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Why is it I am being made to feel guilty about owning a 4x4?
A few years ago I used to own a dihatsu 4x4 and I never ever had any comment about it, I have just recently brought my discovery V8 ( I am running it on LPG) and had a few comments like " I should be paying £3000 a year tax on that" "them bull bars are not legal" It went throu an MOT ok with it on, even my mates 18 year old daughter had a go at me about it. Is it just me or have other members had silly commments like these? :mad:
par fer the course? try be polite to them while using phrases such as 'fook orf yer ****'
fook em matey they don't think about the enviroment when there little fooking rust bucket fiesta, corsa's etc.. end up in scrap yards mount up loads non recyclable plastics that are a nightmare to dispose of.

At least most landy's are kept on the road for a very long shelf life mine is 22 years old and will probably still be around in another 10 or 20 years time also most owners of large petrol engines convert to lpg which is better for the enviroment and a vast majority of us diesel landy owners run on bio diesel whose only by product is glycerin (soap) tell em all to get off there high horses and start worring about the damage they are doing to the world before they feel they got the right to condem you or anyone else

hate fookin hypocrit do gooders
i havnt had too much ****e from the greenies but then maybe cos i use my landy for work.

an interestin point is how often me or my boss have been given **** for cuttin down trees (im a tree surgeon). 99% of people dont realise that most of our work is simply reductions or coppicing/pollarding trees etc. and when we do completely remove trees its nearly always becuase they are dangerous or are dead, dying or deceased (DDD). ignorant ****s.
i havnt had too much ****e from the greenies but then maybe cos i use my landy for work.

an interestin point is how often me or my boss have been given **** for cuttin down trees (im a tree surgeon). 99% of people dont realise that most of our work is simply reductions or coppicing/pollarding trees etc. and when we do completely remove trees its nearly always becuase they are dangerous or are dead, dying or deceased (DDD). ignorant ****s.
Ah had summit the same when ah worked for the council. There was an old tree that was ready to fall down on some prefabs at any point, so we get's all the gear out and start to take it down when this old wummin comes out shoutin' and screamin' at us, so we stopped wot we wur doin' and asked wot was wrong. he started rantin' at us about killing the trees, callin' us murderin' basturds etc and then starts takin' photies of us. Wot the silly old **** didn't realise was if the tree had come down, it would be right on top of her prefab!!!!!
The funny thing is, when they get their horrible little cars stuck in mud, snow, hedges, rivers, and so on, they are always damned bloody pleased when a 4x4 appears with a lump of rope on the arse end!

I had the supreme pleasure about a year ago of driving past a stuck in the mud car. Usually I would have hoicked him out, but earlier that same day that asshole had been slating me for my 4x4 guzzler, which as it happens has a BETTER fuel consumption than the assholes car!

I heard later he had to get the RAC to get a recovery truck to get him unmudded, and it took two hours before they arrived. I would have had him out in seconds.

Shame huh?

i havnt had too much ****e from the greenies but then maybe cos i use my landy for work.

an interestin point is how often me or my boss have been given **** for cuttin down trees (im a tree surgeon). 99% of people dont realise that most of our work is simply reductions or coppicing/pollarding trees etc. and when we do completely remove trees its nearly always becuase they are dangerous or are dead, dying or deceased (DDD). ignorant ****s.
yup I get the same crap to funny they never seem to notice the landy when I'm busy cutting trees :D
Questions such as -

Does your car run on Bio fuel?
How old is your car? for your 4 cars I have had 1
How can I pull a tree down across a field with a corsa?

help to ease the conversation along in your favor.
I would love to see chrismack turn up in his landy cut a tree down and mek it land on a treehugger or even better cut the treehugger down!!!!!!
just all assholes, yer see em on tv and they never seem to have jobs or work voluntary in a charity shop, none of them are half decent looking, wear bizzare clothing, all single, still virgins @ 45, (sorry if that offends anyone) stink cause they eat too much non gm modified cheese, gardens stink of **** from them stupid fooking things yer put yer veg and food and **** in so it breaks down into compost, get buses "BUSES" i used to drive the things and the pollution they kick out is phenominal yer they get a lane which is always empty and squashes the traffic into one lane cause conjestion and more smog, aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! the list goes on and on and on, GLOBAL WARMING???????? WTF the earth was getting warmer before the combustion engine was even invented, what happend to the ice age?? oh yer.........it was when that caveman bought a 4x4 with a 2.5td which is the same size as what a family hatchback has, fookin nuggits, right am off for a bit cause my nut is done in now! haha tra tar much love!
Questions such as -

Does your car run on Bio fuel?
How old is your car? for your 4 cars I have had 1
How can I pull a tree down across a field with a corsa?

help to ease the conversation along in your favor.

Good points those , I will remember those, plus i can get my entire family into mine plus all my luggage and a German Shepherd Dog and go on holiday in THIS country every year.
You have to tell them, 90% of Land Rovers are apparently still on the road. The cost and energy producing a small "economical" hatchback outweighs the extra energy burnt by a Land Rover for an average family travelling around 20k miles a year compared to a small car.

Also, large cars such as v6, v8 executive cars get worse mpg ratings. Such as merc E and S class, BMW 540, 740 M series & even the new volvo 860 v8!

Yes, Land rovers use more fuel, cost more to service but when the car lasts so much longer does it matter? It is more environmentally friendly to drive the same car for a longer period of time then getting a new one.

Even financially, the Discovery gets around 31-32 mpg on average wheras my old honda civic used to get around 40mpg. The civic was fun to drive and was a petrol compared to a diseal but I am only 20% less efficient.

Also, depreciation is the greatest loss of money on a car, there is little depreciation on older Land Rover, the residuals are quite good too. Unless you are doing 1000s of miles a year on the motorway the argument does not stand.
And in some caravan mags, you see some guy slaging off the 4x4s and says that he can tow with his car ok.
But these guys dont get stuck in some da field, yer they do.
And guess what they call for the 4x4 that is towing a caravan to help them.
We have our uses says the 4x4 guy .
This is why we need a 4x4 so we can toweasy come mud and rain we are off caravaning again.
after all being stuck in the mud is not good for a car is is lolllllll.
i'm a tree surgeon ( or butcher depending on the price). my boss used to slag me off 4 having a 20 odd year old 110. even when i had a 200tdi fitted, all i used to get was "sell it n get a van" until the day when we won a contract to take a load of dangerous black pops down near a railway.
"er do you think your landy would pull one of the chippers the three miles across a load of farmers fields, please?"
and it did
for a price
our crappy iveco crewcabs only do about 30 to the gallon as well

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