That galvanising cost seems way OTT.
It was I think but then, the place was busy so probably didn't really want my work. I'd read peopke saying £75 to get a whole chassis done but I was getting quotes of over 300.
Cheers bud :) I do from time to time, more so this year than ever actually, doing the patio, paths, and more paved area's for all my shit'e, and again even more so over the last few weeks as we are putting the house up for sale and needed a general clean/tart up.
Oh, apart from the cooking meals that is, if it was left to me I would probably live on something like cheese on toast :oops:

Cheers Ray :) No need to feel guilty, it is always going to be difficult when it is your daily drive, not like for me, I have all the time in the world to complete it.

Thanks for following Steve :)

Ah I was thinking you must be going that route, mine is, or was side opening, the sitting on it with a flask was my thinking aswell to changing it back to fold down when I build it back up, even if it is less practical.
Will grab the measurements when I get a mo,
And thanks for the info on the galv, definitely not cheap as you said, but it looks like they did a good job, your blasting was quite cheap though.
When I had my stuff galvanised I paid £288 for this.
But about £350-400 in shot blasting.

I'd be very happy paying that for that much galv.
Looking good mate, selling the house ehh, you'll have to make sure the new place has a massive garage for you to work in :) and nice neighbours.

Iv finished with that pipe cutting tool, I'm next up home at the start of November so I'll give you a text then and bring it round.
I like scrambled egg on toast with either brown or Worcester sauce, have it almost every weekday when I'm off work.
I tend to favour chilli sauce. I like Tabasco, or at the moment I'm working my way through a bottle of something called Cholula.
I like scrambled egg on toast with either brown or Worcester sauce, have it almost every weekday when I'm off work.
Nice :)
I tend to favour chilli sauce. I like Tabasco, or at the moment I'm working my way through a bottle of something called Cholula.
Chili sauce on cheese on toast. :eek: That's bold ;) Never heard of Cholula.

Sorry Aaron :rolleyes:
Try Insanity Sauce if you like it hot. :eek: Not sure where to get it but it's well named.

Yes, I've had that. The trouble with the harsher ones is that you've got to get the concentration exactly right to get the effect I want. There's a similar problem with wasabi sauce (it's green Japanese sauce which is a bit like mustard but very fierce). It's hard to get it spread around the food so that it's pleasant to eat. The good thing about Tabasco et al is that they are fairly forgiving in the application, and if you get a big dollop you don't have to stop for a drink of water.
Yes, I've had that. The trouble with the harsher ones is that you've got to get the concentration exactly right to get the effect I want. There's a similar problem with wasabi sauce (it's green Japanese sauce which is a bit like mustard but very fierce). It's hard to get it spread around the food so that it's pleasant to eat. The good thing about Tabasco et al is that they are fairly forgiving in the application, and if you get a big dollop you don't have to stop for a drink of water.
I reckon Aaron could do with some toast and wasabi to keep him warm in the garage over the winter. ;)
It was I think but then, the place was busy so probably didn't really want my work. I'd read peopke saying £75 to get a whole chassis done but I was getting quotes of over 300.

I'd be very happy paying that for that much galv.

Yep, galv was much cheaper than I originally thought :)

Looking good mate, selling the house ehh, you'll have to make sure the new place has a massive garage for you to work in :) and nice neighbours.

Iv finished with that pipe cutting tool, I'm next up home at the start of November so I'll give you a text then and bring it round.

That is the plan :) Hopefully the neighbours wont even see me, but we'll see, it will probably take quite a while to sell ours.
And no worries mate, no rush, just give us a shout if or when you get the time.

Sounds like a positively idyllic existence. I'd like to live on cheese on toast. It's my favourite meal.

'tis one of mine too :)
So Mr shot blaster came to see me tonight, don't really know why, but he said he would come and see me and give me a price, fair play I suppose it saves me taking it their for the crack.
Said £100 for bulkhead.
£30 for pair of inner wings.
£40 for 2 bonnet frames, cappings and tailgate cover thing.
£30 for 2 battery boxes and trans tunnel diaphragm.
£40 for 2 slam panels and stays, pair inner cills, rad frame and a couple of other bits.
And £30 for a tub of random brackets.

Not sure is this is good, bad or what, certainly more than I paid last time, but if he can do it quicker than the 8-10 weeks it was last time it is worth it.
So who has had what done and how much did you pay?
Also asked him how much to blast an axle casing. (showed him one I had so he knew what it was) and he said £120 :eek: Now that did seem expensive!
Aaron, the bloke that I use charges £60/hour. This lot was £60 I think. Five wheels and some steering rods and steering box were £45. This is Sussex/Surrey where I'd have thought it would be pricey, so I think your chap is a bit on the steep side. On one hand I do have to drive twenty miles there and back, but on the other he does it while I wait if we've arranged it beforehand. (Useful if you want to get zinc primer on as per instructions within 3 hours of blasting).

Those prices do seem very expensive, If it helps I've got one of those 10 gallon blasting pots which my compressor wouldn't run. If you can get a mobile conmpressor I'm happy to lend it you, you can even blast everything in our barn but its near chesterfield.
Surely for the amount of money your going to spend on blasting and future projects you could buy the equipment to do it yourself mate
Surely for the amount of money your going to spend on blasting and future projects you could buy the equipment to do it yourself mate

I did just that. And discovered that, very occasionally, I make mistakes.

Sold it all on eBay and now pay someone else.
I'm not going to list them all on a public forum, but this particular one was thinking doing my own blasting might be 'a good idea'.

If you spent a five figure sum on the gear, and had somewhere to put it, then maybe.

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