yawns old neighbour helping is common decency, helping someone who's genuinely stuck fine.
Running meals on wheels and that type **** is plain poor planning on services part.

So a regular on here yes
A random person deserving of a little help yes
Chav in **** box-no chance
Get the army to do it - oh their fighting a war in some remote **** hole.
I had to do a form to see if I was a danger to myself or others before handling weapons luckily I answered the questions and senarios correctly but thats not to say I was a 100% honest. Went on to keep a weapons store (container full of PKM's and grenades) so I couldn't have been that bad.
bleeding hearts-meals on wheels-as you wish
I gather you don't agree with the principles of the service then Fanatic? Everyone to thier own.

Your comment on poor planning would be a lot more accurate if it read poor budget. In these sad times that we live in, it can not be justified to have costly to buy and costly to run 4x4s, sat around, just in case it snows. The past 25 years would have shown that to be bad planning. The past twelve months have shown that people have short memories, shown by the moaning of its all gone so wrong and the search for whose fault it was? If we had regular bad weather then the spend is justiifiable, as it stands its not.

So the situation has it that we 4x4 owners can lend a hand. Or we can sit on our arses and moan that the Goverment is incapable. Either way the problem is still there and individuals will suffer if nothing is done.

Meals on wheels were assisted in the recent snow. Poor buggers still need to eat. However, a lot of focus was on keeping the ambulances on the road, getting Doctors and Nurses to their patients at home or to their hospitals. Or maybe the McMillian nurse to the cancer patient, whose having a bad enough time as it is that he's going to die, let alone have to do it in pain. The failure to provide this service could cost lives. It can't be quantified in any statistics but it doesn't take much common sense and a basic understand of "cause and effect" to see the truth in it.

As a result I have considered the situation carefully and decided that I can give some of my time and the use of my car to help out. My costs are met so no issue there. Besides I will, and already have, happily invest in equipment that I don't have but may well need. I'm not going to be a puffed up super hero with flashing lights and HiVi signage on the car. The only thing that will be different is a couple of small stickers and an extra couple of aerials on the roof.

As I said everyone to their own, my path is this way.
oh dear, I'll try polite-as a regular service they have no excuse.
Look after my old neighbours, but you want to save the world.
Done recoveries- would help a regular on here.

Joining a ****er recovery group and **** your vehicle out for free-**** that
Well, still following this an have progressed membership. Went to a induction day today and liked what I saw. Also looking at getting my foundation, and hopefully my intermediate, amateur radio license, of which the 2 metre band is the preferred form of communication. It has much better range compared to 'legal' CB. We can not use anything that is not legal (such as RF burners on the CB) as it reflects on the organisation. Looking forward to this.
Yeah I'm seriously considering joining meself. Long as the CRB check comes out clear. Have led a bit of a misspent yoof.
Must be getting somewhere!! Got issued with me membership number today. :D

Sounds like theres opportunities to have some fun as well as getting some training on various subjects. Still feeling positive and still looking forward to getting involved.
Must be getting somewhere!! Got issued with me membership number today. :D

Sounds like theres opportunities to have some fun as well as getting some training on various subjects. Still feeling positive and still looking forward to getting involved.

Good on ya, it's a chance to expand experience & meet new peep's ... just be careful they don't take the p...
wtf you hearing voices? snigger **** take-never

Each to their own yeah, I've read you're opinion's and to a degree think you're right ... but I live rural and 4x4's and tractor's are sometime's the only mean's of helping/accessing the elderly ... personally I'd help out just to assist a person in aid ... the last thing on my mind is financial gain.
Each to their own yeah, I've read you're opinion's and to a degree think you're right ... but I live rural and 4x4's and tractor's are sometime's the only mean's of helping/accessing the elderly ... personally I'd help out just to assist a person in aid ... the last thing on my mind is financial gain.

I'm only pulling your leg today:D
Hi gents,

I know this thread has been dormant a while. I was reading it as I'm considering joining the Kent 4x4 response team. I just wanted to clarify something. I served it he regular army for 10 years I am ex EOD. The standard army driving course is not dissimilar to a civvies driving course. You do it in a Landy only cause there are loads of them. There are advanced courses for the real off road stuff. Secondly to answer the constant why dont the army deploy in times of emergency, well this is very complicated. In order for the Army to deploy this is called MACP or Military Aid to the Civil Powers, this is something that is not done lightly as it has major ramifications. To give you an idea all of the decades the British army spent iNorthern Ireland fighting the terrorist, which I did several tours, was under the MACP banner. Since the army is only called out when the poop really hits the fan there is no, for want of a better way of saying it, lesser deployment level than MACP.

It should also be noted TA guys aren't trained to the same level as regs regardless of what you are told. to give you an idea, if you are in the TA and have been for years and wish to join the Regs you have to redo basics. Like the police and other emergency services you may see loads of landys sitting in the TA barracks, but you still need to know how to use them in extreme circumstances. No training in a Landy and trying to drive off road or recover people is a disaster waiting to happen. I think that one point that everyone on here will agree with.

We used to say that about the american army, all the gear but no idea.

Anyway hope that clears things up, if troops get deployed its very complex.

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