
New Member
Anyone know what happening with this company. I ordered and paid for some parts on the 6th October, and nothing. I have emailed them with no response and telephoned them this morning. Not a very satisfactory conversation, he took my details and said he would look into it when he had access to the computer. I have now also noticed their website no longer lets you browse their spares section.:( It sounds as though they may be in trouble.
sorry no idea about the company, but did you pay by credit? If so call the credit card company and they will retrieve the money straight away.
there website sez they'll dispatch in 3 working days or inform ya if they need to order.Also sez they will offer you the chance to cancel after 7 working days if ya aint got it.Your money cleared yet?Id kick up a stink and sya your coming down there.(even if yer not)
I am just annoyed these companies are allowed to cause mayhem. I did pay by credit card so my money will be refunded, it just the aggrivation of telephoning and going through all the details.
me and my girlfriend have used allbout 4x4 for a few years now never with out problem . they joined up with another company hence why they are now in redditch. had some work done a few months back totalling 485 qwid . master cylinder change , i have to top it up every couple of moths , swivel seal on right front near side , still leaking ,gas escaping from the manifold , my cat now rattles .485 qwid and all i got was it mite be cured so my custom now goes else where . we travel about 30 miles to use this company as there service was second to none but alas not sure whats going on but hence my hard earned cash will be going else where in future .

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