Certainly do. I'd sort of ignored it for about three weeks. Apart from buying the plastic 90 degree elbow joints as a very reluctant plan A. Very relieved it's worked out with no chopping of the pipe on the tank.
Greetings from Belfast! I'm currently a flatmate of your son at Uni :) Been following your project ever since he told me about it. Looking good! Great solutions to the tank! Hoping this chassis doesn't bring any more surprises to you!

Cheers. He told me you were following the thread. I can't see the chassis causing any more problems. Hopefully, that's it's one and only fault. It's taken about 4 hrs of work time and £25 to make it good, so not bad really. Fortunately, the tank didn't turn out to be as bad as I first thought. Not perfect, but very acceptable.
That's great news then! Will see if I ever get around a project like this sometime in the future... Don't know if your son mentioned it, I'm quite the enthusiastic chap. Shouldn't really be having any thoughts on landys quite yet, especially not as a student.

Anyways, good luck with the build! Hope to meet you in person someday over some tea and landy! :)
Great work mate. Coming on now. I'm still to soooo busy with work to do mine, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel when I might get cracking on mine Sadly it's about May :(
Keep up the good work. I'll be watching.
Well, it's been a long time since I've been able to get anything done. I've been working away quite a bit over the last 4 weeks. Back on track now I hope!

Glad you've finally got the tank sorted mate, little things like that seem to drag on don't they.
Cheers, Discokids. Yes, quite a few things drag on! Projects like this certainly test your patience and staying power. :)

Great work mate. Coming on now. I'm still to soooo busy with work to do mine, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel when I might get cracking on mine Sadly it's about May :(
Keep up the good work. I'll be watching.
I'm just getting back in to mine after about 4 weeks off. To be honest I've struggled to raise the motivation a bit. It's possibly because theer are lots of smaller, fiddly jobs to do now and everything is being a pain. If I can get a few things to go smoothly, fast and with a good quality result that will probably raise my spirits :rolleyes:

Anyway, got the radiator dropped in to place today.

The only awkward bit is that the oil cooler pipes don't fit in to their holes perfectly square. This is preventing the nuts from catching on to the thread and tightening down.


I'm pretty sure there should be O rings on here. I've got some 12.5mm ID x 2mm C/S Nitrile 70 ones, but I think they are a little too big.

Rain has stopped play for now :(
I'll hopefully get some O rings from the LR Specialist about 12 miles away.
While it's been raining I've been trying to plan ahead for other jobs. I went in to the shed and pulled out the exhaust.

It's been sat in there for two years. I've no idea why it wouldn't be, but do you think the CAT will be ok? I know there are a lot of threads about taking the CAT out, so I think I'll do a bit of research just in case. I've been on LR Direct and they range from £120 (Britpart & Allmakes) up to £800 for a LR one :eek: Does anyone have any experience of after market ones?
Having read a number of threads, it seems that if the vehicle had a CAT/particulate filter originally then it needs one in order to pass the MOT. Unless, you have a friendly MOT tester.
they probably wont know if it was built with a cat and prob wont be bothered and may actually have more chance of passing a smoke test with a new non cat exhaust system
Cheers, GATSO. I might give it a whirl. The only problem is that the MOT place has done my MOT for the last 10yrs. So he'll probably remember it had one. On the positive side I've been taking all of my vehicles there for over 25yrs, so he might be kind to me. :)
I read a few threads earlier where people have kept there CATs just in case, so I might do the same and chance my luck.
Got home from work early today and so I thought I'd crack on with the carpet, sound proofing & seats etc in the back.
I started getting the seats bolted back together because I'd taken the steel parts off to paint them.

Once together I had to line the back rests up to locate new holes where they'll bolt to the wheel arch. The original holes were badly corroded and so they were cut out and patches bonded in, so new holes needed.

That meant cleaning down the trim panels as the seats bolt through them.

I've bought some closed cell foam to go under the carpet to act as sound proofing.

I've bought some new carpet, which cost me £20. I've used the old carpet pieces as templates.

Bought some adhesive backed cloth edging tape to bond the edges. The Mrs ran the sewing machine around over the tape to create a realistic looking edge. It's come out well, but would have been better with a professional machine, so she says.

I think they look cracking and really look the part.
The forecast is ok and so I might get the sound proofing, carpets, seats and county trim all in the back tomorrow. :)
Made canny progress today.
Started sticking the double sided tape down

Cut panels to go along the upstand of the inner wing.

Taped the horizontal surface up.

Marked up and cut out where the seat metalwork would bolt through. Decided to just bolt it through the carper and not try to compress the foam.

A bit of tape on the foam side panel.

Then I stuck the second layer on top. I went for two layers on the side as the original wadding insulation was thick there and there was only the carpet on the top originally.

Did the same on the other wing.
Marked out and cut four holes for the seat belt bolts.

Fitted the carpets in and bolted the seats and back rests down.

Cut two pieces of foam to fit the remaining floor space and taped it up with double sided tape/

Put the two pieces together and they fit perfectly in the back.

At this point I had to decide to either cut the floor carpet to fit under the side carpets or over them. I went for under to avoid a lump!
Just sewed the edging tape along the edge that lies against the centre bulkhead as it will be the only one showing.

You can't see the taped edge on the picture though.
I then fitted the support bars to get the full effect.



That's taken the best part of all day! However, I'm very pleased with the result. It looks brand new in there. I do need to paint the hardboard bases of the seats though! They've been stacked up and so I didn't notice.
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Thanks for the likes, gents. I am over the moon with what it looks like. Unusually, it looks better in real life than in the pictures. :(

Wow, nice work, them carpets look bloody good :) The whole inside looks like new

Cheers, Aaron. The carpet is a reasonably good match to the original colour. I've got load of carpet left so I'm going to give the seat box the same treatment with one layer of the closed cell foam and then the carpet. The front carpets are still in decent nick. I'll see how much carpet I have left, but I'm not too bothered about them. I got a new neighbour about 18 months ago and he had a Defender 90 TD5. He also had one son. He then had a baby daughter and his Mrs (I suspect) decided the Defender had to go because it wasn't practical for the two kids. To be fair, she was probably right. Anyway, he traided it in for a Discovery (good lad), but he had some genuine LR Defender rubber mats in the front and took them out to give to me. The man's a star :) So, that's why I'm not too bothered about the front carpets, the rubber mats cover everything/

Cracking Job, you better get the Mrs something nice

Bugger! Yeah, I think you're right there mate. Hmmmm, I think she would like some hole saws, cos I need one for the back door to fit the wiper. :rolleyes::)
Got a bit done today, but not a lot. It's been freezing cold today!
The brackets for the brake shields turned up from LR Direct today. I lay on the drive for about a minute and a half before by hands seized up and I very quickly thought stuff that. :)
Finished installing the radiator and intercooler instead. Everything was fairly straightforward. The bottom weld on the intercooler was rubbing on the rad, so I ground it flat.

I put some adhesive foam on it.

Then some on the top of the rad and thicker foam down the middle where the gap is bigger.


A bit of waggling and got the intercooler in. Doesn't the radiator cowl make you smile when it constantly gets in the way :mad:

Got the pipes all connected up, but too cold to take a picture. Mind was numb :)
Pictures definitely do them justice mate :) where did you get the carpet from? I might have to try and borrow a sowing machine and try similar :eek:
Looks very professional instead of just gluing it straight on and with the cloth tape on the edges.

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