Anyway, today has been spent mainly going through the parts catalogue, as now I know my stuff is coming back from galv I can crack on.
I usually like to give my business to lr direct, but some stuff they're not even competitive on, and the new rule of having to buy 10 of certain items is very annoying, I can understand why they do it, as they get sent to them is bags of 10 and then for the most part if I ordered, say 6 they would just send me 10.
But if I want 2 bolts and they're a pound each, but I have to buy 10 that's £8 wasted :eek: and theirs quite a few items like that.
So a few bits where also ordered from paddocks and island 4x4.
Spent a fair few quid, but hopefully I should have ordered most I need to get me into a rolling chassis, and the spending should slow down a little.
Springs, shocks, turrets, steering damper, discs, pads, calipers (I ordered a piston/seal kit for mine months ago which where wrong so just thought bugger it and buy new) bump stops, track rod ends, seals, gaskets, new nuts/bolts/washers, I'm sure you get the gist, can't wait to actually start making some progress again :)

Which on another note, I also need to ring Richards' chassis up this week, as that has been 14 weeks since ordering and they said 10.
Not been a rush for it up until now, and it would have just been in the way, but things should start moving again next weekend and then I'll wish I had it beforehand.
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You've done loads of prep work, so I'm not surprised you feel the need to crack on a bit. It's all in the prep though, mate so it;s important stuff you've been doing :) It's nice to see progress though and that's been frustrating me a bit over recent weeks.
Looking forward to seeing your new build grow. Can't wait, in fact! :D
You've done loads of prep work, so I'm not surprised you feel the need to crack on a bit. It's all in the prep though, mate so it;s important stuff you've been doing :) It's nice to see progress though and that's been frustrating me a bit over recent weeks.
Looking forward to seeing your new build grow. Can't wait, in fact! :D

Yeah, it is very annoying mate, and I'm an impatient twunt so this has drove me mad, and things haven't really gone to plan as yet either.
It feels like I have done nothing, or very little for the last 6 months in all honesty, so I can't wait to at least get some axles built and into a rolling chassis :)
Right, so onwards and upwards, I went and collected my stuff from the galv place this afternoon.
So maybe, just maybe this project will move forwards now..
Pretty happy with it for the most part, some items need more attention than others, but most will be painted anyhow so not a massive issue.
Went through my list to check it all back in (yes, all 236 items :oops:)
And I'm missing a rear door frame and a pair of slam panel stays/legs.
Now if I'm honest I wouldn't have been surprised if they had lost some of the smaller stuff, as some was tiny brackets, but what they have lost I'm a little pissed about, so I will give them a call tomorrow (well maybe)
Just glad to have it back and pretty happy that I can get on with it now :)

Took a few pictures, just need to move it all somewhere out the way now so I've got some room in the garage to build some axles.

The bulkhead has turned out reasonably well, doesn't seemed to have warped (other that a bulge in the passenger footwell) but who knows until I try it on the chassis.
You can see where the galv has sat on the welds where repaired, but not a major, I can sort that prior to paint.
Oh and you can tell some difference in weight now too.

Few other random pictures.

Swivel seal retainers, I made sure to do enough for future projects :oops:

Cappings, again they have came out ok, which I'm glad about as the plan was to leave these un-painted.

And all just stuck in the garage for tonight, I'll think of somewhere to put it tomorrow (maybe) so I've got some room to work.

Get in! It looks like five Christmases have come at once :)
What do you mean, 'well maybe', when it comes to calling the galv shop! They might have the bits lying there and be wondering which customer they belong to and are just waiting for the call that claims them. 'He who dares, Rodney', as Del boy would say.
Have you got a few pallets you can put the stuff on and a decent tarp to cover them? Space is always a premium when you've just got a small garage and a driveway. I'm in the same club:( Having said that, we have a little room down stairs that doesn't get used for much. So, for the last 22 months it's been my parts store room. At one point, almost all of the Landy was in there :eek::)
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Get in! It looks like five Christmases have come at once :)
What do you mean, 'well maybe', when it comes to calling the galv shop! They might have the bits lying there and be wondering which customer they belong to and are just waiting for the call that claims them. 'He who dares, Rodney', as Del boy would say.
Have you got a few pallets you can put the stuff on and a decent tarp to cover them? Space is always a premium when you've just got a small garage and a driveway. I'm in the same club:( Having said that, we have a little room down stairs that doesn't get used for much. So, for the last 22 months it's been my parts store room. At one point, almost all of the Landy was in there :eek::)

