That seems like a pretty big garden you have there anyway! :eek: I don't think we've seen behind the shed before, that's a reasonable Landy sized patio :)
It's a bit of a predicament, but I would go with waiting until after the move to strip the donor. That's just me though, based on my speed, time available, possible weather. At least the chassis is rolling and so is easier to get to new home. Donor Landy in one piece and so easy to move as one lump. That's just me though, mate.
You've passed a good milestone there, the rolling chassis and axles looks great and for me it was a great enthusiasm boost. :)
If you've got a fence to put around the property, with gates and everything, as well as a very large shed/big garage to build, then that will take a lot of weekends. Fencing and shed building is canny work in the evening when the light nights come back. Having said that, I can't see you lasting a year without working on your Landy project. I think you'll come up with some ingenious way of getting stuff done. :)
Sounds like an opportunity to get a much bigger garage/workshop though Aaron! That's a big silver lining to keep your eye on. ;)

I can't see me lasting a year either mate, I will probably end up having a tinker at some point, even if it is just little bits and bobs, it's not the fact their wont be room, it's more that all the crap will be piled up in the garage and no room to work on the lr (or get it in/out) until I build a shed that is.
Luckily fence is only needed on one side, but is 40m or so long and will take me a while on my own.

You did all that today? Fantastic work Aaron. Are you leaving chassis bare?

Cheers :) yep, that was the days work Mick, as for the chassis, it will be staying like that unless anyone specifies otherwise, not to everyones taste, but I quite like them like that, well I haven't painted one yet.

That seems like a pretty big garden you have there anyway! :eek: I don't think we've seen behind the shed before, that's a reasonable Landy sized patio :)
It's a bit of a predicament, but I would go with waiting until after the move to strip the donor. That's just me though, based on my speed, time available, possible weather. At least the chassis is rolling and so is easier to get to new home. Donor Landy in one piece and so easy to move as one lump. That's just me though, mate.
You've passed a good milestone there, the rolling chassis and axles looks great and for me it was a great enthusiasm boost. :)

Aye garden at the mo is plenty big enough for me, new garden will be half as long again compared to this one, just means more upkeep, not that much of that goes on o_O
And that is exactly my thoughts on the donor mate, it would be in pieces already if I thought otherwise, but now I have a rolling chassis it is on the mind again to keep me going for at least the next 6 weeks until we move. I don't know, we'll see what happens, but would rather not do it in truth.
Not done a lot today either, fitted the fuel tank in between showers and that was about it.
Spent the rest of the day going through the shed, don't know what I do but I always seem to be sorting it out, threw some crap away, gave some stuff away and got some stuff to sell at some point.
Not done a lot today either, fitted the fuel tank in between showers and that was about it.
Spent the rest of the day going through the shed, don't know what I do but I always seem to be sorting it out, threw some crap away, gave some stuff away and got some stuff to sell at some point.
My garage would get increasingly cluttered, space would become non existent and nothing was where it should have been and so I couldn't find anything. Probably added a huge amount of time to the overall rebuild just looking for tools, fixing etc. :oops::rolleyes: Not glamorous work, but essential and amazingly satisfying once done. Should have done mine more often. Time well spent, mate. :)
My garage would get increasingly cluttered, space would become non existent and nothing was where it should have been and so I couldn't find anything. Probably added a huge amount of time to the overall rebuild just looking for tools, fixing etc. :oops::rolleyes: Not glamorous work, but essential and amazingly satisfying once done. Should have done mine more often. Time well spent, mate. :)

Well it was more done in preparation for the house move to get rid of some crap :oops:
But I also had a tidy in the garage, it is also ridiculous how much packaging you accumulate from the parts you buy, currently got 4 bin liners full and that's just from the last couple of weeks.
Looking good mate.
Is the green one the road and being driven now?

Erm.... Err... No, is it bad that I don't even know when the last time it moved was :( edit. I tell a lie, when I went and collected the chassis, what a month ago.
Sad really, but the truth is I get that engrossed in the next build I have no interest for the other, I walk past it every morning and think what a waste.
Again the truth is I have more desire and need to build them than actually drive them, but then I don't really have the need too, I work less than 1 mile from home, I don't do social gatherings or meetings or generally go anywhere, the furthest I get is to the local screwfix..
Should sell it really, but can't be doing with the hassle that brings either, people just don't appreciate the work that has gone into them, although now is the time if any so it can go into the new house, but have no interest in trying to do so at the mo.
Erm.... Err... No, is it bad that I don't even know when the last time it moved was :( edit. I tell a lie, when I went and collected the chassis, what a month ago.
Sad really, but the truth is I get that engrossed in the next build I have no interest for the other, I walk past it every morning and think what a waste.
Again the truth is I have more desire and need to build them than actually drive them, but then I don't really have the need too, I work less than 1 mile from home, I don't do social gatherings or meetings or generally go anywhere, the furthest I get is to the local screwfix..
Should sell it really, but can't be doing with the hassle that brings either, people just don't appreciate the work that has gone into them, although now is the time if any so it can go into the new house, but have no interest in trying to do so at the mo.
That's a shame I thought that one was one of the best I have seen, maybe you should post a link to the thread when you advertise them so that people can really see what has been put into them. I always thought you might get loads of enquiries from this site when you are getting to the end of a build where people who appreciate the work may want to buy an honest Land Rover, there are so many bad ones out there.
Maybe you need your own brand to mark them as done correctly what about "Arron Assembled" or "Morris Master-build"
people just don't appreciate the work that has gone into them
Don't take this the wrong way, but I'd suggest that you are advertising to the wrong folk! - and perhaps at too low a price - it needs to be enough to frighten the tyre kickers away - the world can do without such fickle "folk". I am not saying this is easy, but they are out there, and @raywin 's suggestion, above, to link to the threads on here is a good one IMHO.:)
That's a shame I thought that one was one of the best I have seen, maybe you should post a link to the thread when you advertise them so that people can really see what has been put into them. I always thought you might get loads of enquiries from this site when you are getting to the end of a build where people who appreciate the work may want to buy an honest Land Rover, there are so many bad ones out there.
Maybe you need your own brand to mark them as done correctly what about "Arron Assembled" or "Morris Master-build"

