Shame wolf isnt going. I wouldnt mind a demonstation of defender recovery from the grass

I wifey, and 3 sproglets with our little poodle will be coming :) If she humps anyones leg I apologise in advance.

Wolf - I will sort you out some cheap veg if that helps

if you manage to sell that canvas roof that pays for most of the trip!
Shame wolf isnt going. I wouldnt mind a demonstation of defender recovery from the grass

I wifey, and 3 sproglets with our little poodle will be coming :) If she humps anyones leg I apologise in advance.

Wolf - I will sort you out some cheap veg if that helps

if you manage to sell that canvas roof that pays for most of the trip!
I know, we could get you shoving it. That would give us a good laugh :D.

I'll see, veg oil sounds like a plan
Toying with the idea of having a brass band for the early part of the evening's entertainment. Now I know this isn't everybody's cup of tea but what do people think ?

Great idea. Scrap brass is fetching quite a good price at the mo.. :p
If you want to stop off in the dales on the way down I can look after the dogs FOC as my misses won't go !
I drive sheffield and back often, 4 hours each way. It's not too bad, just have some good music on. I go alone as well, least you'll have your good lady wife to chat with :)
The drive doesn't bother me lol. I used to do journeys to Brecon and back multiple times a month. It's just the cost but if I can sort out some cheap veg oil it'll be fine.
If you want to stop off in the dales on the way down I can look after the dogs FOC as my misses won't go !
Nah wouldn't do that. The dogs aren't a problem and we'll be bringing them with us anyway
Black Strat will be up for the brass band, right up his street. I'm coming..............with beer............and fridge.

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