Oh and all the best for 2016 folk.
At this point last year I really was down in the dumps, with no hope whatsoever, but 2 weeks into January I had a phone call from my then boss to tell me I was being laid off, and I can honestly say it's one of the best things that has happened to me. ok I'm not all their yet, nor is my head fully where it should be, but I am much more happy as a person in general now.
So for me it has been a success for the most part, and long may it continue.
So Happy new year to you all :)
Cheers chaps, little to no progress on this of late, been on with the other one, stole the engine out of this one to put in it, few more little jobs and she'll be back to how she should.

On a big positive note for this build, I went and collected the rest of my stuff from the shot blasters Monday morning, and about bloody time too..
Hoping to get it all for galv this week at some point, still got 2 axle casings out their, but I can't wait any longer, things will never progress if not and I've got enough to get this rolling.


So I spent yesterday going through everything checking and making sure it's all up to scratch and as I want, plus making an itemised list so I know what I'm sending and can check when it comes back. Over 2 pages long and 200 items, think I may have gone a little over the top :oops:
Just trying to sort a van now.


Also thought I'd best try the bulkhead on the chassis before I send it for galv, haven't tried since replacing the footwells, feet etc.. fitted on lovely so happy days with that.

Nice to see you getting yourself, and the Landy, together mate .. hope stuff keeps getting better for you .. ;)

Incidentally, who do you use for the shot blasting and roughly how much for say a couple of axle cases?
Preparation is everything, mate. Looking good. Are you going to sell some of the galv gear to get some money back? You seem to have a bit more than you need :)
I just put in my thread (feel like I'm telling me granny how to suck eggs here!) but make sure all your holes are drilled before you send it for galv. It's a painful experience drilling holes in it after.
great to see all those rust free parts waiting to go for galvanizing, do you just plate the axles inside and out then just blow them out ? I would like to take out my axles one fine day and get them cleaned up.
Nice to see you getting yourself, and the Landy, together mate .. hope stuff keeps getting better for you .. ;)

Incidentally, who do you use for the shot blasting and roughly how much for say a couple of axle cases?

Cheers Paul :)
To be honest this shot blasting malarkey has been nothing but hassle, I asked for experiences of who's used who in the past and someone said I work at hydro precision and the unit next door (powder precision) are good and do it.
So I get in touch with them, yes we can do that he says.
I say how does it work, do you charge per hour or what have you and it takes as long as it takes?
Send me some pictures and I'll give you a rough price he says.
So I send him some pictures, waited 2 weeks and heard nothing back, so asked him if he'd got chance to work one out yet.
So he says, sorry I've been busy and will get back to you.
No worries I said, 3 weeks later I had heard nothing again, so they was out the window.

So I asked again and someone said I've used danum powder coating before and they're cheap, they did my chassis and axles.
So I ring them, nah, sorry we don't do shot blasting anymore. Ring blenkinsops, they're the people for blasting around here.
So I tries ringing blenkinsops, I forget how many times I tried and the phone was never answered.

So I got another suggestion off a friend, Dragon powder coating and is ultimately who I ended up using.
Again spoke to them, sent them some pictures, they said about 4-6 hours their and it's £50 an hour.
So I took it down, spoke again and asked how long it'd take them, give us a couple of weeks he says.
Ended up being more like 7 weeks. But they've done a good job and I'm happy with it, and was £200 for what you see in picture, although I don't know if that is good or bad.
He said it took him about an hour to do the 3 axle casings, so £50 or less in theory and in answer to your question.

So if you're in a rush, don't bother, I have done nothing but waste time on it, I had wanted this all done probably November last year if not earlier.
But hay ho, you live and learn, if I had this much to do again in one hit I'd probably do it myself like everything else, then I've only myself to blame.
I didn't because I didn't want to have to buy a huge compressor, but I've since realised Weekenhire rent diesel road compressors, think they're about £180 a week, buy a blast pot and a ton of media and jobs a good 'en.
Might cost me a little more and it's more work (and mess :eek:) but it'd be done a darn sight quicker.
Anyway, sorry for the longwinded reply :oops:


Preparation is everything, mate. Looking good. Are you going to sell some of the galv gear to get some money back? You seem to have a bit more than you need :)

Cheers bud, I'd think I'll sell a couple of bits and bobs mate, but for the most part I'll probably keep for future projects, especially stuff like the 2nd set of cappings as they're hard enough to get hold of as is, or are bloody expensive.

I just put in my thread (feel like I'm telling me granny how to suck eggs here!) but make sure all your holes are drilled before you send it for galv. It's a painful experience drilling holes in it after.

Yep, I can imagine, that's why I spent the whole day going though and checking each and every part for any left over paint, any dodgy looking paper thing bits or any holes that needed drilling.
Probably still missed some no doubt but for the most part I should be ok.

great to see all those rust free parts waiting to go for galvanizing, do you just plate the axles inside and out then just blow them out ? I would like to take out my axles one fine day and get them cleaned up.

It is indeed good to see, I've always just done stuff with the wire wheels on the grinder, but blasting does an amazingly good job. Think I'm converted and definitely something I need to look into setting up at home in the shed.
The galv wont cover the inside of the axles anyway I don't think as they're painted from factory, and can't get to blast it all off.
Lots of people have done it in the past so we'll see how well it works for me. Looking forward to getting it all back.
I used Kilburn shotblasting, good price, good turnaround, nowhere near you unfortunately. Charged £45 to do a car load of stuff, side frames/seat boxes etc
Fair comments those mate, cheers!!!

