With Ramsey’s Niblet the 3rdOooops! Where's my thribble?
Maybe one of the connectors under the fuse box has backed out a little?Ok. Tested sensors voltage again. 3 showing 2.33 the other 2.35 so guess that’s all good.
Will check rings when get chance (probably Monday)
But in the mean time, could a dodgy relay or poor earth effect it at all? Just going back over stuff I’ve done around the time it started showing up as a fault. I unbolted the fuse box to get access to the battery negative wire as the clip that bolts it securely to the body was just dangling loose. Cleaned up one of the posts and bolted it to that. Put fuse box back. I have since gone back over it and cleaned the earth post for the two wires under it etc, but just wondered if it could be some thing as simple as that? But I’ve cleaned and checked everything visible.
Have checked, but think will get the old electrical contact cleaner out again and clean everything up and push every thing fully home. Won’t do it any harm and will at least stop me wondering.....Maybe one of the connectors under the fuse box has backed out a little?
Exactly....... that’s why I decided whilst the sun was out this evening that I would dig out the Abs Ecu (whose bright idea was it to fill the floor with 600 million polystyrene balls!!) Finaly got to it and unbolted it ( again, whose idea was it to put a bolt at the top in the centre of the ecu where you can’t see it and is bloody awkward to get too!)was Worth check to be sure first
Check your stat when you get it. Sometimes they need a squeeze by hand before they will start to open properly - dip it in boiling water on a wire before fitting make sure it works.
LR original stats (and BMW ones) have a valve that goes at the top (12 o’clock) to prevent air getting trapped.
Only 3 bolts but you have to move few things to get at it
If the plug was not fully home, it was probably the cause of your problem.Exactly....... that’s why I decided whilst the sun was out this evening that I would dig out the Abs Ecu (whose bright idea was it to fill the floor with 600 million polystyrene balls!!) Finaly got to it and unbolted it ( again, whose idea was it to put a bolt at the top in the centre of the ecu where you can’t see it and is bloody awkward to get too!)
End two molex plugs where in nice and tight and were a struggle to get out, the middle one, however, didn’t need the clip depressing and pulled straight out. Could it really be that? Cleaned connections with electrical cleaner, pushed all plugs back in nice and tight....... turned ignition on...... no Abs Fault, hurrah!! Bolted it back into place, put trims back.......drove off......and light went out. Result!!! Something so simple, I can’t believe it will last. Could something have “stuck” or frozen on the ecu, and unplugging it has reset it?
Any way for now at least another job ticked off.
On to the next............
Coolant leak from thermostat housing, new seal on way, will change stat whilst at it.
Im glad you’ve worked that bit out early on
You are lucky it’s an SRS light probably due to an insignificant bulb or connection, low battery even, but nothing serious. Annoying - yes
I guess there is a senor(s) at the front of the car in the engine bay is there? Can only guess water has got in somewhere when I pulled the Thermostat out? Because I didn’t touch anything else.Best not do it during the MoT test!
Got to be a loose connection / bulb.
On early cars, there is an SRS sensor on each front chassis leg, yellow boxes so easy to see. Later cars have the sensors inside the ECU.I guess there is a senor(s) at the front of the car in the engine bay is there? Can only guess water has got in somewhere when I pulled the Thermostat out? Because I didn’t touch anything else.
Will have a look later.
Mines later model, 99. So can rule that out then. Just don’t understand how every time I fix something, something else immediately pops up.On early cars, there is an SRS sensor on each front chassis leg, yellow boxes so easy to see. Later cars have the sensors inside the ECU.
Mines later model, 99. So can rule that out then. Just don’t understand how every time I fix something, something else immediately pops up.