Sorry Lyanall forgot to hit the send button where I was answering the 'cheapest' question.
Anyway, why are you so aggressive? Sitting there trolling away ;-)

According to my wife it is because I am a grade A arsehole who does to much thinking!
They can always be cheaper than anyone else if they have no stock, old sales tactic!

All the big suppliers are all the same, craddocks/island/jc (island used to be real good, but not used for ages) its how they do business, suck people in on the price, people want cheap, we all want cheap then we moan when the item is crap/late/missing/wrong.

Edit, i find you have to identify exactly what you want down to the part number and its many possibel variants, then do a little research, then buy from who you are happy with, weirdly that can be the ones who last time were utter crap.

Wise words and my wife would blame too much drinking ;-)
To be honest though, I do find people on this forum do tend to go off on one and write in a way they wouldn't do face to face.
Glad we actually agree ;--)
And thanks again for the advice last time.
Ha just had a notification from Craddock that my parcel is on it's way!!!!
They say by 5th Feb!!!!! Fingers crossed.
I ordered transfer box oil for my l322 on the 16th of December advertised as in stock.
It came yesterday.
I understand a small delay with current situation and postage is always a day late where i am.
First time and last time il use them
To be honest though, I do find people on this forum do tend to go off on one and write in a way they wouldn't do face to face.
Glad we actually agree ;--)
And thanks again for the advice last time.[/QUOTE)

So you will have two now
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It is an illegal practice to advertise goods for sale when you clearly have no stock. If I were in business and had cash flow issues I might consider this practice just to get by. Not suggesting this is anyway related :D
It is an illegal practice to advertise goods for sale when you clearly have no stock. If I were in business and had cash flow issues I might consider this practice just to get by. Not suggesting this is anyway related :D

In this case it sounds like it was in stock but they only had one and was listed out of stock after he placed his order ...when he started checking after payment he claims they never had it in the first place that does not appear to add up...delayed delivery is a problem just now...
To be honest though, I do find people on this forum do tend to go off on one and write in a way they wouldn't do face to face.
Glad we actually agree ;--)
And thanks again for the advice last time.

have you met many people off here in real life? Most I have met have been a bit cantankerous tbh and worse in real life.
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I don't like to criticise a supplier but in this case I am making an exception.
This post is truthful, factual and not libelous.

John Craddock website advertised a swing away wheel carrier and clearly stated it was in stock.
I thought Craddock had been around long enough for it to be safe to purchase from them.
How wrong could I be?

I purchased the swing away wheel carrier on the 22nd Jan 2021.
(Payment taken on the 25th delayed so not as automated as one would think. A bad sign for a firm this large)
Can't afford to keep the online processes up to date and ticking over? In this current Covid situation, isn't this missing a trick?
All Landrover parts suppliers are saying they have never been so busy!

So, I wrote to them on the 23rd Jan asking for confirmation of a delivery date.
They replied mid afternoon with
Good Afternoon
I have taken a look into your order and it is still currently processing, we will update you when it has been dispatched with tracking.

Kind Regards,
Sales Department

Then I replied to ask for an approx date explaining I have a deadline to work to.
They replied also same afternoon
Good Afternoon
Thank you for your email, as your order was only place on Friday this is currently still processing through our picking system to check on stock levels for the item ordered.
We are working as quickly as possible and also processing orders as quickly as we can.
Unfortunately, I can not currently provide yourself with a estimated delivery date, as the order must complete picking first.
Thank you

Kind regards
Miss Tyler Crighton-Homer
Customer Service Supervisor

29th Jan I emailed to ask if they can tell me what's happening
2nd Feb emailed them again
3rd Feb emailed them again
3rd Feb I emailed one of their team directly via his email address as opposed to support, to see if that could work.
Still no reply.

My advice to anyone out there, do NOT buy from these guys because it is highly likely that something terrible has happened.
Maybe they are struck with Covid or something but this taking money and not delivering would imply something else.
Why can they reply one minute with a bull5h1t answer or two then nothing at all.

