Haha, cheers, just the start, and the weather will be against me shortly :(
Indeed :) Just a shame I'm not really ready for it.
And I did, I ended up borrowing a trailer from a friend of a friend.
Friends with friends with trailers, they're good friends to have :)
There were times over the winter (2 of them for me) that I wrapped the Landy up and left it for a few months. I tried a thermal onesie and ski gloves with the finger tips cut off, but there were still times that I couldn't feel the nuts/bolts/tools I had in my hand. My fingers were just too cold. It's not fun then :( You're a bit hardier than me and manage your garage space better than I did, so I was outside more often than not. I don't envy you heading in to winter. Oh, for a double garage sized work shop :rolleyes:
Friends with friends with trailers, they're good friends to have :)
There were times over the winter (2 of them for me) that I wrapped the Landy up and left it for a few months. I tried a thermal onesie and ski gloves with the finger tips cut off, but there were still times that I couldn't feel the nuts/bolts/tools I had in my hand. My fingers were just too cold. It's not fun then :( You're a bit hardier than me and manage your garage space better than I did, so I was outside more often than not. I don't envy you heading in to winter. Oh, for a double garage sized work shop :rolleyes:

I'm not looking forward to the winter either :oops:, I'll be at a funny stage with it and don't think much will happen over it to be honest, and start again properly in March (ish) time, but we'll see, maybe we will have a mild winter, in which case it'd be happy days :)

No you was right I'm picking it up next Saturday now I got the times wrong lol

Good to hear you sorted it though, hope you are as chuffed as I was :)
So a little bit of an update, forgot to update last weekend.
Spent all last weekend repairing the bulkhead, all but done now, just need to go over it all making sure all is good, fully welded, flap disked back etc..
Also repaired the battery box, again just a little tidying up to do with it.

Still no donor either, bid on a few on ebay, but no such luck, just a waiting game for one to come up not miles from home for reasonable money I guess.
Blimey Aaron,

How much work was involved with the bulkhead... looked like a seive on the piccie I saw.

Blimey Aaron,

How much work was involved with the bulkhead... looked like a seive on the piccie I saw.


Haha the short answer is a lot, no idea how many hours it has taken, and it is still far from perfect, but it is a damn sight better than it was :)
So Saturday was spent going through everything, making sure no paint, oil, grease etc was left on parts, holes drilled where they are needed, and made a list of what I have to take.
Nothing near the 288 items I had done last time, but the pile is growing at 124.

The bulkhead, as I said in a previous post, far from perfect, but a damn sight better than it was.
Not really set up for it in truth, wouldn't mind a better welder, (more controllable) instead of just the two switches, but when it gets brought out of the shed and used 2-3 times a year it just isn't worth it, and it does the job.
Wouldn't mind a sheet folder either, not bad when I have bought pre made foot wells etc, but some of the bits inside had to be bent to suit, i.e bashing them with a hammer in the vice o_O well it works I suppose.
Having to swap between grinding and cutting discs on grinder annoys me too, I know it only takes seconds, but.. :oops: Anyway was going to buy another but never ended up doing, using it Saturday it got hot and burnt my hand, well not properly, but I dropped the bugger on the floor, so ended up going and buying another and back to having one, oh well, maybe next year when I repair that projects bulkhead.

And a little repair on battery box.

Nothing happened today, spent most of the day giving brothers D2 chassis some attention, clean/paint. Not even half way yet so more to do next weekend, plus a wheel bearing, anti roll bars and a couple of other bits.
The bulkhead is transformed. What's left to do on it? (picture a tad dark)

Cheers :) Nothing left to do on it now, how it is is how it will stay.
Well I am going to send it for galv, but it's having the time to take it, need a morning off to go and do It really.
Camera phone and dark garage isn't a good mix :confused: should find my camera out again really.
Well I have finally found a donor, but it's not an auto :(
How wrong was I when I said I'll buy a 300tdi chassis as it'll be easier to find than a 200tdi, well an engine maybe not, but a complete donor has proven difficult to find, and is why I have just bought what I can now, although I am going to keep my eye out for an auto donor still and will swap the bits over if I do find one.
But for the time being it gets me moving again with plenty to be going on with, and can at least get it into a rolling chassis.
Although I must say I was debating where the project was actually going last week and weather I should be building it as a 300tdi, I know it will be one, but their will be things that aren't as they should be and will annoy me. bulkhead, wiring looms, wings etc.. but we'll see how it goes.
Things will likely come to a grinding halt anyway, as I mentioned before the house has gone up for sale, which we have had an offer on and preliminary accepted providing we can find somewhere, he wants to move before Christmas :eek: and I doubt I will have somewhere to continue the build straight away..
Anyway, collecting said donor tomorrow and just glad it will give me something to do again :)
Sorry for rambling, but you all know what I am like by now :oops:
Cheers :) Nothing left to do on it now, how it is is how it will stay.
Well I am going to send it for galv, but it's having the time to take it, need a morning off to go and do It really.
Camera phone and dark garage isn't a good mix :confused: should find my camera out again really.
Are you getting the bulkhead done on it's own? Wondering what a bulkhead only will cost to galv.

