Ah, You must have been replying as I was, Hope everything is good now mate, Complaining is good anyway, 'tis the only thing I'm good at :eek:
Yeah the green has grown on me a fair bit :) Not as in your face as I thought it would be.

:lol: erm.... thanks I think :p :D I think I'd agree too.

Yeah, I thought that about the YRM one too, But once you add shipping and vat it's £160 :eek: Far too much money really.
But as you say non are cheap, I guess that's just the nature of it :(

Oooh, You want to sell it :D Well when he's done with it anyway :p

Ha, you sure did, sods law that I sell something that's been sat in my garage 5 years and need it 4-5 month down the line :(

Depending on what happens I can sell it, thing is I don't know how long my mate will be with it cos he's at uni
Sooo what did I do today, Well not a bloody lot :(
Neighbour kicked off about the fence (She obviously had a change of heart from last night)
She was shouting at me and being aggressive, Told he their was not need to be like that to which her step farther said "You aint seen aggressive yet mate!"
Ah, Ok if that's how you want to be.
After 5 minutes of a pointless conversation she got even more angry and stormed off into the house saying, "You're just a f*cking di*khead, Hit him over the head with the f*cking hammer" (Her step dad had one in his hand as he was fixing another piece of rotten fence that had broken in the weather)
Apparently what I do isn't normal, I'm running a business and going to report you again, blah, blah, blah.
I said to her it's my hobby and you don't see me trying to stop you doing your hobby.
She said I don't have a hobby.
Exactly I said, I do and you're trying to stop me!
So basically I'm ****ed off again, Don't know why I bother what so ever :(
Anyway sorry for the rant, I'm now off out for something to eat for the first time in god knows how long, Yes shock horror for me as I don't usually socialize at all :eek:
Will update with pictures later as laptop battery is about to die.
Sounds like you have sociopathic neighbours. I don't envy you. People like that never see reason. Best not to interact with them at all if you can help it.
Sooo what did I do today, Well not a bloody lot :(
Neighbour kicked off about the fence (She obviously had a change of heart from last night)
She was shouting at me and being aggressive, Told he their was not need to be like that to which her step farther said "You aint seen aggressive yet mate!"
Ah, Ok if that's how you want to be.
After 5 minutes of a pointless conversation she got even more angry and stormed off into the house saying, "You're just a f*cking di*khead, Hit him over the head with the f*cking hammer" (Her step dad had one in his hand as he was fixing another piece of rotten fence that had broken in the weather)
Apparently what I do isn't normal, I'm running a business and going to report you again, blah, blah, blah.
I said to her it's my hobby and you don't see me trying to stop you doing your hobby.
She said I don't have a hobby.
Exactly I said, I do and you're trying to stop me!
So basically I'm ****ed off again, Don't know why I bother what so ever :(
Anyway sorry for the rant, I'm now off out for something to eat for the first time in god knows how long, Yes shock horror for me as I don't usually socialize at all :eek:
Will update with pictures later as laptop battery is about to die.

Ignore them
Aaron I would get a camera rigged up as proof of what you're doing. This will verify times and type of work etc, but not only this, I would be considered they may cause damage as a Vendetta!!!!

Aaron be careful mate, they don't appear to be a full picnic.
Depending on what happens I can sell it, thing is I don't know how long my mate will be with it cos he's at uni

Ah, fair enough, no worries, just send me a pm when it's available :)
I may still need it at this rate.

Sounds like you have sociopathic neighbours. I don't envy you. People like that never see reason. Best not to interact with them at all if you can help it.

Yep, Their is no reasoning with them at all, they just want it all their way, i.e stop completely :(
We don't usually talk, But because theirs something wrong it's ok :rolleyes:

Ignore them

Yep, best way I think, usually do, will do even more from now on.

she has a hobby all right... making you miserable...

Haha, yeah, true storey.

Aaron I would get a camera rigged up as proof of what you're doing. This will verify times and type of work etc, but not only this, I would be considered they may cause damage as a Vendetta!!!!

Aaron be careful mate, they don't appear to be a full picnic.

Interesting thoughts and I can see where you're coming from actually.
Unfortunately they're not a full picnic but we'll see where it goes.
To add to the above, When she wanted a "chat" she just stood outside her door on her drive shouting my name.
Why not knock on the door like anyone else would the daft bint! Oh yeah that's why because she wants the whole street to hear and make me look bad :rolleyes:
I'm ****ed off because theirs no reasoning with these people. They just want me to stop. End of, and they're going to keep trying until I do :(
And as sad as it sounds other than work (when we've got some) this is the only other thing I do. I vary rarely go out and socialize, I don't drink, smoke blah, blah, blah, this is it and they want to stop me :(
As for the council I don't really understand how they prove you are or aren't running a business? Last time they just came and had a look around and said "Yeah it doesn't look like you're running a business" then left.
Also I don't really know what they constitute as a business. Kind of a weird one.

Anyway, here is what I did yesterday.

First job was to give the gearbox a good clean, It's a bloody awkward thing.


And gave the main casing a bit of paint (sorry for the crappy pics :eek: )


and then stuck the engine. Much easier than taking it out I must say :)



And that was it after that, Other than starting to clean the transfer box up, another bloody awkward thing to clean.
Won't get much if anything done today as I've got some plaster boarding to do elsewhere.
Looking great so far. How do you get things so clean? That alloy on the box is gleaming.

Can't wait to get mine to that stage. Just got myself a knackered old 90 to rebuild and will be going down pretty much the same route as you.

