And to answer the question in your post, I would change those bearing shells while I was in there.
We used to look longingly at the adverts for Gold Seal engines in 'Practical Classics' magazine. Far beyond our budget in those days, sadly. It's such a luxury these days fitting new spare parts and nuts and bolts, rather than trying to find slightly less broken ones in scrapyards and lovingly cleaning up elderly bolts for re-use.

Engine's looking great. New bearing shells would be a good idea whilst you're in there, if the budget will stretch.
I removed a couple of the valves and much to my surprise they was actually pretty damn good, with no pitting etc whatsoever, so the stem seals will just be replaced if everything else measures upto spec.
I should check the valve stem caps while your at it.... they can get very thin on higher millage engines
nice work aaron

Cheers mate :)

And to answer the question in your post, I would change those bearing shells while I was in there.

Yep, my thoughts too, was just wondering what others thought.

We used to look longingly at the adverts for Gold Seal engines in 'Practical Classics' magazine. Far beyond our budget in those days, sadly. It's such a luxury these days fitting new spare parts and nuts and bolts, rather than trying to find slightly less broken ones in scrapyards and lovingly cleaning up elderly bolts for re-use.

Engine's looking great. New bearing shells would be a good idea whilst you're in there, if the budget will stretch.

Cheers :) No real budget (I may regret that later) but just take each item as it comes and do what is needed to make it right. So already had them in basket ready to order, and arrived yesterday, so that's this weekend sorted.

I should check the valve stem caps while your at it.... they can get very thin on higher millage engines

Cheers for the heads up bud, not got as far as checking everything yet, and will most likely need to order some bits and pieces for it yet anyway.
No problem... I started getting a chuffing sound out of the air cleaner.... sounded like a blowing gasket..... checked the tappets and you could get the handle in ! one had opened right up..... valve stem cap was worn through nearly.
Well not a lot done today, ended up working yesterday, too much work to do and not enough time to do them, and with less that 2 weeks to Christmas he's started another bathroom, be their finishing it 9pm Christmas eve no doubt, for **** sake, doh! :confused:
I had hoped to get a lot further this weekend, but every little helps.

Well Monday I finished at 5:30 (very early for me) so I decided to have a couple of hours in the garage cleaning and painting a few bits and bobs.
I had needed to get a second coat on the sump another evening, but every other day was 8pm ish, and could I **** be arsed to go in the garage then so it was left.


Few parts turned up mid-week including the new shells and a genuine crank rear oil seal.


So today I changed the big ends and mains, fitted the ladder frame and sump.
The upper shells seamed worse than the lowers in general, with number 3 big end being the worst of the bunch (I forgot photo's)
Then it was a matter of starting to clean stuff up to be fitted.



Could have done with having a day tidying this weekend, as really struggling for space in the garage (mind you, both sheds are just as bad) and needs a re-jig, even finding somewhere to clean/paint parts is a task at the mo :eek::oops:
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Looking sweet. Well done, son.
A few hours doing a good tidy up is well worth it. Gives you 50% of your available space back :)

Lack of pictures re shell replacement is a bit naughty. Don't let it happen again! ;):)
Well, it's the upper shells that have to push the car along. So it's not surprising they wear out first.
Good to see progress on this. Looking very nice indeed.
Looking sweet. Well done, son.
A few hours doing a good tidy up is well worth it. Gives you 50% of your available space back :)

Lack of pictures re shell replacement is a bit naughty. Don't let it happen again! ;):)

Cheers mate :) Won't happen again, promise :oops::p
Definitely need a tidy, no where to put it mind, will be good again once the engine is back together :)

Well, it's the upper shells that have to push the car along. So it's not surprising they wear out first.
Good to see progress on this. Looking very nice indeed.

Cheers bud :) Progress is extremely slow in fairness (way slower than usual, or what I would expect) hopefully things will return to normal when Christmas is out of the way, as working all hours trying to get everything finished for then.
Well maybe not, because I have another plan that may come to light yet, but we'll see..
Back at it again today after a bloody long week, I'll be the first to say I'm not the biggest fan of Christmas, but by god I'm looking forward to a little time off this time around.
First job was to continue with the cleaning, so the front timing cover was cleaned, and a new seal pressed in.
Then the flywheel housing, the gasket on the back took some bloody scraping off :eek:


Elring gasket was fitted between block and flywheel housing, which has sealant strips as part of it, something the cheaper ones don't have.


