Not been at my PC much so I wasn't on the zone. Great to come back and find a build post like this! Do you need any bits, I have various things kicking about from my 90 re

Behind all great jobs is a Henry Hoover!

Thanks for the offer, but I'm hoping I've just about got everything now. o_O Dear knows I've spent enough. :eek: Having said that, I've just ordered a new rear door latch mechanism from Paddocks tonight!

Yeah, Henry is very handy especially when working in the conservatory. Keeps me on the Mrs' good side! :)
Chuck some Fertan in it.

Fertan is ordered. Should be here Thursday or Friday. Like all of these products, when you read the web site and watch the demo videos, it looks too good to be true. If it's half as good as it's portrayed it should sort my tank out. :eek: Fingers crossed :)
Oh it's good alright, I doubt you will be disappointed.
Do you think I should just swill it around? I can't wire brush the surface with it being inside the tank! I've watched Youtube video where people use vinegar and sand to swill around.
Although the surface has gone very rusty, it can't be very thick at all as it has just been created, only 5 days old. It was mostly shiny metal before then. :oops:
Just put it on the affected area, probably using a paintbrush in this case. It's one of those products where as long as you follow the instructions exactly it will be fine. It does not like grease or oil but your tank is new so that's not a problem.
Just put it on the affected area, probably using a paintbrush in this case. It's one of those products where as long as you follow the instructions exactly it will be fine. It does not like grease or oil but your tank is new so that's not a problem.
Won't be able to do much with a brush through the filler or sender holes, mate. I'll just be able to pour it in and swill it around.
I suppose I could put a load of playsand in there with some water and swill it around for half an hour to act as an abrasive.
But how are you going to get the sand back out? I really should go and check my tank as its been sat outside for nearly 6 weeks.
But how are you going to get the sand back out? I really should go and check my tank as its been sat outside for nearly 6 weeks.
Wash the sand out with a hose, then pour the Fertan in. From what I've read Fertan doesn't mind a little water. I'm hoping someone with a lot of Fertan experience is reading this :D I should maybe start a new thread, cos not many will be reading this.

Have you had all the holes wrapped up on yours? :eek:
Yes, Fertan likes water. Mine had plastic caps pushed over all the inlets, but nothing on the sender hole but luckily it's ok.
Thought I'd cracked the rusty tank with the Fertan.
Fertan in and swilled around all went black

left for 24 hours and rinsed out

Looked good, but as it dried out it started forming rust again.

Other news........ I'm starting to think there may actually be a god. I think he read a previous post where I was bragging about the fit of my rear door. Come to fit the door seal today and realised there is a big problem with it and so I think this must be a punishment for my arrogant positivity last week.
The door hits the door seal

I've spent about 2 hours trying to adjust the hinges.


What a nightmare it's been. I've elongated the holes and adjusted it this way and that. I made a bit of progress when I swapped the bottom and middle hinge. I think they are supposed to be the same, but it did help.
So, I've managed to raise it a bit, but I've still got a problem with the clearance on the door seal.
Contributing to the problem are these pop rivet heads. The lower row of these ones.

The seal sits on top of those now. Originally, those cross members were spot welded together. I'll have to buy some countersunk rivets I reckon and then drill those ones out.
This weekend I thought I would get the door seal and door thresh fitted, new lock in the door and latch to the door frame all adjusted to 'click' shut, fuel tank fitted and inner sills bolted back in place. :(
Sorry about the tank Al, really thought the Fertan would work for you. I've replaced that rear body mount also but used countersink rivets as you say, to keep it flat.
Sorry about the tank Al, really thought the Fertan would work for you. I've replaced that rear body mount also but used countersink rivets as you say, to keep it flat.
Haven't given up on it yet, mate. :) I bought a litre, so I'll have another go through the week.
Yep, countersink rivets are the way to go I reckon. Shame cos the paintwork is great, but at least it'll be hidden under the seal.
Actually, If you've recently done yours can you confirm which way up the seal goes?
This way

Or this

I think the first picture?
Thought I'd cracked the rusty tank with the Fertan.
Fertan in and swilled around all went black

I think you said your tank is new. Take a look in my post Defender Bodywork Rebuild and into it a little you will note I sort my new fuel tank. The outer carrier/cradle and inner tank bit is a major water/muck trap and on my new tank, which was not just the cheapest I could find, I was horrified to see that the steel under the cradle bit was not painted!!!

At the very least silicone up between the two surfaces and then pump in dinitrol or something.

Also, I would not worry too much about that tank rust. Rust requires oxygen, diesel is going to be your rust prevention coating here.

In the army there was a red paint that was swilled around inside the new jerry cans. I have one here, 1947 stamped on it, the red coating is still good and it holds fuel perfectly! I wonder if that stuff can still be found.
No, just looked, first pic.
Cheers, mate. Wasn't too sure, so good to have it confirmed. Just for a laugh here is my only picture of the rear seal. The laugh is how rotten it is. :)

Yes, I'm hoping the diesel will stop it. It's annoying though, with it being new. Just felt I had to try something, probably embarrassed by letting water drip in, in the first place.
Like you I've put a lot of dinitrol between the outer protective cradle and the tank. I also put two coats of Rustoleum over the whole tank.:)

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