It is Ray, but it is what it is, I kid myself at the start everytime thinking they will get used, but things never seem to change, and cheers, it is the best one I've done for sure and put more time and effort in than ever.
I have sold a couple now, two of my own and one of my brothers, ok some people appreciate the work, some don't at all, most of them want it for peanuts, maybe I am in lala land thinking I will re-coupe money, it doesn't bother me that I may have spent 500hours rebuilding it because it is what I enjoy.
We'll see what happens, because if I'm honest with myself I don't want to sell this one.
And it is a good idea to put a link to the thread, it is often hard for me to put into words the amount of work done, I think it is often just having the patience to find the right buyer who appreciates the work gone into them.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I'd suggest that you are advertising to the wrong folk! - and perhaps at too low a price - it needs to be enough to frighten the tyre kickers away - the world can do without such fickle "folk". I am not saying this is easy, but they are out there, and @raywin 's suggestion, above, to link to the threads on here is a good one IMHO.:)

Not taken the wrong way :) Advertising to the wrong folk, maybe, I'm probably not great at writing sales adverts either, and priced too low, again, quite probably, but I don't want to charge the earth, because it is in no way about the money, just trying to re-coupe what has been spent is all.
Out of interest, have you mot,d the green one? How did you get on with the vehicle ID. did they check the vin no. I only ask as afaik there has to be a certain amount of the original motor to be legal and as you generally change chassis, engine, bulkhead etc, i wondered if you have ever run into problems?
but I don't want to charge the earth
Understood. But, the problem in the modern world is that "folk" seem to want everything for nothing.
Problem is, that the man who works for "nothing" will never be short of work, and always be short of money !!
Well I forgot to update last weekend and been busy as hell with work this week, anyway last weekend didn't go to plan..
Went and collected said auto donor on Saturday, had a little test drive and all seemed good, seemed to shift smooth and drive generally good, so paid the man and off I toddled happy as larry.
Got out of town and onto the motorway and that is where it went down hill :mad:
Got the foot down and it just seemed to top out at about 50mph, hmm.. strange I thought, so backed off a little and tried to accelerate very slowly and managed to get upto 70mph, great I thought, but 5 minutes later (if that) if seemed to loose all go and dropped down to 50mph or so again, my way of describing it would be like a clutch slipping in a manual car, all revs and no go.
But to be honest I know very little about automatic's, I haven't even had a look at it yet, I was going to try doing an fluid and filter change and see if that helps, maybe their is very little in now, I haven't checked yet, luckily it has some MOT so I can go on a decent test drive after changing.
Or is it something more sinister, do torque converters go to shit, or even the box all together, I'm hoping not, but will do some investigation at a later date.
To say I was pissed off is an understatement, the thoughts going through my mind was to just fuck the auto idea off..

Anyway, that was Saturday, Sunday I decided to pull the engine and box out of the manual donor.
Basically the manual donor has no MOT now and to move it to the new house would mean trailering it and paying someone, at least the auto has some test and could be driven their.
This way I get an engine to strip and clean up to go in the chassis, and then when I have moved house I can strip the auto (if I get it working) and just swap them bits over.
All seemed to be going swimmingly with plenty of time until it got dark, until I tried moving the engine crane, quite possibly the hardest engine and box I have ever removed, but this is not helped by a very uneven driveway that the engine crane doesn't roll very well on, was a struggle on my own I'll say that much :eek:But I got their in the end.

Yesterday it was time to strip the engine.
What I forgot to say in the previous post was lifting the engine out was fun, went to attach the strap, ay, where are the lifting eyes I thought o_O Ok maybe they've been removed at some point, I'll go and rob them off the other donor, erm... nope, that hasn't got any either o_O
Mad scramble trying to find something suitable to use, (sure I've got some somewhere that I use in emergencies like this) but can I find them? Can I chuff..
In the end I removed the lashing eyes from my chassis and used them instead.

First off the gearbox and transfer box and the engine onto the surgery table

Engine stripped, and is as far as I am going this time, albeit I have had the sump off once when I realised the oil pickup/return was bolted to the timing casing.

And started cleaning it up ready for a coat of paint.

Todays plan is to get it masked up and painted, if I get that far I will be happy enough.
Ordered a load of parts last night for re-assembly, hopefully they will turn up soon too.
Daft thing is, just to give the engine a little clean and tart up it'll probably take over a month :eek: would think it will see me through to new year, might even be the last thing that I get to do for a while after that anyhow.
So todays progress,
Finished cleaning the block up and removed/scraped the old gaskets off, damn they are hard to shift! :eek: you know, them original pinky, red coloured ones.
And masked up for paint.

Etch primer.

And a bit of top coat on.

And all done and de-masked.

To paint I had some cans made up in Raf blue/grey, which is the colour the body is going to be, but this saves me having to buy all the paint for the body when it might be 6 months before I need it again.

Also cleaned the rocker cover up and painted that too, it may end up hidden under an engine cover but..

Also started cleaning the timing casing and cover up and various other brackets etc..
Aaron, I've often wondered, do you treat the blocks with anything before you prime them?

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