Ive started popping in to your threads to make me get off my arse and do a bit on mine. Now ive looked at your last bit of stripping i can go out to my shed and get the steering box off. That and the gbox and tbox should be on a pallet later today and on there way to Engerland for a rebuild :D
I'm glad someone's doing this to a TD5, because it looks like mine. There are loads of Series, 200TDi, 300TDi etc. rebuilds but they're harder for me to identify with. I'm doing mine in bits and pieces rather than all at once but its good to see something that looks so familiar going through the process. Exactly the same thing had happened to my rear spring retainer on the same side of the car, for example.
**** you work fast! Just read all 96 pages of your last build (easy day at work) and now this one.

Must have been an easy day at work anorl :p Must have took a while :eek:

Seeing you do all this work outside/in a Wendy house�� is giving me the confidence I need to start my 110, which has only been looked at for the last month. I thought it would be difficult without a big garage to work in but you're making it look easy enough.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want more room, But at least I'm not getting **** wet through everyday. So just work with what I've got.
One of the annoying things is the lack of height in the their, Meaning I have to leave the roof and back door off (Or it wont fit in) until it's finished and ready for the road.
But I've done a couple now and managed pretty well, If it was that bad I wouldn't be doing another now :D

I love the idea of my own cummins conversion but I'll stick to a standard build for my first time. Have you considered putting together a conversion package? Supplying a serviced and painted engine and gearbox complete with mounts/transfer adaptor/starter/alternator etc?

The problem with that is their isn't a standardized way of doing it and everyone has their own way of doing things, Plus my way isn't necessarily the best of the bunch out their.

So number plate sticky foam stuff will be ok? Got plenty in work so was hoping that would do


Aye, That looks like it'll do the job, The stuff I had was a bit thicker but don't suppose it matters. Mine wasn't exactly the proper stuff anyway.

Looking very good looks like a really clean td5 as in gearbox axles etc.

It's not too bad, Just needs a bit of tlc. Only ever really had what it's needed. So now seems a good time for some preventive maintenance.

Why is it, when I'm up to my ear lobes in doing this myself, that I find reading about the same thing so fascinating? :confused:

Not sure, But I enjoy them too :)

There are some great rebuild threads on here, but yours always tend to stand out a bit. Your writing style possibly, rate at which you get through it. A Land Rover soap opera :D

Yes we seem to have lots of rebuild threads going off lately (More than usual) No bad thing mind as I enjoy reading them :)
Oh and soap opera, Yeah sounds about right for my life :p
Cheers, Glad you enjoy them :)

+1 :)great to follow your builds , hope you're not on an hourly rate ,,,,if so.................. slow down ,,,lol mind you i know how crap "family rate is" great viewing and reading ,,reading your thread is like us doing a rebuild but not having to go in the garage and get cold :cool::D:rolly:

Cheers :)
Hourly rate :eek: oh aye, If only :( Family rate for me is free. Yeah I must be mad :eek: Plus it's not like I'm doing anything else other than being a bum.
As for slowing down, Most stuff I do in life is generally at full pelt :eek:
Always in a rush and get ****ed off when things don't go to plan :eek:
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You ain't ####ing around this time are ya!

Steady away to be fair mate :) No point busting a bollock for it.

Ive started popping in to your threads to make me get off my arse and do a bit on mine. Now ive looked at your last bit of stripping i can go out to my shed and get the steering box off. That and the gbox and tbox should be on a pallet later today and on there way to Engerland for a rebuild :D

Yes, I need a kick up the arse sometimes too :p Glad it helps you in a way :)
Are they going to are very own Mr Martin then ;)

I'm glad someone's doing this to a TD5, because it looks like mine. There are loads of Series, 200TDi, 300TDi etc. rebuilds but they're harder for me to identify with. I'm doing mine in bits and pieces rather than all at once but its good to see something that looks so familiar going through the process. Exactly the same thing had happened to my rear spring retainer on the same side of the car, for example.

Yeah, That's why I decided to put it up in the end as their aren't many td5 rebuild threads about so a little different from what I'd usually do.
To be fair doing it in bits and bobs is the way I like to do stuff, But this has only really ever had what it's needed and no more.
So now seems a good time to do some preventive maintenance, and lets be fair in the grand scheme of things it isn't exactly costing the earth to do it.
Right then, Today's update. (finally :rolleyes:) Crappy computer :eek:

Waited about all morning for the posty who still didn't bring what I wanted :eek:
Still me wire wheels came, Well one type at least.
So decided to get the axle casings cleaned up and painted.
Best way would be shot blasting to get perfect, But with the wire wheel on the grinder and wire brush in the drill they came up pretty well.


And the other painted.
As soon as I started painting them it all came flooding back how long it took last time :doh:
But when I look under my 90 I think 'Yeah it was worth the effort'
So this can have the same treatment. well too late now anyway (For the axles at least)


And onto the diffs, Front one was a mess, I guess the engines had it's fair share of oil leeks in the past, All of which drops on the axles.