Yep :D I'm bloody chuffed it's happened to be honest, I put off doing it last time around because I didn't have a bloody clue, well I still don't, but thought I at least need to try, it's not all been plain sailing and it's took a while to get to this stage, but I'm glad I'm finally here :)
And I don't really like ringing people, especially with problems, I just feel a twat, even if that is what they're their to deal with. I'm a bit of a nervous bumbling wreck when it comes to stuff like that :confused:
Oh and I get told off if I bring LR parts in the house :eek:

dont put them on the garage roof ,,,,,,,,,,lol

Nope :eek: Especially now I know where it's disappeared too, it's in next door but 1's back garden, you know.. the one that really doesn't like me! :eek:
So... Progress today, it's slow going with the clean up and having to re-tap all the threads but I'll get their.
First job, T-wash, now I thought it turned the galv black/grey.. well it didn't, but made it look weathered so I guess it did the trick.

Did the same with the front and hung them up in the garage on an old washing line.
And then got them in primer.

Moved everything outside and tipped all the buckets out, mainly so I could find what I might need in the near future so I'm not routing through piles of stuff all the time, the rest I've just bunged in the shed for now.

Chose a pair of radius arms, trailing arms and A-frame arms.

And re-threaded the end, I thought this was going to be an utter twunt, but much to my surprise it was quite easy.

And then last off this evening, because I'm very impatient :oops: I gave the front axle it's first coat of black.
Front one the primer was still a little wet so I'll do that tomorrow.

Apologies for the poo picture quality as usual, I should buy a new camera at some point, more progress tomorrow hopefully :)
Bloody eck, that lot looks amazing. Just let me know when you want me to bring my 90 round so you can fit it all for me ;)
When I T washed my bulkhead it went pretty dark, Aaron. Maybe different brands of T wash do different things :confused: My T wash is a light blue in colour.
Galvanised parts, all lined up in order! That'll be driving people nuts on here :D

It's got to be worth the phone call, mate. Especially for that door frame! "Hello, you've just galved a load of Landy parts for me and they look great, but I've realised there's a few parts missing. You haven't got some parts left over and you're wondering who they belong to?" It starts the the conversation.
Hi Aaron, this is an amazing thread, have sat and read it all morning. ( sitting at a clients waiting for a BT engineer to bother to turn up)

Only problem is it has made me feel really guilty as mine has been on the ramp in the workshop for three weeks, done rear hub seals and brakes and all i have to do is heater box refit and new seats and a battery isolator switch.

You have done all that in a small shed and your drive, hats off to you sir.

Couple of thoughts, knock on the neighbours door and politely ask for shed roof back,( maybe take a bottle as a sweetener if they refuse ring the police and tell them it has been stolen by them.

Also re the road compressor, we use one for the farms sand blaster which is a fair sized one runs lovely. Forget rent one do you not know any of the lads locally who work on morrisons or the like on service/utilities fitting ( Gas electric etc). I have a mate who frequently brings his work one home and draws a bit of cash for the use of at weekends.

Will watch this read, may start on your previous ones if BT take more time.

Good luck with the rebuild keep the posts and pics coming
Bloody eck, that lot looks amazing. Just let me know when you want me to bring my 90 round so you can fit it all for me ;)

Cheers James :) Plenty of spares yer' know :D

When I T washed my bulkhead it went pretty dark, Aaron. Maybe different brands of T wash do different things :confused: My T wash is a light blue in colour.
Galvanised parts, all lined up in order! That'll be driving people nuts on here :D

It's got to be worth the phone call, mate. Especially for that door frame! "Hello, you've just galved a load of Landy parts for me and they look great, but I've realised there's a few parts missing. You haven't got some parts left over and you're wondering who they belong to?" It starts the the conversation.

My t-wash is a light blue colour too, must just be different brands, but I'm pretty sure it did it's job as the appearance did change.
And it sounds simple when you say it like that, I will ring them it's just having the courage to do so, it took me 2 months to ring about ordering a chassis, and could have had it by now, all my own fault and I know it, but just how I am.

Hi Aaron, this is an amazing thread, have sat and read it all morning. ( sitting at a clients waiting for a BT engineer to bother to turn up)

Only problem is it has made me feel really guilty as mine has been on the ramp in the workshop for three weeks, done rear hub seals and brakes and all i have to do is heater box refit and new seats and a battery isolator switch.

