Aaron I asked about the chassis in the lr center when i was in there yesterday. It's for a puma anyway
I have used the hand held (small pot on the gun) type of shot blaster...... yes they are messy, but you can knock up a wooden frame with some polythene wrapped round it and work from the front, collets the shot as well.
It would do for those little brackets and the like.
..... ment to ask... what do you recon to pay for axils ? I'm in need of a replacement casing for my RRC.... rear diff pan is rotten. Cheers
I have a brand new exhaust mount if you want it? Certain it is the same as that.

Aye, that'd be good mate :) Have a look see if you can find it first and let me know what I owe you if you have any luck :)

Aaron I asked about the chassis in the lr center when i was in there yesterday. It's for a puma anyway

Ah, no worries, thanks for looking :)

I have used the hand held (small pot on the gun) type of shot blaster...... yes they are messy, but you can knock up a wooden frame with some polythene wrapped round it and work from the front, collets the shot as well.
It would do for those little brackets and the like.

Too late this time around, and I think my compressor would struggle too, maybe next time, by which point hopefully I've got a bigger compressor ready to go..
Would have made life a damn sight easier to be honest, but things haven't really gone to plan yet with this build and theirs stuff everywhere.

..... ment to ask... what do you recon to pay for axils ? I'm in need of a replacement casing for my RRC.... rear diff pan is rotten. Cheers

I paid £30 each for my first pair of axles, and well... they was terrible. Well the rear wasn't too bad actually, but the front wanted... infact, what didn't it want!
Are you just going to put a full axle underneath I guess. instead of just changing the casing over.

That's a lot of work, mate. Looking great :D

Aye, cheers mate :) Doesn't look a lot, or great, but it took a bloody long time for what it is, should have gone and bought some ear plugs too, ears where ringing at times.
Recon I've got the same amount of time again to do in other bits, so that's next Saturday's job.
[QUOTE="Too late this time around, and I think my compressor would struggle too, maybe next time, by which point hopefully I've got a bigger compressor ready to go..
Would have made life a damn sight easier to be honest, but things haven't really gone to plan yet with this build and theirs stuff everywhere.

I paid £30 each for my first pair of axles, and well... they was terrible. Well the rear wasn't too bad actually, but the front wanted... infact, what didn't it want!
Are you just going to put a full axle underneath I guess. instead of just changing the casing over."QUOTE]

Not sure these guns need much to run them... glorified blow gun really. There about 30 quid.

Thanks for info.... Yes, I suppose if I can get a decent one I would just fit the hole thing.
Well nothing happened last weekend, made a list of parts to order for stuff I can be on with, so gearbox rebuild parts and main shaft, transfer box, diff flanges and seals and a few other bits and bobs. Soon bloody mounted up :eek:

Not a lot happened yesterday either as I was working, but hey ho it's money that's paying for this
First job today was to get the transfer box cleaned up, inspect and change seals gaskets etc..

New flanges where fitted as the old had a groove worn in, so new seals wouldn't have lasted 2 minutes.


New input gear and bearings as the old was buggered due to lack of lubrication (not cross drilled)


And fitted a push fit connector for the breather. Found some all metal ones for the axles, but the plastic ones will do for up out of the way.


And that was it, all in all pretty damn good inside. Pto cover fitted temporary until I get hold of an oil feed plate, just stops to much shit'e getting in for the time being.




Moving onto the gearbox, I found a supplier of genuine lr mainshafts, cheaper than any other aftermarket I could find so that was a bonus!


And a few parts for the rest.


Box on the bench.


Removed bell housing, selector etc and pulled the rear oil seal collar off. It was bloody tight :eek:


Removed the extension casing, 5th gear assembly and this is where I currently am, struggling to remove the 5th lay gear.
Pretty sure the last I did levered off quite easily, this.. well not so!
I have a few pullers and the like, but none are small enough to get behind, so I need to find some with slimmer legs.
I had hoped to get the gearbox stripped so I could clean/paint during the week and re-assemble next weekend, might still happen, but need to get the 5th lay off asap if so. Or hopefully I have a brain wave and figure another way :oops:

Well it's been a strange old day.
I had a phone call from a friend this afternoon saying their has been a landrover parked in the visitors parking spot at the block of flats where he lives and hasn't moved for 3 days.
He was outside putting the signs back on his van when some lads pulled up at the side of it in a white transit van, the horn sounded a couple of times and was opening the doors a few times whilst seeing if my mate was looking over, they then all got back in the van drove off.
He rang me for my opinion, I said it sounds very suspect, so it was decided we would reported it to the police who said they was going to send an officer out to check.
Half an hour later they was out in an unmarked car to have a look, a short while later a recovery truck arrived.
So what started out as suspicions, it turns out it was stolen.

I'm just glad we had as good as a result as we could under the circumstances.
It's kinda' worrying as to how close to home it is, but at least this one was saved just in time!

Nice one, somebody will now get their pride and joy back! It's common that, in case it has a tracker fitted. park it up somewhere random, go back in a couple of days, pick it up, strip it. It really does annoy me knowing that when mine is done, I'll be constantly worrying about it going walkies.
Nice job, vigilance is what we all need to be thinking.

Take care of our own stuff, but if the crap happens then keep a look out.


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