Oh, and it's not sad to have a rewarding and useful hobby while living a clean life. It's the people with no brains and no skills, who have nothing better to do with their time than **** it away insulting and bothering other people that are the sad ones. You're better than them, don't forget that.
Ach neighbours will be neighbours,

Im not looking forward to the day i have neighbours opposite me - its coming but a fair way off... Im in an ex council farm cottage and they want to build luxary exec 5 beds across the road - im one step away from being a full on red neck so they can complain once , they will get telt - no one forced you to build opposite me. although im trying to build a garage out the back away from eyes and ears.

The rest of my neighbours are grand 8 of us in the middle of no where - 1 lot are into restoring tractors , another lot race autograss and 2 doors up builds track day motors for fun.

Are you tennents or owners ? - so long as its not antisocial hours or all the time noisy theres jack all they can do assuming owners.

Cleaning up gear box , brushing on diesel and give it a good scrub with a wire brush dicht we a cloot then get the wire wheel on the grinder to it. Hittign the average landy gear box with the wire wheel straight away will result in a dalmation appearance to your entire body.
Looking great so far. How do you get things so clean? That alloy on the box is gleaming.

Gearbox just got a wipe down with brake cleaner and a rag to get the worst of the oily ****e off then attacked with the wire brush in the drill/grinder depending on what it is.
Not perfect but a darn sight better than It was :)

Can't wait to get mine to that stage. Just got myself a knackered old 90 to rebuild and will be going down pretty much the same route as you.

Good luck with your rebuild, they're good fun :)

Oh, and it's not sad to have a rewarding and useful hobby while living a clean life. It's the people with no brains and no skills, who have nothing better to do with their time than **** it away insulting and bothering other people that are the sad ones. You're better than them, don't forget that.

Yeah, I see what you're saying and I agree, I don't really know what else she wants me to do :confused:
But yeah, I didn't mean the hobby is sad as I thoroughly enjoy it, More the fact that if they do stop me then I will have f*ck all else.
As I say I don't drink, smoke, socialize at all, Last night was probably the first time in 6 months.
Which at 25 probably is a bit sad, But hay I'd rather not **** money down the drain and I'm relatively happy at times :)

Ach neighbours will be neighbours,

Im not looking forward to the day i have neighbours opposite me - its coming but a fair way off... Im in an ex council farm cottage and they want to build luxary exec 5 beds across the road - im one step away from being a full on red neck so they can complain once , they will get telt - no one forced you to build opposite me. although im trying to build a garage out the back away from eyes and ears.

I would love to have no neighbours if I could, I'm not exactly a people person anyway :eek:
Ah, yes a big garage would be nice, at least then I could do everything indoors and they wouldn't even see me.

At the mo they can just stand and watch me. Or sit watching me out the window like they have done a few times.

The rest of my neighbours are grand 8 of us in the middle of no where - 1 lot are into restoring tractors , another lot race autograss and 2 doors up builds track day motors for fun.

Sounds like the kind of neighbours I need :p

Are you tennents or owners ? - so long as its not antisocial hours or all the time noisy theres jack all they can do assuming owners.

We're owners, As for times. 10-6:30 at the most so not antisocial, or not in my book anyway.
Plus I never really stay outside all day, Usually go out for a couple of hours and back in for a brew and on here for a whine seen as theirs no rush.

Cleaning up gear box , brushing on diesel and give it a good scrub with a wire brush dicht we a cloot then get the wire wheel on the grinder to it. Hittign the average landy gear box with the wire wheel straight away will result in a dalmation appearance to your entire body.

Yep, what he says, I ended up looking something like that yesterday actually :eek:

Amazing work as usual :)

Thanks for the positive thoughts bud :)
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Just tell her to get bent and mind her own business...

Although dont damage her fence again - shes allowed a little moan about that :)
Is the fence communal if so tell her u will replace the panel do it with the cheep lat stuf 👍 then paint you're side orange and watch it run down the back ( her side) can't choose you're colour can she lol 😬😬😮😜👌
Aaron, your last reply, you say , "what he said"..........WTF did he say?????????:confused::confused::D

:lol: I made sense of most of it :p

Nice work on the build. Never get sick of seeing rebuilds

Cheers bud :)

Just tell her to get bent and mind her own business...

Although dont damage her fence again - shes allowed a little moan about that :)

Yeah, exactly, she does need to keep her nose out.
Fat chance of that though :(
I agree about the fence and it's sorted now, but no need to be how she was about it.

Is the fence communal if so tell her u will replace the panel do it with the cheep lat stuf �� then paint you're side orange and watch it run down the back ( her side) can't choose you're colour can she lol ����������

Haha :D fence is now repaired, No way I'm spending money on something that's as rotten as a landrover chassis :p
Although I do fancy putting a 6ft fence up (or the biggest I can) so she can't see me and I can't see her which is a plus point.
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So todays little update finally, I officially hate windows 8! :mad: :mad2:
Been messing with this piece of crap laptop for hours. Now I remember why I don't use it :mad:

Anyway, I've not a lot to show for today but done a fair few little bits and bobs.
First job was to take the clutch off and check that. It'd supposedly had one not long before we bought it.
After taking it off today I'd agree with that so it went back on.
Then stuck the exhaust on while nothing was in the way.
And then stuck the gearbox back in with a helping hand for once :rolleyes:


Finished cleaning the transfer box and stuck that on, Bit lighter than the gearbox so did that me self :eek:
Then stuck the handbrake drum and balance weight back on.


Neither are perfect but a lot better than they where so I'm happy at that.


Decided I wanted the fuel tank in, so I repaired the old tank guard and gave it a good paint.
If I find a better one then I'll change it, If not it's got some life back in it now anyway :p
So fitted guard and tank. Plus fuel filter and lines along the chassis.
Could've done with a clean first really :eek:


Fitted tie down eyes and a few brackets, cleaned/painted both props and fitted front.
And the last thing changed drive flange bolts for some shiny 12.9 socket caps :p Also changed the ones in the top swivel pins.


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