Hello, If you still have them would you be willing to courier these items please.

Rubber boot liner mat. Genuine LR - £10
1 x AWR4116 - rear wiper blade - £2.50


I'm thinking about taking the HP pump if it's still available and in good condition. Mine is still leaking after a set of replacement seals have been fitted.
Is it still available and what sort of postage cost are we looking at?

I'll weigh it and get a price, where are you based?
To those of you who have asked about the boot mat, I will weigh it and get a price.

It is quite heavy…
Nodge, based on my in laws postcode in south Devon it's coming out at about £13, but I would need your actual postcode to get an accurate price.
Couriers will only quote on postcode to postcode.
Did you get a quote for the rubber boot floor flat on my post code to? Also is it for a 3 or 5 door, as it appears they are different for reason, think it’s due to the side storage compartments on the 3 door.

Is the rear tailgate handle still available? Is it black or grey?
And total cost to post to Manchester way?

Yes thanks mate. I contacted the seller to ask if he would post or let my carrier pick it up. He never replied. It sold for £41, I would have given him £120.

no probs, what a t***** in not replying , know they can be silly money and i post up links when they are up for sale

hope one turns up and always a pleasure to help
Did you get a quote for the rubber boot floor flat on my post code to? Also is it for a 3 or 5 door, as it appears they are different for reason, think it’s due to the side storage compartments on the 3 door.


To confirm, it is for a 5 door and postage will be £13.
Apologies for tardiness in replying, but I been laid up with some sort of virus since Thursday.

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