Last time slept in and missed the greenlane trip, bringing alarm this time.....
Could we have a notice board this time, with a time table of events???
Once we have firmed up the event in more detail we will list everything on the first page.

Last year we had a marquee...camping for 2 loos and showers...a communal bbq from an amazing butchers. We had laning on the saturday round the local area and on the sunday there was a pay and play. The sat night we had a disco in the marquee and a staffed bar.
Oh and in addition we had a kids marquee where we showed dvds and also watched demonstrations about bio deseil etc.

This year we hope to have more and be more if anyone has any suggestions we're all ears

Sounds interesting, how much did it cost last year/ Just to get some idea of cost.
Last time slept in and missed the greenlane trip, bringing alarm this time.....
Could we have a notice board this time, with a time table of events???

Not that I overslept i was up at 5 as needed to go somewhere but fully support the idea of a notice board both online and at the event.
I'd like to get an idea of how used the shower block was at LZ10. It was a considerable cost and I'd love to know hpw used it was and how much not having one there would have affected you.

For me personaly..the toilet block was good enough, clean enough and roomy enough to manage more than adequately for the whole weekend.

What does everyone else think ?

Never used it, not really interested .. we were in our caravan .. :) Actually, even if I were camping I might not bother with showeres, it's one weekend FFS, we do that all the time when laning. Though I must admit, the hot showers at the Salisbury Plains campsite this year were excellent!!

Apart from a few of us, everyone was too afraid to go to the P&P last time :D

Heheheh, harsh words .. afraid doesn't come into it, I just prefer laning, and simply couldn't afford PnP too with the distance we drove, towing the 'van!! A 19j ain't cheap to run .. ;)

Can't believe 110W forgot to list the Cattle herding, on the events list.

Heheheh, it'd all been just about done when I woke up .. ;)
Can't believe 110W forgot to list the Cattle herding, on the events list.

Aaah yes...I did forget about that...mainly because despite the hysteria of my children who thought they were killer cows...I stayed in my bed and attempted to sleep through the drama :eek:
I shall definatly be there this year after how good it was last year. Bringing the whole herd, wife kids and dog. Maybe in 2 freelanders so we can both go laning.

Loved the BBQ, a rough timetable of events would be good, shower blocks are no biggie or me or the rest of us,
A disco? A DISCO??? We had the amazing, the incredible. ......nay....The funkilious SOLAR SOUND ROAD SHOW!!!

With PaulD and Bushy forming possibly the most bizarre mosh pit ever :D

Nowt up wi' our one man/one dwarf mosh-twosome... :rolleyes:

Apart from PaulD's broken ribs... :D
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Never used it, not really interested ..

Heheheh, harsh words .. afraid doesn't come into it, I just prefer laning, and simply couldn't afford PnP too with the distance we drove, towing the 'van!! A 19j ain't cheap to run .. ;)

Following a 19j 90 oop north on't M1 was painfull in'gaylander at 40 - 60 mph was painfull in third gear ...;-)
Following a 19j 90 oop north on't M1 was painfull in'gaylander at 40 - 60 mph was painfull in third gear ...;-)

Heh, you should have been in the 19j ...

We just turned the radio/mp3's up loud and sang along .. well, shouted, most of the way .. ;)
Heh, you should have been in the 19j ...

We just turned the radio/mp3's up loud and sang along .. well, shouted, most of the way .. ;)

God no I'm hoping to get shot of my nasty rufty tufty 90 before then and arrive in a nice quiet Disco with a proper heater and comfy seats.. :)
I think that leaving the shower block out could be a way of keeping the price down again. The £20 per vehicle like last year is very unlikely as it didn't even cover a quarter of the cost of the weekend and that really can't happen again this year.

If we can firm more numbers of people coming it could make all the difference though.
We didn't use the shower as our trailer has full bathroom, but Rob and kids did use it. I'd prefer to seer it in for the women who tend to be cleaner than the guys.

Look for someone to sponsor it? How much are we talking about.

The shower block was not really needed IMHO. Good sinks with hot water are sufficient for a night or two, it's unlikely to be hot weather, and roughing it is all part of a weekend away. The toilet blocks are a different matter, they were excellent and well maintained last year.
Can we have a trampoline in the marquee? for those whose beds go down in the night, we know who we are.

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