Well when things start to go wrong it never stops!
****'e couple of days.
So yesterday I decided to paint the wings, primer was done so just colour.
First coat on, exactly the same as usual, sagged like a bastard :mad:
I think that was down to the panel wipe not being dry as I ended up with loads on the rag.
So waited until this morning for them to dry fully, flatted back down and tried again.
And.... yep, that's right did exactly the same in exactly the same place, what the f*ck! :mad2:
And I have no idea of the cause this time, applied even lighter coats, piece of crap! Never had any problems like this before, working in a f*cking ****y little hovel doesn't help matters though.
So I got the bonnet prepped and stuck the wings out side as I'll have to flat them again.
Got bonnet in primer, let that dry.
Got 2 coats of colour on, went out to do the 3rd coat, picked the gun up and threw the paint that was in it everywhere.
I don't remember unscrewing the lid but I must have done :confused:
So the 400ml of paint that was in the gun covered both me and the bonnet in paint.
All in my ear, hair, clothes, face etc.. covered in the stuff :mad2:
And I'll have to redo the bonnet too.
So I'm not best pleased :(
But if I don't laugh I'll cry, had enough! f*cking painting :mad2:
Now these are the type of pics we want to see:D:D Is that the fecking time:eek: nite all
I think you need pull you're fingure out matey, there's not been much progress over these last few days. You're acting as if it's christmas or something. :p :D
I'm like that to you just want things to be perfect nothing wrong with that but believe me you are doing a cracking job mate.

Cheers :)
Yeah, definitely, just not easy where I'm at so just have to work with what I've got and get the best I can.

I think you need pull you're fingure out matey, there's not been much progress over these last few days. You're acting as if it's christmas or something. :p :D

F*ck Christmas, I'll be out on Christmas day if I can :eek:
So was I the only one daft enough to work on the lr today :crazy:
Again credit where it's due, my lr direct order turned up yesterday morning, wasn't expecting it until after Christmas, but all the better for me :)

Anyway, yesterday I repainted the wings, all came out good, third time lucky I suppose :eek:
Then this morning I stuck them outside with the other bits ready to be fitted.
Prepped the bonnet again, which was easier said than done, paint was just splattered all over it :mad:
I ended up rubbing back though to bare metal in a couple of places so needed re-primmering.
So also did the back door that I prepped the day before.
Let that dry and went out late on this afternoon and got some colour on the bonnet.
Will do back door in the morning, then their isn't that much more painting to do :)

Kind of ****ed off as the weather has turned colder today after I've wasted 2 good days :doh:
You must be able to do chassis swaps in super fast time now.?! Now that's a service folks would pay for, including me. I've just got no bloody room. I could use the garage but I dont have any electricity. :). Actually been looking in to getting a generator to power a compressor and other hand tools!
No pictures unfortunately, not much room in the shed to take pictures :eek:
Will try and get some tomorrow, once all the painting is done their should be some proper progress to show as it goes together :)

Well at least I wasn't the only one working on a landy today..... :eek::D

Looking forward to the pics. ;)
You must be able to do chassis swaps in super fast time now.?! Now that's a service folks would pay for, including me. I've just got no bloody room. I could use the garage but I dont have any electricity. :). Actually been looking in to getting a generator to power a compressor and other hand tools!

I'd like to say yes, but it's hard to keep track of time just doing bits here at their at home.
Lots of people offer it already though, think the going rate is £1000 and done in a week(ish) and body off in one piece.
Best way is actually body off in one piece (provided you don't need to do any extra work) and would like to give it a go one day, but so little room or equipment to do so.

Can you not get electric installed in the garage? Problem with generators is they're noisy.
As for compressors I don't use mine other than for painting now, I just can't be arsed getting it all out, let it build up, airlines all over the shop.
But that's mainly because it's not in the same place as I'm working, if I had a bigger garage and it could just sit in the corner untouched I'd be inclined to use it a lot more.

Well at least I wasn't the only one working on a landy today..... :eek::D

Looking forward to the pics. ;)

Yep, good to hear it, nothing else to do so why not :eek::D
So pics as promised, not the best as I forgot until late on and was getting dark.

Wings painted from other day.


Bonnet from yesterday.


Painted back door today.
So what's left to paint, not a lot thankfully.
Back door hinges.
Front door hinges.
Windscreen surround and hinges.
Front grill panel.
Roof will probably be done as it isn't as white as it used to be and probably stick out like a sore thumb. Although I'll probably get it all built and set up first, then take it back off for paint.
And then it's just the chequer plate that wants repainting black.


And then other than that I painted the cills and waxoyled the underneath of the seatbox.

I wish I had your motivation. It looks really good keep the pics coming. We never see your brother in the pics. does he help?
Hi new to all this landy stuff just bought my first td5 and loving it. Think the work you've done is mint and really helpful thanks mate.����
Looks like some pro spraying for this time of year.

Far from perfect, but at least it's all one colour now, or will be at least.
To be fair it seems to be going on well, just the drying times that's ****'e, which means a bit more crap is aloud to settle on it.
But overall very happy with it :)

I wish I had your motivation. It looks really good keep the pics coming. We never see your brother in the pics. does he help?

I'll be honest, motivation is lacking a bit at the moment, can't be arsed working in the garage with no room and theirs crap everywhere, yet I don't really feel comfortable outside either.
Once it's all painted I'll crack on, maybe :eek:
And no he rarely helps, in fairness he's at work all week, then by the time he's back I'm already finished for the day.
Weekends he don't do a lot either which does **** me off a little, but then again I don't mind working on my own either.
So just get him to help me move stuff about, he just best not do his usual trick of letting me do all the work to make it right, drive for 6 months and sell it.

I think he helps by staying out of the way;)

Exactly :p:D

Hi new to all this landy stuff just bought my first td5 and loving it. Think the work you've done is mint and really helpful thanks mate.����

Cheers, thanks for reading :)
Oh, and I'd introduce yourself before the yokels get you :eek::p
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Thanks for the advice still finding my feet on the site. Thanks again������
Was bloody cold today, what with the snow, so never did a lot.
Get the rest of the panels prepped and in primer and that's it.
Hope this weather ****es off soon so I can finish the paint (top coat) as it was too cold today.
On another note, does anyone know a supplier of a good windscreen rubber?
This one was knackered so cut it out today, and of all the tools I've got I don't even own a knife :doh:
I know a few of you chaps have done this before or recently, people recommend genuine, but way to go or....

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