Get a tin, (we use one from £land), and save £2 coins and the odd fiver, money found in jeans checked before washing ...

In don't take long ... £8.50 a week up to 1st week of April ... over £200 :cool:

i think you may just be unusually careless with money :D
we will confirm figures as we are able to but all I can say is last year the tickets were extremely reasonable and it made bringing the family very affordable for a whole weekend of fun :)

I hope so, but I forever seem to losing my wage... it goes from my pocket to the D90 or ski holidays very very quickly. Luckily May is a long time away, good time to save
Get a tin, (we use one from £land), and save £2 coins and the odd fiver, money found in jeans checked before washing ...

It don't take long ... £8.50 a week up to 1st week of April ... over £200 :cool:

I do this, it's called my MoT pot... I'd need 8 different pots for various things I think!
As said the distance is always going to be difficult for someone. Last year an amazing amount of work went into finding a venue and of the one that was willing to have us..erm...this was it. The price at others was stupid or they didn't reply.

We did plan on announcing it earlier to allow people to prepare and i hope that 6 months will be enough for most. Obviously peoples circumstances are different but for myself, with enough notice I have managed to fund getting to a few organised events that have meant a 8-10 hour round trip in the Fender which isn't just's bloody uncomfortable as well :D
I'll be there if I have to blurdy walk!

Well....someone's got to run the bicycle repair workshop :eek:
I be there again, complete with a girlfriend (even if I have to kidnap one on my way down)
Prices last year were fantastic for a full weekend away, food good, people were great and I think fun was had by all........
If anyone going from up this end want to form a convoy just let me know
I be there again, complete with a girlfriend (even if I have to kidnap one on my way down)
Prices last year were fantastic for a full weekend away, food good, people were great and I think fun was had by all........
If anyone going from up this end want to form a convoy just let me know

It depends on work, but if the better half is coming, it'll be a Wakefield start, so a convoy can be done!
We've taken on the feedback from last year's event and will try ( where possible ) to incorporate them into this year's planning .:)
I'm not sure I'll bring caravan again-tried to kill me on 90

But tent possible
We've taken on the feedback from last year's event and will try ( where possible ) to incorporate them into this year's planning .:)

there was feck all wrong with it!!EXCEPT not enough could be arsed to come!(and i drank all me beer)
still prehaps 2015 will see more??

we both coming...nice start to summer it will be!!
Oh Bugger ...:(
Gonna be in Wales the weekend after, laning and Doncaster two weeks before having me chassis touched up ...
one day i'll make it .....:rolleyes:
Sounds good :)

Not everyone has the time or finances to make it, which is a shame for them, but wherever you hold the event it will be too far for someone.

Cost of fuel is a major consideration as well.

We enjoyed this year's event, so did the boys and their kids.

It's fairly close for us, so mileage not an issue.

Nah its not the drive itself, that's fine. It's the cost of fuel and I'd be bringing the missus and the dogs so sharing or car pooling wouldn't really be an option. Would be looking at near enough 200 quid on fuel alone.

It's a long way for me too, and the same situation if we brought the dogs, but we might manage it in the "other car" and caravan. Wolfie - nothing definite, but if you can manage without the dogs we could give you a lift, we'd be more likely to go if we could split fuel costs. It's only a 2 berth van though, you'd need to bring your tent!

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