Flywheel housing was fitted along with a genuine lr rear oil seal.
Injection pump was cleaned up and fitted (I didn't go too mad with this)
The engine was then timed up, timing belt fitted and tensioned, and front cover fitted along with water pump.




Cleaned the starter, alternator and vac pump, and bolted a few other ancillaries on.
I should probably have got the head finished and bolted on, but this is the stuff that's on the floor and in the way, the head can stay on the bench for the time-being.




Last job was to strip the head, injectors out, glow plugs out, and all valves out, had to buy a valve spring compressor as it's the first time I've needed to use one since I was a lad in a garage o_O


More to come soon I hope, work load depending, with a bit of luck we'll have all our jobs done and dusted before 10pm Christmas eve! and get some tinkering time in..
Well it wasn't quite the 10pm Christmas eve I was expecting, so I did manage to get a few hours in today.
Although it was 11pm when we left the customers house last night, with just a bit of grouting left to do, so it was up early doors again, and was done for dinner, well ish..
Glad it's finally over and have got some time off!
Anyway, this afternoon I got the head re-assembled, valves in etc..
New elring head gasket and got it all torqued down, cleaned inlet and exhaust manifolds and rocker cover, and that was it..
Should hopefully progress some while I'm off, depending what other work I get roped into.

Looking good again. It's a wonderful feeling tightening bolts down on a new gasket.
Well today is a good day, not necessarily because it Christmas, but because my engine is all but back together :)
Has anyone else been working on their Land Rovers today?

My first job was to paint the exhaust manifold in some high temp paint, new I knew I had some, it just took a little finding :oops: Although it was where I thought, it had just fell down the back and didn't bloody see it first time round, doh!
Whilst that was drying I did a few other little bits and bobs like fitting new belts, oil filter, lift pump, injectors and lines etc..

Fitted it all up with a new gasket and jobs a good 'un! Will probably paint the rocker cover (same as last time) at some point, but as I don't know the body colour yet it can wait for now.
Tomorrows job is the day of the big tidy up, and about bloody time too!
Hope everyone else has had a good day today..




Great bit of progress. Looks pretty much ready to go in. I see you've fitted as many of the ancillaries as you can - probably better than doing it afterwards working in a confined space down the side of the engine with skinned knuckles. I put my transfer box back on yesterday, and spent ages looking for my new speedo drive which I knew I had got in the parcel from LR Direct previously. It turned out to be in the bin as I'd thrown it away with the packaging for my new transfer box bearings and spacers. Fortunately retrieved and fitted now.
wow,:Dnice build, great read

Cheers Andy :) Good to hear you liked it.

Great bit of progress. Looks pretty much ready to go in. I see you've fitted as many of the ancillaries as you can - probably better than doing it afterwards working in a confined space down the side of the engine with skinned knuckles. I put my transfer box back on yesterday, and spent ages looking for my new speedo drive which I knew I had got in the parcel from LR Direct previously. It turned out to be in the bin as I'd thrown it away with the packaging for my new transfer box bearings and spacers. Fortunately retrieved and fitted now.

Cheers Brown :) That was the plan, will only fitted into a rolling chassis, so nothing in the way, but makes life easier to get it all completed now, another job wiped off completely ready for the next. Just got a few metal intercooler pipes left to clean/paint.
Not sure what I'll be moving onto next actually.
Well... change of plan today, felt like I was coming down with something yesterday and got worse as the evening progressed, so after a terrible night my head was banging and felt like death this morning, oh no! :oops:Man flu?.. :eek:o_O
I wasn't going to do anything at all but I did feel slightly better mid afternoon and forced myself out to sort the garage, it was a bit erm... where the f*ck do I start at first, but much betterer now.
So engine, gearbox and transfer box all overhauled ready to fit, shame the rest is no where near and may be some time yet..
Will get a new clutch kit ordered up in the new year and might bolt gearbox to engine ready for fitting in chassis.




Was looking at the shells again whilst tidying and thought I'd stick a picture up of the worst.

Looks like the white metal has worn through it the point where the load is high seen much worse. How were the crank journals? Did you get chance to measure them?
Not a lot done last couple of days, just a few bits inbetween sorting garage and shed or shed's even :oops:
Wiped clean and refitted engine wiring loom, painted metal intercooler pipes, cleaned/painted and replaced uj's in both props, scavenged the house cleaning cupboard and gave the plastic fan cowling a good clean and a few other bits and bobs including rad/intercooler.
Unfortunately all for the wrong reasons, but I need to move on.

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