Also got a text as I was coming in from lr direct, Orders going to be delivered Monday.
Best get cracking this weekend then :eek:
Looking nice and shiny with a lick of paint on them. Get plenty of paint on the brackets the springs attach to, because mine were getting very rusty underneath, and we don't want them going all the way through.
Looking nice and shiny with a lick of paint on them. Get plenty of paint on the brackets the springs attach to, because mine were getting very rusty underneath, and we don't want them going all the way through.

Yes, Same here, Lashings of paint applied :D
So today's plan was to get as much stuff cleaned up and paint as I can.
All very time consuming though :(
Again waited for the posty to come, I really should stop just ordering everything online as it'd be quicker to go and collect locally, But I just can't be arsed dealing with people if I'm honest :eek:
Anyway with that out the way I stripped the a-frame, Which came apart remarkably easy.


Then gave everything a good blast over with the wire wheel on the grinder, Probably wasn't my best idea leaving the freshly paint axles in the garage though :doh:
Then headed off to the shed to press the bushes out, Some of which took the whole 20tons :eek:
Whereas the a-frame ball joint nearly dropped out :p
Must say it's one of the better things I've bought, Even if it doesn't get much use.


And on to the painting I went. This is the colour for the radius arms etc, Yep it's slightly bright :eek:


Crap pics and doesn't show how bright it actually is! Will get some betterer ones tomorrow :)



Then the last thing I did was take a peek at the calipers, I had a feeling they may want referbishing.
As you can see the seal and dust cover has stuck the the piston and came out when the pads have worn down.
I know a few of you have done this lately so what do you recon?
Worth rebuilding? I recon it'd be cheaper.
But what pistons, Stainless or standard and what brand seal kit did you use.
Thoughts please :)
Not looked at the back ones yet but will do tomorrow. Would suspect they'll be the same.

Went stainless and premium seals from paddocks aaron

Paints looking good on the suspension. Brings back memorys haha
Once you get the old pistons and seals out it will be possible to tell if they're worth salvaging. If the grooves the seals go on are nice and clean with no rusting or pitting they should be OK. As my pistons had gone rusty I bought stainless ones to try and stop it happening again. They came with a seal kit that was obviously of poor quality so I bought Land Rover Brand ones to fit instead. The push-fit metal ring that holds the outer seal in place can be a bit fiddly to get in but I pressed them in with one of those wind back tools that consists of two paddles that you can wind apart, and it all went together very nicely.
Went stainless and premium seals from paddocks aaron

Paints looking good on the suspension. Brings back memorys haha

Cheers :) Seems a lot of work, But I can't bolt rusty ****e on :eek:
So not only does it cost me time but generally money :eek:
Will have a look at the stainless pistons, Already decided I don't want to be fitting cheap crap seals. Not so sure on the pistons yet.

Once you get the old pistons and seals out it will be possible to tell if they're worth salvaging. If the grooves the seals go on are nice and clean with no rusting or pitting they should be OK. As my pistons had gone rusty I bought stainless ones to try and stop it happening again. They came with a seal kit that was obviously of poor quality so I bought Land Rover Brand ones to fit instead. The push-fit metal ring that holds the outer seal in place can be a bit fiddly to get in but I pressed them in with one of those wind back tools that consists of two paddles that you can wind apart, and it all went together very nicely.

Yeah, My thinking is if I'm replacing the seals then theirs no point f*cking around with crappy old pistons.
Weather it's stainless or not is another matter.
On the odd occasion I've fitted them I've just used a hammer and socket and good branded ones seem easier to fit.
So will be buying ap/genuine or the like for this.
Ahhhh, More painting, Seems never ending and I've only just started.
Mind it is kind of my own fault as I just can't bolt rusty ****e on, Ends up costing me time and money.

First port of call was to get the rest of the axle bits cleaned up.
As I say I have a delivery from lr direct tomorrow so want to be ready to bolt the axles together.
Only slight problem I have is that the paint is taking a while to dry.
Oh and I need to order some pistons/seals for the front calipers.
Going to leave the rears for now as they're fine.


Everything's looking a bit sorry for itself.


This is the backing plate for the fuel filter head, I've replaced the crappy spire clip with a rivnut.
As the cover that goes on after and is usually secured with a little self tapper. Crap idea after a few years, So it can now have a bolt in it.


Decided to split the front calipers seen as I'll be fitting new pistons and seals.


Cleaned and painted.
Will try and order some seals tonight and get them done midweek hopefully.



Day ended with a few bits painted, Still many more to go yet though.
Also did the rear calipers just no pics.

So the other day I said I forgot a couple of things off my parts order.
Slight understatement a dozen items or so later and £150 ish later :eek:
This is ending up like my own build, Spend, spend bloody spend :eek: If not even further.

Had a text this morning to say delivery between 2-3 so didn't start until gone dinner.
I had a few bits in the shed for the back axle already (from previous jobs)
So first job was to stick the diff in. I've learnt my lesson from last time that gaskets aren't actually gaskets any more as mine have a slight weep :mad:
So I've used silicone as well as the gasket this time.


