
New Member
Hi there,does anyone out there know what could be the problem with my air con,just had it regassed and checked for leaks but it does not blow very cold,any ideas please as I think summers coming.

Cheers Jez:confused:
Common area of failure is the air con condenser. This is what's stopping me from enjoying air con at the moment. The part (£130 ish) is in my garage waiting for me to have a few spare hours to fit it - then I'll try having it regassed again.

The place who regassed your air con should have the facility to check for leaks with dye or some such. Might be worth asking?
Is there any change in temperature when you turn the air on on?

If not get the comp checked, if it gets a bit cooler but not the desired temp take it back to whoever charged it and tell them to fix it foc. It is illegal to recharge a system with a leak and they should fix it for free
Most systems test for vacuum for half an hour ish to make sure there are no leaks. So assume yours hasnt do you know how much gas they put in ? Most new systems take about 400 grams the p38 takes 1250 grams so if you do a recharge and they only put 400 grams it wont work too well
Also the compressors on these are not the best and it needs a while to get going check the pipes coming from the comp to see what temp difference you have
Any Air con company worth its salt will pressure test the system before filling. Most modern regas machine will not fill the system if it senses pressure loss.
They will then insert a dye into the system and pressure with air to reveal the leak, most probably the condenser but if the system has been dry for a long time the o'rings dry and crack.

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