
How expensive are the parts for the transfer box and have you done an R380 yet?

Parts for transfer box are about £170 bud.
But that's if you want to change flanges, corteco seals, new bolts etc.. aswell as the usual bearings etc..
Or Ashcroft sell a basic rebuild kit for about £125. Although I've never used one myself as I just order separately by part number.
And if a new input gear is needed (i.e old one not cross drilled) another £40 or so.

Oh and no, I've not done an R380 yet. Hopefully will do when one comes up for reasonable money.
Parts for transfer box are about £170 bud.
But that's if you want to change flanges, corteco seals, new bolts etc.. aswell as the usual bearings etc..
Or Ashcroft sell a basic rebuild kit for about £125. Although I've never used one myself as I just order separately by part number.
And if a new input gear is needed (i.e old one not cross drilled) another £40 or so.

Oh and no, I've not done an R380 yet. Hopefully will do when one comes up for reasonable money.

I'm sure rebuilding the R380 would be more complicated but should be worth it when you consider the cost of a recon. You should be able to make a few pounds on here with recon boxes!
I'm sure rebuilding the R380 would be more complicated but should be worth it when you consider the cost of a recon. You should be able to make a few pounds on here with recon boxes!

Yes I've done a few lt77's and they're not bad to do. So will try an R380 if one ever comes up for reasonable money.
Yes I've done a few lt77's and they're not bad to do. So will try an R380 if one ever comes up for reasonable money.

What is the actual difference between a disco R380 and a defender R380. If you're looking for a niche try making your own conversion and picking up disco R380 boxes. I've got one of the drive :)
So got the transfer box finished up in the week and today, and then just had a bit of a mince about, cleaning and finding stuff to sell.
aghh!! I'm bored of messing about, all I'm doing is wasting time, I need something to get my teeth stuck into :eek: :behindsofa::brick:
Or at a few little bits of jobs to keep me busy for a while.

Looked for a another project and it's rather difficult at the mo, everything's either miles away, or expensive, or both :frown:
Still it'd help if I got paid. Got £300 last saturday and that's it :rolleyes: Although it is my own fault really, too bloody honest.
Think I've got to pull the gearbox on this heap too but I can't bring myself to do that just yet, and going to get a custom clutch made for it at the same time hopefully.

Still on a plus note, my new drill turned up in the week :D Much betterer even just having 2 batteries.
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Well I know how yer all love pictures and I forgot to take any yesterday, so here you go :)




Been busy most of the day doing other bits and bobs, but managed to cadge an hour to strip down another.
This is a 1.6, no one has asked me to do it, but it's been sat in the shed that long it may as well go. Come to think of it, I can't even remember where it came from, or when I bought it :eek:
All I do know is it's damn covered in ****'e :eek:
So I'll rebuild it first, because I'm a bit silly like that :eek:



And it's now in a few more pieces than I started with :D
More strip down and clean up in the week.
Did think about doing a how-to on a rebuild of one, but forgot to take pictures during the strip down.

What is the actual difference between a disco R380 and a defender R380. If you're looking for a niche try making your own conversion and picking up disco R380 boxes. I've got one of the drive :)

Ah, missed this yesterday, from memory the only difference is the selector shaft and quadrant that goes on the end.
Not looking for a niche, I am only doing this out of enjoyment and to keep me busy.
As I've said before, I've got f*ck-all else, my outlook on life is pretty bleak, so if I can do something that makes me happy and keeps me sane then all the better. And I really don't like being stood about doing nothing.

Ashcrofts already do an adapter to convert them that just bolts on the end of the selector rail, which is about £75.
Or to buy a defender spec selector rail and quadrant is about £100 from memory.
But hey, if you want to donate an r380 be my guest :behindsofa::eek::p

JUST to help you out I could send you one to rebuild for me so you can take pictures :hysterically_laughi

Oh you're so kind :p:D
Ah, missed this yesterday, from memory the only difference is the selector shaft and quadrant that goes on the end.
Not looking for a niche, I am only doing this out of enjoyment and to keep me busy.
As I've said before, I've got f*ck-all else, my outlook on life is pretty bleak, so if I can do something that makes me happy and keeps me sane then all the better. And I really don't like being stood about doing nothing.

Ashcrofts already do an adapter to convert them that just bolts on the end of the selector rail, which is about £75.
Or to buy a defender spec selector rail and quadrant is about £100 from memory.
But hey, if you want to donate an r380 be my guest :behindsofa::eek::p

Oh you're so kind :p:D

Maybe we could do some kind of deal.....

I give you an R380 & transfer box and you rebuild the transfer box for me!

Well I know how yer all love pictures and I forgot to take any yesterday, so here you go :)

Been busy most of the day doing other bits and bobs, but managed to cadge an hour to strip down another.
This is a 1.6, no one has asked me to do it, but it's been sat in the shed that long it may as well go. Come to think of it, I can't even remember where it came from, or when I bought it :eek:
All I do know is it's damn covered in ****'e :eek:
So I'll rebuild it first, because I'm a bit silly like that :eek:

And it's now in a few more pieces than I started with :D
More strip down and clean up in the week.
Did think about doing a how-to on a rebuild of one, but forgot to take pictures during the strip down.

Are you doing rebuild for another project? If not, would be interested in box if you selling it!:D
Nothing much today. Bloody rain :mad:
So spent most of the day cleaning up transfer box parts.
Not ordered any new parts for it yet, need to put some money in the bank first.

Other than that, this morning the old cummins block, crank and a couple of other bits got picked up.
Well it's £100 I didn't have before :) And it's now out the way which was the main thing.


So not updated for a couple of weeks, nothing much done anyhow, the only job I wanted to get done was the gearbox out, but I either seem busy with work or it's been ****ing it down.
Last weekend went to **** in a big way, don't think I've ever felt so bad, can't deal with this life bollocks, but hay ho, life's ****, you get old and die, sooner the better really.

Anyway enough of the rambling and onto this weekend.
Got talked into doing a welding job on Saturday for brothers mate, not that I wanted to be welding rusty fiat punto's on a Saturday morning, but if it helps people then I will.
Then managed to get the other transfer box all back together and set up.
Got the pto cover plate galvanized by a very nice man :D Think it just looks a little better than painting it. Was either that or electro-plating it.



Got up this morning with the intentions of removing the gearbox on mine for the 3rd week running, but.... Rain :mad:
So gave up on that idea for a little while, but come dinner time it had stopped so made the most of it and off I went.
Stuck the engine crane through the door and left transfer box on to try and save work, so got it all out, changed the clutch for the one off the other engine and all back together.
All seems good now, so hopefully problem solved. Ok I know I should have fitted a new clutch but it'll have to wait for now as I wasn't organized and wanted it back together, and truth be told I just want it working now, so we'll see how it goes and I'll possibly fit a custom clutch later in the year.

What a ballache on my own. Still it's done now and I'm now thinking about going for an MOT next weekend.
Funny one really, as the only proper testing the new engine install will get is when I go to the test centre (the long way around :eek:)
But we'll see how it goes and whether I actually get the time, be nice to get one more expense out of the way.
That T-box looks proper shiny shiny Aaron!

Mine's still sat in the shed in bits, been there months. Need to get it sorted this week because the Disco is getting a new chassis in 2 weeks time so it's going in.

Have paid someone else to do it though, no time or space to do it myself - bloody awkward to get the body off....

I'll shoot over for a visit when it's done.

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