I suppose its getting a donor close enough for the right money. This one is 2 hours from you, but that's a canny hike. NORTHWICH
If you don't mind me asking Aaron. How much would you be prepared to pay for your donor? I'm just curious, so tell me to get lost if you'd rather not say. :)
Are you getting the bulkhead done on it's own? Wondering what a bulkhead only will cost to galv.

I suppose its getting a donor close enough for the right money. This one is 2 hours from you, but that's a canny hike. NORTHWICH
If you don't mind me asking Aaron. How much would you be prepared to pay for your donor? I'm just curious, so tell me to get lost if you'd rather not say. :)

Not just the bulkhead mate, inner wings, cappings, radiator frame and general brackets etc, a bit like last time but not half as much :)
And that was in my watch list, but yes quite a hike for a donor, doesn't bother me so much, but trying to get a lift their is the hard part.
So I was aiming for something within 50-60 miles.
Budget I never really had one, it kept changing because I couldn't find what I wanted, or some vehicles had more I could sell on and re-coupe back like offroad accessories etc..
My thoughts where if I could buy a donor for similar money as I can an engine/gearbox alone, I can at least make sure it is a good runner, the gearbox is nice and smooth etc on the drive home.
In the end I have bought one less than 40 miles from home and less than £600.
Ok not exactly what I wanted, but I was bored of waiting and at least this gets me moving again somewhat :)

your still building it as an auto arnt you?remember our conversation.;)

It is the plan Mick :) Have just been struggling to find a donor, this gets me an engine and a back axle which will keep me going for a good few months and I am keeping an eye out for an auto donor (or bits to convert) in the meantime ;)
Well, donor is here, and it is actually tidier than I thought it would be :)
So the plan is to get the engine/gearbox and axles off next weekend, and thinking I can get the rear axle rebuilt and a rolling chassis built up within a month (hopefully)
The rest of the disco can then go for scrap, don't know how yet, could do with local pikey and a hiab to load ideally.
So if anyone wants anything, bits or bobs give me a shout, I'd sooner give stuff away than see it go to the tip or scrap yard.

Blimey Arron from the picture it looks OK, are you sure you won't end up re building a new project?
Well not a great deal has happened this weekend, Saturday morning we went viewing houses, and Saturday afternoon/evening I went and collected another rear axle o_O
Why when I bought a donor last weekend? well with a house move possibly on the cards if I can leave the donor complete I will, if I started stripping it, engine/box, axles etc it is stranded their, so I am then committed to either taking it all with me, or scrapping it all, as I'd rather strip it at my leisure and have it sit their a while, you never know what bits you may want to rob off it, and obviously easier to take it with me complete than in a hundred pieces..
Anyway, the axle was advertised on here at £50, great I thought I'm going to be rebuilding it anyhow and it's cheap enough and not too bothered if it needs work.
What I didn't expect was to turn up and it be in pieces :rolleyes:
Luckily for me it didn't mater as it would have been getting stripped when I got home anyway..

Today I had to service brothers D2, I then got the axle casing cleaned up back the bare metal the best I could, (wire wheel on grinder/drill)
And got a couple of coats of primer on it.
If I can be arsed a couple of nights in the week I will get some top coat on it.
Which If I can (unlikely) bloody cold and dark on an evening now :oops: but if I can it may just have a rolling chassis by the end of next weekend and would be a nice stage to be at :)

Blimey Arron from the picture it looks OK, are you sure you won't end up re building a new project?

It is tidier than I thought it was going to be Ray, but will definitely be getting rid once I have the bits I need, although a slight change from driving a defender.

I'll be interested inot the complete passenger door

Yours if you want it bud, but depends how soon you need it, will be a few weeks before I start stripping it, but will pm you when I do.

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