I'm not going to list them all on a public forum, but this particular one was thinking doing my own blasting might be 'a good idea'.

If you spent a five figure sum on the gear, and had somewhere to put it, then maybe.

Just meant the blasting mistake. Was expecting something like "I put a hole through the tub wheel arch", or something like that.
Five figures seems a lot to spend on some blasting kit.
No elaboration needed though, mate.
Well I'm on a diet cos I'm getting fat, I feel hungry 10 minutes after a meal and you have to post that up. Have you no humanity sir, gutsy cont. :(:(
It's Tesco own brand mature cheese cut into slabs and toasted onto the white sliced. I must have eaten nearly a kilo of cheese this evening. After I took the picture I applied salt, pepper and Cholula chilli sauce and ate it watching a Scammell Explorer driving around in a disused quarry on Youtube.
It's Tesco own brand mature cheese cut into slabs and toasted onto the white sliced. I must have eaten nearly a kilo of cheese this evening. After I took the picture I applied salt, pepper and Cholula chilli sauce and ate it watching a Scammell Explorer driving around in a disused quarry on Youtube.
Living the dream:p
It's Tesco own brand mature cheese cut into slabs and toasted onto the white sliced. I must have eaten nearly a kilo of cheese this evening. After I took the picture I applied salt, pepper and Cholula chilli sauce and ate it watching a Scammell Explorer driving around in a disused quarry on Youtube.
Perfect Friday night in. :D
It's Tesco own brand mature cheese cut into slabs and toasted onto the white sliced. I must have eaten nearly a kilo of cheese this evening. After I took the picture I applied salt, pepper and Cholula chilli sauce and ate it watching a Scammell Explorer driving around in a disused quarry on Youtube.

I have extra mature in my fridge............LOL. Damn there goes the idea of reducing my cholesterol. LOL.
Well, for the past 40 years or so, I've eaten what I call the C Plan Diet. Coffee, cakes, crisps, cheese, curries, chips, chocolate biscuits, cream cakes, carbohydrate, cholesterol and crap, basically. So far so good.
LOL. had a HA last year and being told to reduce my cholesterol I really should try too, but it is sooooooooo hard .

Oh Yeah, sorry Aaron, looks like your rebuild thread has become the COT thread.....
It's a quarter of a century since I saw a doctor. Well, I meet them through work professionally, but I don't consult them about my health. I'm getting to the age when they'd start finding things wrong with me if I let them.
Surely brown bread is best?! A nice slice of granary toasted underneath that cheese, gives more body to it and your doc would then slightly approve...but only slightly.
Aaron, the bloke that I use charges £60/hour. This lot was £60 I think. Five wheels and some steering rods and steering box were £45. This is Sussex/Surrey where I'd have thought it would be pricey, so I think your chap is a bit on the steep side. On one hand I do have to drive twenty miles there and back, but on the other he does it while I wait if we've arranged it beforehand. (Useful if you want to get zinc primer on as per instructions within 3 hours of blasting).


Thanks for the reply and info boguing, seems he is expensive, and as you say, you would think it would be cheaper up here than down near you, such as it is.
This bloke says he charges £35 an hour, maybe he just isn't very good/fast (or his equipment isn't) and it takes him a long time, I don't know.
I nearly fell on the floor when he said £120 for an axle casing, over 3 hours of blasting, surely not?..

Those prices do seem very expensive, If it helps I've got one of those 10 gallon blasting pots which my compressor wouldn't run. If you can get a mobile conmpressor I'm happy to lend it you, you can even blast everything in our barn but its near chesterfield.

Thank-you for the offer Rasher, very kind of you, compressor is my issue here too, I will look into renting a big compressor and may be in touch :)

Surely for the amount of money your going to spend on blasting and future projects you could buy the equipment to do it yourself mate

That was the original plan mate, but trying to find a compressor that will keep up and is run off 240v is damn hard, well it would, but only in short bursts, not to mention expensive to buy..
So my next thought was to buy a diesel road compressor, would keep up a lot better, and available for about the same money as a 240v compressor, but, can you imagine how well that would go down with the neighbours :eek:
So I went off the idea again and decided to pay someone, which you would think is the easy way, nope, not around here, no bugger is interested.
I know, maybe I should offer my own blasting services instead o_O

I did just that. And discovered that, very occasionally, I make mistakes.

Sold it all on eBay and now pay someone else.

What makes you say that? As it is something I wanted to be able to do myself eventually.
Could you PM me if you don't wish to say on the forum, I am just interested to know and hopefully not make the same mistake.
Well the bulkhead is back from blasting, seems it is even worse than I imagined :eek::(
I expected top corners, foot wells and some of the top rail, but their is holes everywhere..
I can certainly see why people pay the money for them already done.

What makes you say that? As it is something I wanted to be able to do myself eventually.
Could you PM me if you don't wish to say on the forum, I am just interested to know and hopefully not make the same mistake.

Seems people are reading something into my comment that I didn't intend!

I meant that I stood back and looked at the mess that I'd made using soda - which didn't matter because I could just hose it away - and realised that any re-usable media was going to get everywhere if I didn't make a complete box. And that was going to cost more money. And I'd have to suit up far better, buy a better hood than the poxy free one that came with the blasting pot. I could see the total spend going up to £200 easily, so I got on the 'phone and found the bloke I've mentioned. I have no intention of doing another Landy for myself, so having almost got my money back by eBaying the pot and garnet I've saved a few quid by paying him.

If you can't find someone like him then there is an opportunity for someone. I've tried a few others who are closer to me in the past, but they have been terrible bull****ters basically. Didn't do, or couldn't do in one case, the job when they said they would, and massively expensive. You'd need 500 sq ft, and apparently £20k for the big compressor that can run all day. That's just money (?) but you'd need a special mentality to work in the half dark all day, permanently tasting rust and having to deal with a lot of customers.

I think you could be right about your bloke having rubbish gear that only runs for 1/4 of the time. If you were ever doing a large quantity again (like your last lot) it wouldn't be daft to put it on a pallet and send it somewhere - possibly even Sussex!
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