You have done all that in a small shed and your drive, hats off to you sir.

Couple of thoughts, knock on the neighbours door and politely ask for shed roof back,( maybe take a bottle as a sweetener if they refuse ring the police and tell them it has been stolen by them.

Also re the road compressor, we use one for the farms sand blaster which is a fair sized one runs lovely. Forget rent one do you not know any of the lads locally who work on morrisons or the like on service/utilities fitting ( Gas electric etc). I have a mate who frequently brings his work one home and draws a bit of cash for the use of at weekends.

Will watch this read, may start on your previous ones if BT take more time.

Good luck with the rebuild keep the posts and pics coming

Cheers and thanks for reading :)
Ref the compressor, I don't really know anyone anymore, so not an option for me, I did think about buying one but for the use it would get it's not worth the investment, renting one is about £100 a week, I could live with that and just make sure I can do everything in one hit.

Oh and the neighbour really, really doesn't like me! Their will be no reasoning with her, so I'm not even going to try.
Although I still don't believe it blew 2 houses away, more like it blew into next doors and then they thought they would hide it from me, because they've both got it in for me..
Wait til both neighbours pop off shopping and go and get it back., cant report you for stealing, its your property. only offence is trespass which is a civil offence, means that they have to sue you. Which they wont as they can only get damages for any damage you cause.

( trust me bane of the farm i live on, people wandering off the footpath)

Or if necky enough go and get in when they are in.

Good luck with that, felt guilty and did 30 mins in workshop this eve. achieved nowt but broken drill.
All that looks amazing it's how land rover should of done it but then we wouldn't love them as much. Can I be the first to put my name down to buy this haha. This will be the ultimate defender mate with your skills good luck and keep up the good work.
A little more progress today, it's nice to finally have plenty to go at.
Jobs all over the place to start with, cleaning and t-washing radius/trailing arms, a-frame arms etc.. and a first coat of black on the front axle.

And into primer.

While that was drying I did a few other jobs, re-threaded rear shock mounts, t-washed and rinsed off.
Unfortunately they didn't dry quick enough to get into paint.

Thought I would also try the bulkhead on the chassis, to see if it had moved much when sent for galv.
So the fixing holes where cleaned out and gave it a try.
Well it still fits! Just what I wanted, was concerned it may move or distort.

Have got lots of parcels turning up this week and think I've got most things now, new rear calipers where part of one order today, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I ordered a rebuild kit for my old ones some time ago and bought the wrong thing, so decided to just buy new.
Not sure what the 2 copper washers supplied with each are for though, any ideas anyone?

And a splashing of paint.

And the rest of the stuff with a top coat on. I'll be honest I debated just painting it all black, but I changed my mind again :oops:

And that's it for today, it's a little cold out so the paint is taking a while to dry, but tomorrow I think I will start on building the rear axle up, providing the paint still isn't too soft.
And the neighbour had a good moan today :rolleyes:
'What is this on my drive Aaron'
'It is water'
'Well how do I know it isn't oil or petrol, Zain wants to play and he can't!' Stop talking bollocks, not once have I seen Zain play on the driveway. She has used this excuse the other week when I was washing a car, it's just so she can find something to complain about.
'It is water, how do you propose I stop water going onto your drive?' (the street is running down hill so not a lot can be done) It's not like it was loads of it, it was a watering can full.
'I don't know, build something!'
Yeah ok!
I'm sure she does it just to try and rial me up.
She then started banging on about how 'you shouldn't be doing whatever you're doing anyway'
Of course I shouldn't dear :rolleyes: The thing is and what they don't realise is how much me doing these help and mean to me, them going off on one makes me wonder why I bother at times, but if I let it get to me too much I wouldn't still be doing it, I'm not really sure I would do if not..

Anyway, more updates tomorrow :)
And it sounds simple when you say it like that, I will ring them it's just having the courage to do so, it took me 2 months to ring about ordering a chassis, and could have had it by now, all my own fault and I know it, but just how I am.
It's not a fault, Aaron. Some of us might be great on the phone, but little idea how to re-cut he threads on a radius arm. We're all just more or less comfortable at doing different things. I just popped that in there to maybe give you a starting point for the phone call. Up to you what you want to do :)
How did you prime the calipers before you painted them? Did you use T wash on them?
Great to see so much progress in a short space of time. Hope it all goes together smoothly. The rear radius arms seem to have different fittings on the ends. Were they like this when they came off the car?

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