Won't be going with AF again. 30 in a few weeks and they quoted £1000 to insure a 14 year old freelander. Got my series insured with them for a good price, no doubt that will increase ridiculously!


Could you PM me your policy number? I'm keen to look into this as it certainly doesn't sound right.


how soon in advance do renewals come through as im due on 28th and have been quoted by another company almost half the price of what im paying now with flux
i wont say the name just yet il wait to see what flux come back with on my renewal, but when i was talking to the chap he says they are well known to flux as possibly one of their main competators for car/4x4 insurance etc, i mnaged to get a quote of 377 FC for d1 with ALL mods declaired where as flux is at 550 ish TPFT..no brainer to me, also the new company werent bothered about my 6 years NCB, i can transfer that onto my everyday car rather than the toy so in theory my main insurance will drop too...this may also be being swapped over ;)
i wont say the name just yet il wait to see what flux come back with on my renewal, but when i was talking to the chap he says they are well known to flux as possibly one of their main competators for car/4x4 insurance etc, i mnaged to get a quote of 377 FC for d1 with ALL mods declaired where as flux is at 550 ish TPFT..no brainer to me, also the new company werent bothered about my 6 years NCB, i can transfer that onto my everyday car rather than the toy so in theory my main insurance will drop too...this may also be being swapped over ;)

So when Flux ask you to bleed for them on your next renewal youll spill the beans right :D
i wont say the name just yet il wait to see what flux come back with on my renewal, but when i was talking to the chap he says they are well known to flux as possibly one of their main competators for car/4x4 insurance etc, i mnaged to get a quote of 377 FC for d1 with ALL mods declaired where as flux is at 550 ish TPFT..no brainer to me, also the new company werent bothered about my 6 years NCB, i can transfer that onto my everyday car rather than the toy so in theory my main insurance will drop too...this may also be being swapped over ;)

you can pm if you like,but if you wanna hang,its cool.
yep il say when i get renewal (next week or so i hope)...

Why wouldn't you say and potentially help other members? If you want Flux to match or beat the quote you'll have to tell them the name of the company providing the quote... just seems odd.

Although, tbh, i'd pay £1k more to not sue flux for all my insurance requirements now, so, if you've been offered 50% cheaper price which means not using flux, then what are you waiting for?!!
well the kind chap on here got somebody to send me through a competative quote..all good and well, yet what i didnt tell them was the new company didnt need my 7yncb so i could put that on my daily drive :), so when i phoned flux to cancel magically they could drop the proce even further, ok by an extra £10, why not send me your BEST quote and not what you thinks best?

safe to say my disco is now insured else where and as and when my freelander comes up for renewal, that will also be moving..

For all other people try A-Plan seem friendly, understand all mods that i was talking about.

flux £370
Aplan £365 FC
Fluxs then best offer £355..
perhaps aplan could also sponser lz-and introduce a little competition with af-interesting what!!!!
I went with Adrian Flux 2 weeks ago. £335 for commercial including full breakdown cover and without dropping off any goodies. best deal I could find...but then again I'm in NI.

All other insurers wanted previous MOT's to prove vehicle passed with modficications present etc, and some other stuff...all very inconvenient actually.

So found AF mentioned online and gave them a go.

Best price, best policy, no hassle with mod's.

Very impressed overall...but I bet when renewal time comes I will get better deals elsewhere...insurers just dont seem keen on keeping you...I always get the very best deals as new customer. Never had a renewal quote thats been competitive even with haggling. Drives me nuts.
I was insured by flux , but when my disco was stolen they was not to helpful and I felt like I was the one in the wrong , and to cap it they wanted to raise the price of my insurance the following year if I made a claim ( which I did not do ) luckily it was recovered a week later and I fixed the blown engine myself ( it was stolen by travellers to then steal caravans) now I use peter best same price but fully comp with any drivers over 25 ( £249 )
well the kind chap on here got somebody to send me through a competative quote..
why not send me your BEST quote and not what you thinks best?

Unfortunately that's insurance companies for you all over.
Always best to shop about, too many people too 'lazy' to shop around and just go with the 'auto renewal' service, hence they add more and more on each year 'till you open your gob :D
Rang AF just before Christmas and was quoted £330. Brilliant I thought, rang my insurer in January and canceled my automatic renewal- I'm away to Africa when my insurance is due to renew and called AF back.

Expressed my interested in taking out policy and was told it would be £600 and that the Christmas Special was no longer on! Slight sense of humour failure later- as you can imagine, rang Churchill. Good cover good price.
Hi guys,

Just wanted to put a post up to let you all know that I'll be spending more time on LZ again, last year was absolutely manic for us on the forum/social media front so this year we've dedicated some more time again for LZ and a couple of other of our longstanding club affiliations.

If any of you require any assistance with insurance, be it a new quotation or an issue with an existing policy.. just drop me a PM and I'll be on hand to assist.

I'm also in the process of changing cars & a the moment another Disco is the top of my list so I'll be after some advice from you all soon no doubt :)


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