Someone is actually updating their online sales lists as they have removed the item I purchased.
If they have not got the item they should refund and apologise. Social media is littered with angry posts and reviews about them.

It is a pity but in my experience don't risk your hard earned cash with John Craddock.
Let me repeat, these are the facts and therefore not libelous.
A heavily opinionated post, slagging oft a supplier. You state its factual but you don't know anything about order processing systems.

You slag them for not taking the payment quickly. Is that justified? Most order processing systems have the option to check payment is available but not take it. When they process your order they update the system to 'order picked'. The system then takes the payment, automatically. You literally click the 'order picked' button against the order and it automatically takes payment based on the details the buyer entered. There is nothing wrong with this process. It's an honest way to work.

But you still want revenge so you post this on an open forum in order to slag them oft while trying to get others to not buy from them. Is that justified?

You state its all fact and therefore not liable. That is not correct. It is full of opinion. Your opinion. Most of which is conjecture at best.

You state social media is littered with angry posts. Are they anything like yours?

How many times have you purchased from them?
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I find the drive for lower prices is making the larger suppliers become just order takers. They rely on distributors to post the items direct from the warehouse and never actually see the items ordered in the flesh. Unfortunately this provides many more potential issues like quality of packaging and accuracy of the suppliers stock list. Its not a practice I like and I'm sure it pisses the likes of Crads and Pads off but they have to sign up to such crap to get the prices down.
Im getting more selective with my shopping but it seems this is getting harder to avoid.
I find the drive for lower prices is making the larger suppliers become just order takers. They rely on distributors to post the items direct from the warehouse and never actually see the items ordered in the flesh. Unfortunately this provides many more potential issues like quality of packaging and accuracy of the suppliers stock list. Its not a practice I like and I'm sure it pisses the likes of Crads and Pads off but they have to sign up to such crap to get the prices down.
Im getting more selective with my shopping but it seems this is getting harder to avoid.

Makes me grateful I have a brilliant local supplier, never had an issue getting parts
I tend to buy from my local parts supplier, worth paying a bit extra for (if indeed they are more expensive - sometimes not). If I’m relying on an item to be delivered before a date, due to commitments, I’d always contact the seller first to make sure it actually is in stock. I’d also try and order over the phone too, know it’s done properly then.
It is frustrating when you order something only to find out it’s not actually in stock.
I wouldn't think many suppliers keep big items like doors in stock. Items kept in stock actually cost the supplier money. I once did some work for a company that kept over £10 million pounds of slow moving stock on thier shelves. It was a revelation to them when they moved to modern order processing and stock control systems.

Obviously it is not ideal, but on the whole, the ‘Just in Time’ process appears to work, it has unquestionably reduced prices and widened the availability of parts. Naturally, local suppliers are generally more reliable, although my local supplier is grossly more expensive and quite often has to order the parts in - I will refrain from slagging them off, as they have a business model and operate accordingly, it is down to the customer, ie me to decided whether they are agreeable. My preference is to shop elsewhere. However, back on point - we are presently living through a pandemic that has killed over a million people worldwide and almost all businesses in the UK have be effected to some degree, be this with reduced staffing or difficulties with suppliers, regardless it has an a big impact on services. Whilst it’s not ideal, and I both accept and appreciative the OP ordeal, I think it’s a little fool hardy to use social media to discredit a company who may very well just be hanging on. As soon as you were concerned and believed the service was unacceptable, you could have requested your money back, either by your from your Bank or JC, and avoid calling in to question the company. That’s just my opinion. Eitherway, I hope you get sorted ASAP.
Having used JC before covid And ordered wind deflectors they were in stock but took 3/4 week and numerous emails, to me they seem a shocking company to deal with, and past 12 months looking at online reviews they are even worse and using covid as a excuse when other places like Bearmach etc are doing next day service fine, especially now companies have had time to adjust. To me they need to shut down and not take people’s money.

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