and I don't have any recovery gear in the rangie.
If I have to drive home to collect kit first I'm afraid my bed magnet will engage and I'll be forced to get in it.

Will keep an eye on things.
Although I could always hot wire Mark L's Disco as it is currently in the car park.

Last time my ignition collapsed it took me an hour to break the steering lock. Possibly driving in straight lines only :D :D :D
Although I could always hot wire Mark L's Disco as it is currently in the car park.

Last time my ignition collapsed it took me an hour to break the steering lock. Possibly driving in straight lines only :D :D :D
Since the fellow has dropped of the map, maybe you should hold off on the well intentioned motor theft. :)
It's always the same though, who the hell would nick a gaylander. Now a 110 and I'd be there now.
But then a 110 wouldn't be stuck in a field.

I am really in no rush to go to Stourbridge.
I'm not going to Kinver. Them weird round there and the farmers are worse. Plus I have work in half an hour so can't help till this afternoon. Very sure I don't want to be driving into a field without permission either. Oh and me winch is sat in the garage on the other bumper so.....
I'm tied up untill 8pm at the earliest and he'd need permission from the landowner first, plus i aint got a winch.
Ooh when i first read thread , i thought silly boy but he's young. If he'd been closer, earlier and i'd have got the beast i might have considered it BUT having read rest of thread since ive been asleep and realising what a tresspassing , land violating cock he is i say....man up, face the music with the farmer , get permission for a rescue and then come on here and ask again later this morning. :mad:
Well this is fooking brilliant :D

Pretty much what they all said chap im afraid! As my dad would say "Son, your a dipstick!"

You need to find the farmer, and be really really nice about it. Then when he lets you have your motor back get him a slab of beer or a bottle of summit nice ;)

If i was at home id come and help.

Have you tried putting anything under the wheels to aid in traction?

Good luck though. :D
Found out which farm it is so im gonna go and ask this morning, if he gives me a tug then all sweet if not il be back and hopefully some one on here will be free to pull me out
Let's hope he learns to stay off private land. If I was the farmer I wouldn't be happy at all. No wonder we get a bad name. All the same hope he gets it out and learns a valuable lesson. Stick to legal byways.
Found out which farm it is so im gonna go and ask this morning, if he gives me a tug then all sweet if not il be back and hopefully some one on here will be free to pull me out

If you get the ok from the farmer ill pull you out later today. How far is it from the road? post some pics so i know what to expect.

Im in wolverhampton so 20 mins away from you

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