Looks good, Must admit though, the first thing I noticed was that the camper van had gone.
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That looks very tidy, mate. Is it as clean and rust free as it looks?
Nice set of alloys on it :)

It's much tidier than I'd expect for what is to be a project bud. But it has it's faults, and you know what they're like, the more you strip them the more you find.
Already found a little rot on the bulkhead.

Looks good, Must admit though, the first thing I noticed was that the camper van had gone.

:lol: Yes it was sold a month or so ago, guess she got sick of looking at it too.

I bet that brought a smile to your neighbours faces :D

:D I think that would be an understatement. Her father was their this afternoon doing the garden so was up and down the drive and kept giving me the evil edna's. Just smiled and kept spannering away :eek:
Will you be getting the Cummings one finished and on the road before work starts in earnest on this one ?
No chance of slipping off that baby. :D

Nope :eek: Fair to say some of it's got to go though.

Aaron's 90 rebuild (round 3)

Cummins again?

Standard build I'd think bud, keeps it nice a simple as time is lacking and it'll take a while as it is.

Will you be getting the Cummings one finished and on the road before work starts in earnest on this one ?

Unfortunately I doubt it, while it still brings a little smile to my face I really haven't got the enthusiasm to do anything with it. Kind of fell-out with it, so it can sit their until I can be arsed to do something with it again :(
Work has already started on this one this afternoon :D

Looking good mate. I can't wait for rebuild round 3

Cheers mate :) Very much looking forward to starting another, was reading back from the start of this thread last night and realized how ****ed off I've become.
Round 3.. Well we'll see if that will materialize yet.
As long as you're not going to sell it before you get chance to drive and enjoy it.
That would be a real shame.
As long as you're not going to sell it before you get chance to drive and enjoy it.
That would be a real shame.

Nope, wont do it bud. Too much time and effort to just do that, will get some enthusiasm back eventually.

sorry but cant see piccys and as the site format changed all looks dif now on ma pc ?????????????????

Yep, noticed yesterday all my pictures had disappeared :(

Yup...no piccies for me on Windows 8.1 either :-(

Yep. Site has been updated and now all pictures have disappeared. **** sake :(
Well it's been the best part of 6 months since I last updated this, and well.. it's gone nowhere!
I never thought I'd be writing this post or say this and it pains me to do so, but I give up, the love, the passion has gone, I have nothing left to give!
I thought the love and enthusiasm would come back eventually, but it hasn't and it's now annoying me walking past it just sat on the drive every day.
I wish I never started with the bloody thing, the last straw so to speak was when I had to move it early doors one day the other week and I just thought what the f*ck did I do this for! Don't get me wrong, I love the conversion for what it is, I've just had enough now.

So I was in the garage the other day tidying and I thought, yes that's it, I've got everything I need here to put it back how it should be, and so it was decided I would rip the ****ing thing out!
Obviously this puts me up sh*t creak with my other project as their will be no engine/gearbox/transferbox, air box, pas pipes, well quite a bit of stuff actually.
I knew it was a mistake selling the one I removed last year, and far too cheep, prices are well up now :confused:
But I can live and deal with that, let's get one vehicle finished and on the road hey.
I don't even know anymore, my head is up my arse if I'm honest. Hopefully things will work out ok in the end.
Sorry for the rant, you all know what I'm like, I should have probably have left this thread in the depths of the archives!
At least see what people are willing to pay for it as it is. It might be worth selling like that instead of putting everything back.
list it on fleabay and see what it gets to in price ,,i did it with my rebuilt lightweight and got 12k ,,,,,,,,
I (and I'm sure other have to) have been waiting and hoping for your interest to come back.
I'm sure that there can't be that much more work to be done, you've done so much already.

But hay, it's your car and your choice.

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