That's what I found locally, hence why I asked you .. ;)

I bought a gun and media but never had a good enough compressor to run it properly and only played with the idea a short while ... it needs serious air volume and pressure to do a good job, 'specially if using it for much longer than 10 minutes at a time.
Fair comments those mate, cheers!!!

That's what I found locally, hence why I asked you .. ;)

I bought a gun and media but never had a good enough compressor to run it properly and only played with the idea a short while ... it needs serious air volume and pressure to do a good job, 'specially if using it for much longer than 10 minutes at a time.
That's right, it's simply not possible to run anything like a decent shot blast with a single phase compressor 13Amps is just not enough, best you could do is get a big reciver or better still two or three receivers coupled together, pump them up to pressure and then blast away until the pressure falls, then go and have a cup of tea while it builds up again.
I used Kilburn shotblasting, good price, good turnaround, nowhere near you unfortunately. Charged £45 to do a car load of stuff, side frames/seat boxes etc

Yep, seems to be the same storey, a few on here have recommended places they have had stuff done, but all miles away.

Fair comments those mate, cheers!!!

That's what I found locally, hence why I asked you .. ;)

I bought a gun and media but never had a good enough compressor to run it properly and only played with the idea a short while ... it needs serious air volume and pressure to do a good job, 'specially if using it for much longer than 10 minutes at a time.

Glad it wasn't just me, If you're in no rush then it's all good and well, and that is exactly why I didn't do it myself mate.
I just hate being ****ed around, if it's going to take 6 weeks then be honest and tell me, not tell me a couple of weeks and then don't even keep me in the loop.
So what has happened in the last 2 weeks.. In short nothing..
Took my stuff to the galv place on the 21st, I was told it should be ready middle of next week.
Got home, and a couple of hours later I had a phone call from them, basically saying theirs a lot of machined parts here and the galv will alter tolerances and are you sure you want to do them.
Yes I says, it will be fine.
A week went by and I got a phone call on the 28th saying we need to drill some holes in a couple of things and is it ok. So again, yep, that's fine with me.
So later the same day I also have a letter from them, which was basically an invoice telling me the cost. Strange I thought, why would they send me that if they weigh it after to give me a price :confused:
So I thought yeah whatever, it's obviously not done and I'm sure they'll ring me when it is.
So I waited again wondering what the f*ck is happening, then I got home from work yesterday to find another letter from them, which was basically the same thing but said statement instead of invoice.
Hmm... very strange I think, it must be bloody done if they're sending me another.
So I ring them and say I've been sent an invoice twice and does that mean it's done?
He says if you've received an invoice it is done.

Err.. what? How do they work that out.
The first invoice was dated the 27th, yet they rang me on the 28th to say they need to drill some holes before they dip it. So how could it have possibly been done then.
Thing is they rang me twice to solve problems, so why didn't anyone ring me to tell me it was done and ready for collection?
When I got an invoice I assumed it was just so I could take it with me when I collect to the office so I can pay.
Confused and baffled to say the least. Things definitely aren't going to plan.
But it's done and I'll be collecting it next week at some point.

Anyway moving on, I got up this morning and I was looking out the window at the rain.. (Now I keep my landrover roof's on my garage roof out of the way)
So I looked over and seen their is only one roof their? Ay! Where the chuff has a whole landrover roof gone?
So now I am seriously f*cked off :(:mad:
You can't even see them from the road, so has someone been snooping and stolen it?
Or has it blown off into next doors garden or something and she's given it to the scrap man or some such like?
I really don't know what to think. If it has been stolen, then why only one and not the other?
Not happy :( It's stuff like this that worries me..
Cus the oik could only carry one? Or it really has blown away. I nearly lost mine the other week after I had painted it. it was 2' off the ground and the wind was getting under it so I went out in the middle of the night and lowered it onto the ground. I considered putting it on my garage roof when I stripped it but imagined it blowing away and chopping somebodies arm off or destroying next doors conservatory or something. I eventually had chance to fix it back on top of the 110 yesterday, what a relief.
Cus the oik could only carry one? Or it really has blown away. I nearly lost mine the other week after I had painted it. it was 2' off the ground and the wind was getting under it so I went out in the middle of the night and lowered it onto the ground. I considered putting it on my garage roof when I stripped it but imagined it blowing away and chopping somebodies arm off or destroying next doors conservatory or something. I eventually had chance to fix it back on top of the 110 yesterday, what a relief.

Yeah, that's the thing, I'm not so sure it has been stolen, or they would have took the other 'betterer' one. So my money is on it's blown in her garden, the question is, what the chuff has she done with it.. :eek: as it's not in her garden from what I can see.
I've had roof's up their for the last 2 years at least, and never had an issue, (in what seems like worse winds than we have had lately) so a little miffed.

Hope its not gone into neighbours. Youll have trouble getting that back. " Please mister, can I have my defender roof back please?" lol

Haha, I'm glad you can make me laugh about it.
The more I think about it, the more I think it has blown away, not really sure where I stand with that, probably not a lot I can do.
Oh and the fact she wants to hit me over the head with a hammer probably doesn't help :oops:

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