Who is bringing what flavour cakes then?

I'm not a great baker but I can do an okay victoria sponge or coffee cake :D
sounds like I need to go to asdas and buy one then put it into a clear container

knowone will know and they will think I'm a superchef

i said that out loud didn't i;);)
so what games we playing then

land rover tug of war
who can get stuck the quickest , I will win that one

round the cones etc

or will it be a cake fight
Who is bringing what flavour cakes then?

I'm not a great baker but I can do an okay victoria sponge or coffee cake :D

May be best not to bother then:D

After last years Tomato soup cake:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

I am developing an upside down apple and suckling pig cake:rolleyes:
Who is bringing what flavour cakes then?

I'm not a great baker but I can do an okay victoria sponge or coffee cake :D
BB might know this.. if you did a Victoria sponge but used lemon curd instead of jam would it taste like a lemon meringue cake..?
BB might know this.. if you did a Victoria sponge but used lemon curd instead of jam would it taste like a lemon meringue cake..?

I've no idea. :(

I baked a giant 6 layer chocolate fudge malteaser cake for my bro's 40th. Three attempts to get it right cost me a sodding fortune and must have put about 10lbs on just from licking the bowl
I've no idea. :(

I baked a giant 6 layer chocolate fudge malteaser cake for my bro's 40th. Three attempts to get it right cost me a sodding fortune and must have put about 10lbs on just from licking the bowl

I'll lick your bowl......

That sounds slightly wrong now I say it out loud :eek:
I debated using the words lick and bowl in the same sentence... I should have known better.

nothing wrong with licking the bowl, doesn't matter whose bowl it is, now that doesn't sound good either but bet it tastes good :eek:
remove the remaining contents of the bowl with my eating implement

blimey that's not right either, lol
Well I was thinking..

1. Best dog not there.
2. Dog that can run furthest away.
3. Best imitation dog.
4. Cutest dog in a car.

What do you think...?

1. Best dog there.
2. Dog that can run back to owner from furthest away.
3. Best imitation of owner by dog.
4. Cutest dog in a car and everywhere.


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