Now you're just being silly....everyone knows that you.don't iron tarp....a hot air blower will soften it a treat and make it drape wonderfully...don't let it hide those magnificent legs though :D
see you was rubbin' the wrong thighs, me legs are firm and chunky with good calves, not like all these skinny blokes;):D
Why not just order a normal LZ fleece, hoddie, t-shirt etc which can be used at and LZ meet and then pin a Bakewell run badge to it or even get some small woven or heat sealable badges to go on it so as you do different trips badges can be added down the arms a bit like cubs/brownies.

I quite likes that idea... :eek: but we would need ones doin for the chippy run anorl to say we have been. :D
Ok so next question do we want hoodies or tshirts? And instead of having seperate name tags shall I incorporated forum names individually on the clothing and then have one that says ballast :D

Hows that gonna work with me then... cos I is minty as well as ballast :confused: :p:D;)
i rekon it'd be pretty cool.

i agree think its a great idea, i already have a hoodie with my name on so i aint buyin another, pointless, waste of cash imo.. There is nowt wrong with the one i have.. But it would be nice to have a sew on badge to say ive been on these trips. :(

i spose you could always pin it to yer arse?.....:lol::lol::lol:


Oh aye pins will feckin hurt tho :( ;)


If peeps paid a couple of quid for a badge then the profits could go to charity and most peeps can afford to fork out a couple of quid. If you ended up with 10 badges then yes it would become an expensive top but cos you only pay a little here and a little there ya wouldn't notice it.
If peeps paid a couple of quid for a badge then the profits could go to charity and most peeps can afford to fork out a couple of quid. If you ended up with 10 badges then yes it would become an expensive top but cos you only pay a little here and a little there ya wouldn't notice it.

Agree, i wouldnt mind buyin a badge everytime I went on a trip. I certainly wont be buyin any more hoodies, not unless the one I have falls to bits. Hoodies aint cheap, you get half a dozen of them youve spent 150 quid :eek: £25 a piece. :(
Agree, i wouldnt mind buyin a badge everytime I went on a trip. I certainly wont be buyin any more hoodies, not unless the one I have falls to bits. Hoodies aint cheap, you get half a dozen of them youve spent 150 quid :eek: £25 a piece. :(
i can never get the buggers to fit, and when they do the arms is too short:(
I use to collect window stickers on my speedway tours. they might be cheaper than badges as a thought. I would love to come but a bit of a trek :-(
i can never get the buggers to fit, and when they do the arms is too short:(

So you would be better of with badges that can be sewn on to one that you find to fit.

Also badges can be transferred to new hoodies when old ones fall to bits. :D
I use to collect window stickers on my speedway tours. they might be cheaper than badges as a thought. I would love to come but a bit of a trek :-(

which is ok, until you been on that many trips you have no window space left... :D

Badges on the other hand can be sewn on all over a hoodie, and there is a lot of space :D
So you would be better of with badges that can be sewn on to one that you find to fit.

Also badges can be transferred to new hoodies when old ones fall to bits. :D
do enough runs i could use the badges to extend the sleeves like the old bar towel trick, genius minty:clap2: but i likes stickers betterer:D
do enough runs i could use the badges to extend the sleeves like the old bar towel trick, genius minty:clap2: but i likes stickers betterer:D

:lol: stickers and badges maybe?? i aint got a landy but i go on trips... like fook am i puttin a sticker on me micra sayin ive been green lanin :rolleyes: peeps will think im deranged. :D
If peeps paid a couple of quid for a badge then the profits could go to charity and most peeps can afford to fork out a couple of quid. If you ended up with 10 badges then yes it would become an expensive top but cos you only pay a little here and a little there ya wouldn't notice it.
lucky ive still got me salisbury one then:D

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