
Active Member
I have had an intermittent issue where the ABS / TC lights come on and have tried to diagnose this but without sucess. More recently I can feel the the brake "pumping" when I break, but as soon as I get the ABS/TC lights this stops so I am guessing all related. I have done the following

Plug in Nanocom
Start the car
Connect to the ABS ECU and read faults - there are none.
Select "inputs" and drive the car

This is where it gets interesting, initially the read outs work but almost as soon as the ABS/TC lights extinguish I get "unable to perform function" on the nanocom. I stop the car (engine still running) and try to reconnect tot he ABS its won't connect at all, only a turn off / on will reset this.

I thought this sounded like the ECU so have just tried a brand new unit but the issue persits.

So can anyone confirm that normally a nanocom (evo) would read this data properly, and secondly has anyone got any suggestions as where to start looking.

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Do you have Wabco C or D. What year is the car. Wheel speed is only measurable if wheel is turned by hand, communication is lost with ECU above 1.6 MPH.
It's a 2001 4.6. Ok the losing communications above 1.6 is useful to know. Thanks. I'm not sure how to identify C or D. The ABS ECU is SRD100501
Just to complete the thread. This has turned out to be a failed rear wheel sensor. Diags did not locate it trial and error won the day!

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