Got the hubs on, half shafts in etc then was a waiting game until my parts arrived (Needed the caliper bolts :p )
Which turned up at 2 so happy days :)
And credit where credit is due, You always get more than you ordered with them, Obviously it only costs pence to them but it's nice to get spares.
i.e order 2 diff gaskets and get 10, Same with the others too.
14 swivel ball bolts and get 20.
Well if it's free I'm happy :) and probably why I've spent the best part of £1800 with them this year :eek:


I seem to have a lot of britpart in here :eek: Mainly suffix g/oem stuff though.


And this box! Yes every single item was britpart :eek::eek:
Never seen so many blue bags before :crazy:
But again mostly suffix g/oem spec and mainly non essential parts like swivel seal retainers, one shot, spring seats and retainers.


As I said yesterday the paint is taking an age to dry so decided to get the spring seats painted up to match now they'd arrived.



Calipers were still a bit tacky from yesterday so I put them on carefully by hanging onto the old copper pipe.


Still waiting for my new bolts for the drive flanges :mad:


And then stuck the wheels on so I could move it about. Shame it's covered in ****'e already :eek:
Still got to do the brake pipes but I'll do them at the same time as I do the front ones.
Plus a couple of other bits like spring seats when they're dry.


And onto the front, Again stuck the diff in with gasket and rtv, Oh and not to forget the new nuts :p
Then it was time to build the hubs/swivels up.
I prefer to build them up on the bench like this and then bolt them on.


Bolted on, And just noticed I've missed a bit on the axle :eek: Best touch it up tomorrow, Bloody awkward things.


And left it here for the night. Will finish the rest tomorrow, Although I doubt the new caliper seals/pistons will be here, Probably be Wednesday.
Still plenty more to go at so no major.

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Well not a lot done today, Was sorting tyres out for both mother and brother until gone dinner :mad:
Still needs must and saves them paying full whack elsewhere!

So when I did get back I built the rest of the front axle up.
Just need to stick the calipers on once they're rebuilt.
Speaking of which I was getting a little worried they wouldn't be here tomorrow, But got a text at 6:30 ish saying will be delivered tomorrow :)
Along with all the other crap I ordered :eek:

With that done I thought I'd do the brake pipes on the back axle, Plus stuck the spring seats and springs on.
Not the best I've done if I'm honest, But not easy as I had nothing to copy off.
The ones that where removed where shockingly bad so went straight in the bin.
Still they're a 100 times better than what came off so I'm happy for now. May have another jig about with them tomorrow.


And secured with rubber lined p-clips.


Last job was cleaning the mess of a steering box up, Plus centre crossmember, + paint of course :p

Those clips are just right for those brake lines, used them before to replace plastic tat. In all the time it's taken you to remove/strip/paint/rebuild your axles I have managed to? Remove my front wings and windscreen! I would like to start s build thread like this but progress is sooo slow.
Those clips are just right for those brake lines, used them before to replace plastic tat. In all the time it's taken you to remove/strip/paint/rebuild your axles I have managed to? Remove my front wings and windscreen! I would like to start s build thread like this but progress is sooo slow.

Yeah they're pretty good, Work well and as you say better than plastic tat.
Will do what I did on mine and put rivnuts in the chassis and use them for the brake pipes along their too.

Aye, It's all time consuming stuff, Especially if you've not had one in bits before, But bare in mind I'm a bum who doesn't have a job, So instead of an hour on a night I get spend 5 hours or so on it.

Oh and yes you should start a build thread, Doesn't matter how slow it is.
Some take a couple of months, some take a couple of years, People will still want to read it, Me included :)
Today's job was axles, and/or the fitment of.
As I put up yesterday back axle was finished, So this morning I decided to fit it as the bits for the front axle (pistons and seals) weren't going to be here until 1-2
So got the chassis onto the patio instead of the mud bath of a garden and fitted a few bit's and bobs.
So trailing arm bushes, a-frame mounts, bump stops, shock mounts etc..



So axle out the garage and chassis up in the air on the engine crane as I'm on me tod.



New bushes pressed into the trailing arms and new bolts :p


Good quality a-frame ball joint and pressed into fulcrum housing.



Same with the a-frame arms.
Ordered 2 ntc1773 and got 2 boxes of 4 delivered :confused: Still that should last me a while :D


Fitted to chassis/axle.
After getting battered and bruised stripping a manly old rusty Land Rover, nothing gives me more satisfaction than beginning bolt shiny new/referbished parts onto a new chassis.




Then my box of bits turned up. Ordered a bloody disco instead of defender steering damper though :doh:


And onto building the front calipers up.
I bought an allmakes (I think) rebuild kit, But then bought ap branded seals as well.
All went very well, Much easier than the last time I did some anyway.


Oh yer even get some instructions in the ap seal kit.
And no don't be daft I didn't read them :brick:


So with them built up, The calipers fitted, Brake pipes made and wheels on I fitted the bushes to the radius arms.


Loosely bolted to the axle.


Springs and shocks on, Yes britpart shocks :eek: But it's actually something they're half decent at and better than plain old black, Well maybe :eek:


And that was that for the day, I did have high hopes for a rolling chassis today but hay-ho :( Was dark when I'd finished, I really must install an outside light at some point.
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