Cracking work Aaron! :)

Yet another thread I'll be absolutely glued too! :rolleyes::D

Keep it up the great work mate. :)
Feck me , you near caught me up already.

You winnae even hae a roosty bulkhead that needs repairing before you can put it on .... Thats what i been at tonight, its nasty work :(
Looks like great progress - everything nice and clean and painted and going together perfectly.

Whenever I'm working on the Land Rover there's always a landmark moment when you turn the little lever on the ratchet so that it goes from anticlockwise to clockwise. Or nowadays I've got as battery impact wrench, so it's a matter of sliding the reverse switch over.
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Bloody hell mate, I've been away for a little and come to find you've gone and done it again!!!!!

Looking good, keep up the hard work :)
Cracking work Aaron! :)

Yet another thread I'll be absolutely glued too! :rolleyes::D

Keep it up the great work mate. :)

Cheers Robb :) Hope you enjoy the rest of it as much as me :)

Feck me , you near caught me up already.

You winnae even hae a roosty bulkhead that needs repairing before you can put it on .... Thats what i been at tonight, its nasty work :(

Aye, But it's all going to come to a grinding halt pretty soon, Got the paint to do but I can't do it at home, Plus it's a little cold at the mo.
So it may just have to get stuck together and painted when it's all built up. As much as I don't want to do it that way I may have too.
As for bulkheads, Yes I know the feeling :( Luckily this ones good, But I've got one in me back yard that needs some work, Mind I'll probably never do it :eek:

Looks like great progress - everything nice and clean and painted and going together perfectly.

Whenever I'm working on the Land Rover there's always a landmark moment when you turn the little lever on the ratchet so that it goes from anticlockwise to clockwise. Or nowadays I've got as battery impact wrench, so it's a matter of sliding the reverse switch over.

Cheers :) The thing with this is theirs still a mountain of stuff to take to bits and rebuild etc. But still a landmark for me will be getting it into a rolling chassis :)
Speaking of impact wrenches I love mine too :D Use it all the time, Wouldn't want to be without it.
Could do with a 3/8th's one now though :eek:

Bloody hell mate, I've been away for a little and come to find you've gone and done it again!!!!!

Looking good, keep up the hard work :)

Cheers mate :)
I did think you'd not been on for a while! Hope everything has been alright bud.
And yes again :D It's what make me happier so might as well :crazy:
you aint lying about the weather fella.

im toying with getting my tub solid - at the front and all the cappings in primer + fitting before just sticking it all back together for paint at a later date.

its hardly painting weather - wouldnt take much to paint it next summer.
Well we're in a rolling chassis :banana:
Just had me dinner and debating going back out side in the rain or not :scratching_chin:
you aint lying about the weather fella.

im toying with getting my tub solid - at the front and all the cappings in primer + fitting before just sticking it all back together for paint at a later date.

its hardly painting weather - wouldnt take much to paint it next summer.

Aye, It's not grate., but I'm more bothered about the neighbours kicking off with regards the actual painting :(
My problem is that my compressor wont keep up with doing it all in one go.
Meaning I have to mask up and do it in sections.
Much easier to do it while it's in bits. I may just primer it all while it's in bits. So at least it doesn't look so bad and covers all the bare ally/steel up.
Hopefully they wont smell that, Much less potent than actually 2k top coat :eek:

At least go out and take some photos;)

I have :p but getting them on to my computer seems troublesome tonight :confused: :mad2:
Well pictures have finally reached my computer :eek:

So today was front axle day.
So rolled it out the garage into the rain :( Yes it's been on and off all day. Nothing too bad though.




And it's under :)
I must say it's much easier if theirs 2 people, Still I managed ok on my own.




Then stuck a few bits and bobs on.
Pushed new bushes into panhard rod, Fit steering box/pipes and track rod bar, Fuel filter backing plate.
No steering damper as I bought the wrong one :mad:


That was about dinner time and I was going to call it a day, But decided to split the engine a gearbox.
With being on my own it should make fitting a little easier, Plus means I can check clutch although it seems ok when driving.
But kind of wish I had called it a day, When trying to move the engine out of the way the engine crane got stuck in the mud and sent one leg of it into next doors fence :doh: sh*t fu*k cu*t boll**ks :mad:
Something else their not going to be happy about


With the engine and crane recovered I split the gearbox/transfer box too.
Going to give them a bit of a clean so should make them a little more manageable.


Oh and one last thing, Does anyone know a source of a reasonably price tank guard?
This one has seen better days. Not fussed if new/old/standard or aftermarket just need something without holes in.

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Haha yeah matey, it's been a tad hard the last few months, I've been in and out of hospital. I shouldn't really complain there's a lot more people worse off than I am. :)

It's looking smart, I like the Kawasaki green. I notice that the fence is down..?! Lol
Theres a market for this you know !

Keep this up an you can finish mine off for me :)

Hmm, You're not the only one to tell me this.
I wouldn't mind trying it and seeing if it did actually pay, But it's a risk and I don't fancy losing the savings I do have. Although I know how much the things cost so I don't see it myself.
But I suppose you've got to speculate to accumulate :scratching_chin:
Oh and yeah, Bring it round :p :D

And mine!

Aye, neighbours will love it! :D

Do mine first, please :)

Why is there a big fried egg on ya patio?

:lol: I had to go back and look at the pics again, Know what you mean now. It's a dog toy :p
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I think YRM make a decent tank guard/cradle. No tank guards are amazingly cheap though. My terrafirma one was expensive AND the bolt holes were stupidly big!
Haha yeah matey, it's been a tad hard the last few months, I've been in and out of hospital. I shouldn't really complain there's a lot more people worse off than I am. :)

It's looking smart, I like the Kawasaki green. I notice that the fence is down..?! Lol

Ah, You must have been replying as I was, Hope everything is good now mate, Complaining is good anyway, 'tis the only thing I'm good at :eek:
Yeah the green has grown on me a fair bit :) Not as in your face as I thought it would be.

You sir are crackers!

:lol: erm.... thanks I think :p :D I think I'd agree too.

I think YRM make a decent tank guard/cradle. No tank guards are amazingly cheap though. My terrafirma one was expensive AND the bolt holes were stupidly big!

Yeah, I thought that about the YRM one too, But once you add shipping and vat it's £160 :eek: Far too much money really.
But as you say non are cheap, I guess that's just the nature of it :(

I have a good second hand one but it's currently being measured up by a mate so he can make me an aluminium one instead

Oooh, You want to sell it :D Well when he's done with it anyway :p

Haha, I also just remembered that my current tank cradle came from you aaron!

Ha, you sure did, sods law that I sell something that's been sat in my garage 5 years and need it 4-5 month down the line :(
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